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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 1,501 - 1,520건 출력
  • 1501
    Book Info
    A narrative of the most remarkable particulars in the life of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, an African prince, as related by himself.
    Gronniosaw, James Albert Ukawsaw
  • 1502
    Book Info
    A narritive [sic] of the extraordinary adventures of four Russian sailors, who were cast away on the desert of East-Spitzbergen, in Greenland; ... printed from the account laid before the Royal Society ... By the cellebrated Joseph Banks, Esq; ...
    Banks, Joseph
  • 1503
    Book Info
    A national change in morals, in Measures, and in Politics necessary to national Prosperity. A discourse preached on Friday the fourth day of February 1780, being the day appointed for a general fast
    Hunter, Henry
  • 1504
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    A new Dorestshire garland
  • 1505
    Book Info
    A new and complete collection of interesting romances and novels; translated from the French, by Mr. Porney, Teacher of the French Language at Richmond, Surry. Designed For Instruction as well as Entertainment, being calculated to convey a general Knowledge of the World; and consisting of the most valuable and important Romances, Novels, Fables, Allegories, Memoirs, Adventures, Histories, Anecdote
  • 1506
    Book Info
    A new and complete collection of voyages and travels: containing all that have been remarkable from the earliest period to the present time ...: comprehending an extensive system of geography, describing, in the most accurate manner, every place worthy of notice, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ...
    Moore, John Hamilton
  • 1507
    Book Info
    A new and easy introduction to universal geography. In a series of letters to a youth at school; describing the figure, motions, and dimension of the Earth; the different seasons of the year; the situation and extent of the several empires, kingdoms, states, and provinces; their government, customs, religion, and manners. &c. To which is added six useful and necessary tables, &c. By the Rev. R. Tu
    Turner, R
  • 1508
    Book Info
    A new and easy method of curing the lues venerea, by the introduction of mercury into the system through the orifices of the absorbent versels on the inside of the mouth. With the Remarks of Dr. Hunter and Mr. Cruikshank in favour of this Practice. Also an essay on abscesses, and other observations in surgery. By Peter Clare, Surgeon
    Clare, Peter
  • 1509
    Book Info
    A new directory for the East-Indies: containing, I. The first discoveries made in the East-Indies by European voyagers ... VI. Directions for sailing to and from the East-Indies, ... The whole being a work originally begun upon the plan of the oriental Neptune, augmented and improved by Mr. Willm. Herbert, Mr. Willm. Nichelson, and others; and now methodised, corrected, and further enlarged, by Sa
    Herbert, William
  • 1510
    Book Info
    A new edition, being the Thirteenth, (in which the Appendix is considerably extended.) of sketches from nature, in high preservation, by the most honourable masters. Containing upwards of one hundred and fifty portraits, or characters, of the Most conspicuous Persons in the Kingdom
  • 1511
    Book Info
    A new edition, corrected to the 30th of January, of The court and city register; or, gentleman's complete annual calendar, for the year 1780; containing, I. New and correct lists of both houses of Parliament. II. The court register. III. Lists of the army, navy, Universities, Public Offices, Hospitals, &c. With many Improvements, and the Addition of some new Lists
  • 1512
    Book Info
    A new garland containing three excellent new songs. 1. Cadtain [sic] Ward and the rainbow. 2. The willow-will. [sic] 3. The lady who fell in love with a prentice boy
  • 1513
    Book Info
    A new garland, containing 6 favorite songs. 1 The broom of cowdenknows. 2 As now my bloom. 3 The country wedding. 4 Balance a straw. 5 Patty of the mill. 6 The bird
  • 1514
    Book Info
    A new history in four parts. Being An Account of a Monarch of Greece. Who endeavoured to prevent the Decree of Fate, with respect to his Son, who should murder his Father. To prevent which, he is taken by a Nobleman in his Infancy, and brought up in all the Grandeur possible. When arrived at the Age of Nineteen, he got Leave from his supposed Parents to travel, then went into his Fathers dominions
  • 1515
    Book Info
    A new history of England, in verse; or the entertaining British memorialist. Containing The Annals of Great Britain, From The Roman Invasion to the Present Time. Designed More particularly for the Use of Youth; But Serving at the same Time to Refresh the Memories of Persons in Riper Years. With AN Introduction Concerning The Nature And Study Of History. By Charles Egerton, Esq;
    Egerton, Charles
  • 1516
    Book Info
    A new pocket companion for Oxford: or, guide through the University. Containing an accurate description of the public edifices, the buildings in each of the colleges; the gardens, ... To which are added, descriptions of the buildings, ... at Blenheim, Ditchley, Heythrop, Nuneham and Stow, ... A new edition, corrected, much enlarged, and adorned with a plan of the university and city, and six othe
  • 1517
    Book Info
    A new prophesy [sic]; Or, An Account Of a young Girl, not above Eight Years of Age: Who being in a Trance, or lay as dead for the Space of Forty Eight Hours. With an Account of the Strange and Wonderful Sight that she see in the other World. With an alarm from Heaven to the Inhabitants of the Earth: Giving an Account how crving Sins of the Day and Time do provoke the Almighty. With strange and won
  • 1518
    Book Info
    A new song, Called The King of the Scamps
  • 1519
    Book Info
    A new song, The Sailor's Frolic
  • 1520
    Book Info
    A new song, called Shannon side