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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 12,494건 중 361 - 380건 출력
  • 361
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    A second letter to the Right Honorable William Pitt
  • 362
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    A second letter to the electors of Ireland, on the projected measure of an union. By a freeholder
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    A second remonstrance from the R.R. Dr. F. Moylan, the Roman Catholic bishop of Cork, to the lower order of inhabitants in his diocess. April 16. 1799
  • 364
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    A second walk through Wales, by the Revd. Richard Warner, of Bath, in August and September 1798
  • 365
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    A second walk through Wales, by the Revd. Richard Warner, of Bath. In August and September 1798
  • 366
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    A select collection of hymns universally sung in all the Countess of Huntingdon's chapels; with a supplement as used at Gate Street Chapel
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    A selection of favourite catches, glees, &c. as sung at the Bath Harmonic Society, with the Rules of the Society, and a list of the members
  • 368
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    A selection of hymns, from the best authors. Intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watts's Psalms and hymns. By John Rippon, D.D. ...
  • 369
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    A selection of hymns, used in the chapel of the Lock Penitentiary, Dorset-Street,
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    A series of letters, occasioned by the late pastoral admonition of the Church of Scotland, as also, their attempts to suppress the establishment of sabbath schools, addressed to the Society for Propagating the Gospel at home. By Rowland Hill, A.M.
  • 371
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    A series of letters, occasioned by the late pastoral admonition of the Church of Scotland; as also their attempts to suppress the establishment of Sabbath schools. Addressed to The Society for Propagating the Gospel at Home. By Rowland Hill, A. M.
  • 372
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    A serious address to god fathers and godmothers. Shewing the nature of their undertaking, the reason and excellency of the institution, and the happy advantages it gives such Sureties, to Promote the Glory of God, and the Salvation of Souls
  • 373
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    A sermon concerning the excellency and usefulness of the Common prayer. Preached by William Beveridge, D. D. (late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph) at the opening of the parish-church of St. Peter, Cornhill, London, the 27th of November, 1681
  • 374
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    A sermon delivered at Townsend (Ms.) November 15th, at the interment of the Reverend Samuel Dix, A.M. who died November 12th, 1797; in the sixty-second year of his age, and thirty-seventh of his ministry. By Stephen Farrar, A.M. Pastor of the church in New-Ipswich, N.H. Published at the request of the church and people in Townsend, to whom it is respectfully dedicated
  • 375
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    A sermon delivered at Trinity Church in Boston, before the annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Massachusetts, on Tuesday the 28th of May, 1799. By William Harris, Rector of St. Michael's Church, Marblehead
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    A sermon on bankruptcy, stopping payment, and the justice of paying our debts, preached at various churches in the City, by the Rev. William Scott, A. M. Morning Preacher at St. Michael's, Wood Street, and Afternoon Preacher at St. Catherine's, near the Tower. Published at the general request of those who heard it
  • 377
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    A sermon on the duties of the young. By Hugh Blair, D. D. F. R. S. Ed. One of the Ministers of the High Church, and Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in the University, of Edinburgh
  • 378
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    A sermon on the sanctification of the Sabbath, and on the right use and the abuse of Sunday-Schools: preached October 1st, 1797. By the Revd. M. Olerenshaw, Minister Of Mellor, Derbyshire
  • 379
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    A sermon preached June 12, 1799, before His Honor Moses Gill, Esquire, lieutenant governor and commander in chief; the Honorable the Council, Senate and House of Representatives, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at the interment of His Excellency Increase Sumner, Esq. who died June 7, 1799, aet. 53. By Peter Thacher, D.D.
  • 380
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    A sermon preached after a storm, on board of His Majesty's ship Valiant, in Chatham harbour, May 12, 1799. By the Rev. Wm. Tremenheere, Chaplain to the said ship