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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 1,781 - 1,800건 출력
  • 1781
    Book Info
    A new treatise on short hand, reduced to so plain, easy and concise a method, that any person, by a few days application, may make himself master of this useful art
  • 1782
    Book Info
    A new version of the Psalms of David, ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ...
  • 1783
    Book Info
    Nature, philosophy, and art in friendship. An essay. In four parts. I. Demonstrating the necessity and practicability of building all manner of houses proof against fire and Vermin; together with several curious and useful Observations on the Statutes relating to Builders, and Remarks on some capital Buildings lately erected in Westminster. II. An entire new Plan of constructing Chimnies, so as th
    Cauty, William
  • 1784
    Book Info
    Nautical remarks and observations for the chart of the harbour of Boston. Composed from different surveys; but principally from that taken in 1769, by Mr. George Callendar, Late Master of His Majesty's Ship the Romney
    Callendar, George
  • 1785
    Book Info
    Nautical remarks and observations for the chart of the harbour of Boston. Composed from surveys, &c. taken at different times
    Callendar, George
  • 1786
    Book Info
    New articles of the game of cricket, as settled and revised at the Star and Garter, Pallmall, February the 25th, 1774; by a committee of noblemen and gentlemen of Kent, &c. To which is added the old laws, as settled by the several cricket-clubs. Embellished with a neat copper-plate of the Representation of the Game
  • 1787
    Book Info
    New books in anatomy, midwifery, medicine, experimental philosophy and topography, printed for J. Johnson, ... London
    Johnson, Joseph
  • 1788
    Book Info
    New books, printed according to Act of Parliament, continue to be sold as usual by John Donaldson, now the sole proprietor of the shop no.195 the corner of Arundel Street in the Strand, London, known by the Name of the only Shop for Cheap Books, where the business has from the 1st of October, 1765, been carried on by him for himself and his late Partner Alexander Donaldson of Edinburgh
    Donaldson, John
  • 1789
    Book Info
    New geographical tables. Exhibiting at one view all the empires, kingdoms, states, republics, provinces, title, position, situation, extent, climates, boundaries, sub-divisions, square miles, cities, chief towns, coronation places, villages, latitude, longitude, bearing, forts, ports, oceans, seas, gulphs, bays, streights, islands, isthmuses, capes, promontories, rivers, lakes, mineral waters, mou
    Povoleri, Giovanni
  • 1790
    Book Info
    New translation of the Adelphi of Terence into blank verse, with notes by the translator
  • 1791
    Book Info
    News extraordinary, from a country school-master
  • 1792
    Book Info
    Nimble and quick, Pick and chuse where you will. Here is something to please every body. Containing, The humours of the age, being whimsical, diverting, witty and comical. With useful remarks on the virtues and vices of the times
  • 1793
    Book Info
    Nimble and quick. Pick and chuse where you will. Here is something to fit and please every body. Containing The humours of the age, being whimsical, witty, diverting, and comical. With useful remarks on the virtues and vices of the times
  • 1794
    Book Info
    Nixon's Cheshire prophecy at large. As published from the Lady Cowper's correct copy, in the reign of Queen Anne. With historical and political remarks. And several instahces [sic] wherein it has been fulfilled. To which is added, the life of Nixon
    Nixon, Robert
  • 1795
    Book Info
    No poll at the Castle: No boggy Closes: A clear stage: Freedom and Hungerford for Ever
  • 1796
    Book Info
    No, no, A new song sung at Vaux Hall. By Mr. Vernon
    T. W
  • 1797
    Book Info
    Notice having been sent this morning, that Mr. Barry was suddenly attacked with a severe fit of the gout, ... Mr. Hull ... has undertaken, ... to get through Mr. Barry's character of Artabasus, ...
    Theatre Royal (Covent Garden, London, England)
  • 1798
    Book Info
    Nuances de la verité. Par un citoyen du monde
    Citoyen du monde
  • 1799
    Book Info
    Number I. America displayd, and truth discovered: being a repository of American intelligences; in three parts. Viz. I. A geographical description of the British empire in America. And a View of the Benefits accruing to Great-Britain from her Colonies. II. A candid and impartial history of the cause, rise, and progress of our civil broils, from their beginning in 1754, to this time. III. A faithfu
  • 1800
    Book Info
    Nymphomania, or, a dissertation concerning the furor uterinus. Clearly and methodically explaining the beginning, progress, and different causes of that horrible distemper. To which are added, the methods of treating the several stages of it, and the most approved remedies Written originally in French by M. D. T. De Bienville, M.D. and translated by Edward Sloane Wilmot, M.D.
    Bienville, D. T. de