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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 12,494건 중 321 - 340건 출력
  • 321
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    The speech of Thomas Goold, Esquire, in the Irish House of Commons, February 14, 1800, on the subject of an incorporate union of Great Britain and Ireland
  • 322
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    The speech of the Honourable Charles James Fox, in the House of Commons, on Monday, the 3d of February, 1800, on a motion for an address to the throne, approving of the refusal of ministers to treat with the French Republic
  • 323
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    The speech of the Honourable Charles James Fox. In the House of Commons, on Monday, the 3d of February, 1800, on a motion for an address to the throne, approving of the refusal of ministers to treat with the French Republic
  • 324
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    The speech of the Right Honorable Lord Viscount Castlereagh, upon delivering to the House of Commons of Ireland His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant's message on the subject of an incorporating union with Great Britain, with the Resolutions; Containing the Terms on which it is Proposed to Carry that Measure into Effect. February 5, 1800
  • 325
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    The speech of the Right Honourable Barry, Lord Yelverton, Chief Baron of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer, in the House of Lords of Ireland, on Saturday, March 22, 1800; in the debate on the fourth article of a legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland. Published by Authority
  • 326
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    The speech of the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, As spoken by him at a numerous Assembly of Noblemen and Gentlemen at the Shakespeare Tavern, London, met for the purpose of celebrating his first election for the city of Westminster, October 10, 1800
  • 327
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    The speech of the Right Honourable John Foster, Speaker of the House ofC [sic] ommons of Ireland, delivered in committee, on Monday the 17th day of February, 1800
  • 328
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    The speech of the Right Honourable John, Earl of Clare, Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, in the House of Lords of Ireland, on a motion made by him, on Monday, February 10, 1800, ``that, in order to promote and secure the essential Interests of Great Britain and Ireland, and to consolidate the Strength, Power, and Resources of the British Empire, it will be advisable to concur in such Measures as m
  • 329
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    The speech of the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Carleton, Chief Justice of the Court Of Common Pleas, in the House of Lords of Ireland, on Monday, the 10th of February, 1800, on the Following resolution: 'that in Order to promote and secure the essential Interests of Great Britain and Ireland, and to consolidate the Strength, Power, and Resources of the British Empire, it will be adviseable to co
  • 330
    Book Info
    The speech of the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Castlereagh, upon delivering to the House of Commons of Ireland, His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant's message on the subject of an incorporating union with Great Britain, With The Resolutions; containing the terms on which it is proposed to carry that measure into effect. February 5, 1800
  • 331
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    The speech of the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Castlreagh, upon delivering to the House of Commons of Ireland, His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant's message on the subject of an incorporating union with Great Britain, with the resolutions; containing the terms on which it is proposed to carry that measure into effect. February 5, 1800
  • 332
    Book Info
    The spirit of Turretville: or, the mysterious resemblance. A romance of the twelfth century: When Superstition, mid the Cloister's gloom, Saw the pale Spectre issue from the Tomb, When clatt'ring Armour cas'd each Warrior bold; An Iron Age: unlike this Age of Gold: In two volumes. ...
  • 333
    Book Info
    The spirit of marine law, or compendium of the statutes relating to the Admiralty; being a concise but perspicuous abridgment of all the acts relative to navigation. Alphabetically arranged, and the substance and references to the several clauses placed in the margin. By John Irving Maxwell, of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, and late of the Royal Navy
  • 334
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    The spirit of masonry in moral and elucidatory lectures. By Wm Hutchinson Master of the Barnardcastle Lodge of Concord
  • 335
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    The spirit of the Elbe: a romance. In two volumes. ...
  • 336
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    The spirit of the public journals for 1799. Being an impartial selection of the most exquisite essays and jeux d'esprits, Principally Prose, That Appear In The Newspapers And Other Publications. With explanatory notes. Vol. III. To be continued annually
  • 337
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    The sportsman's dictionary; or, the gentleman's companion: for town and country. Containing full and particular instructions for Riding, Hunting, Fowling, Setting, Fishing, Racing, Farriery, Cocking, Hawking, &c. With The various Methods to be observed in Breeding and Dieting of Horses both for the Road and Turf; also, The Management of Dogs, Game-Cocks, Dunghill-Fowls, Turkies, Geese, Ducks, Dove
  • 338
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    The sprightly jester; or, coffee-house companion: a collection of smart jests, for the wits of all classes, Jovial, Sprightly, or the Loungers. To be read by the cit over his pipe, young buck with molly at the bar, or the Jessamy sipping his capilaire; with a frontispiece of a Coffee-House scene near the Royal Exchange, or rare news
  • 339
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    The squire outwitted by his housekeeper. A new song,
  • 340
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    The state of the charity for the relief of poor clergymen, and their widows and children, in Essex, and that part of Hertfordshire which is within the diocese of London, as it stood at the court of audit, holden at Chelmsford, on Tuesday the 13th day of August, 1799, and by adjournment to Tuesday the 13th of October following. - Subscriptions and Donations to this Charity are received by Messrs. G