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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 12,494건 중 441 - 460건 출력
  • 441
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    A short topographical description of His Majesty's province of Upper Canada, in North America. To which is annexed a provincial gazetteer
  • 442
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    A short treatise of the antiquity, institution, excellency, privileges, and indulgences, of the famous Confraternity of our B. Lady of Mount Carmel. Commonly called, the Scapular. To which is added, A brief relation of some notable miracles, wrought by the Divine Power, in favour of such as are vested with that Honourable Badge
  • 443
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    A short treatise on the requisites for confirmation, drawn up for the use of his private pupils: with an introductory dissertation on the sacrament; by the Rev. W. Langford, D. D. Chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty, Canon of Windsor, and under Master of Eton School
  • 444
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    A short view of the history and antiquities of Winchester. With a brief account of the seats of the Neighbouring Nobility, Gentry, &c. Being chiefly extracted from the Rev. Mr. Milner's History and Survey of Winchester, In 2 Vols. 4to
  • 445
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    A simple story, in four volumes, by Mrs. Inchbald. ...
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  • 446
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    A sketch of the ancient and present state of Sherwood Forest, in the county of Nottingham. With four plates. By H. Rooke, Esq. F. S. A.
  • 447
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    A sketch of the most obvious causes of the poverty, ignorance, and general want of civilization amongst the peasantry of Ireland, and a comparison between their situation and that of the peasantry of Great Britain; with a practicable plan for improving their manners, and for making their circumstances more eligible than they have ever been, chiefly by a liberal attention to the Education Of The Ri
  • 448
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    A smooth stone from the brook. Or, an humble attempt to prevent backsliding from the principles of the covenanted Church of Scotland, in some letters to the Rev. George Lawson, by the Reverend William Willis, Minister Of The Gospel, Greenock
  • 449
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    A solemn appeal to the understanding of Christians; in favour of revealed religion. By James Low. A. M. Minister of the Scotch-Church at Rotterdam
  • 450
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    A speech on the characters and deaths, of the Rev. John William Reid, and John Sargint, Esq. delivered from the chair of the Historical Society, Of The University Of Dublin, on Wednesday the twelfth of December, 1798. By John Jebb, A. B. Published At The Request Of The Historical Society
  • 451
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    A statement of facts respecting the designs of a new House of Lords, as ordered by the Lords Committees, and Humbly Submitted to the Consideration of their Lordships, by John Soane, F. A. S. Architect to the Bank of England, and Member of the Royal Academies of London, Parma, & Florence
  • 452
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    A summary exposition of the internal sense of the prophets and the Psalms of David. With a two-fold index to the subjects of the work. Translated from the posthumous works of Emanuel Swedenborg. Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
  • 453
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    A summary history of New-England, from the first settlement at Plymouth, to the acceptance of the federal Constitution. Comprehending a general sketch of the American war. By Hannah Adams. [Ten lines from Dwight's Greenfield Hill] Published according to act of Congress
  • 454
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    A summary view of the essential doctrines of the Christian faith: in a series of extracts, taken from the theological writings of The Hon. Emanuel Swedenborg. With elucidatory notes by A Minister of the New Church
  • 455
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    A supplement to the Remarks on the signs of the times; with many additional remarks. By Edward King Esq. F.R.S. A.S.
  • 456
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    A supplemental apology for the believers in the Shakspeare-Papers: being a reply to Mr. Malone's answer, which was early announced, but never published: with a dedication to George Steevens, F.R.S. S.A. and a postscript to T. J. Mathias, F.R.S. S.A. the author of the pursuits of literature. By George Chalmers, F.R.S. S.A.
  • 457
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    A survey of the Turkish empire. In which are considered, I. Its government, Finances, Military And Naval Force, Religion, History, Arts, Sciences, Manners, Commerce, and Population. II. The state of the provinces, Including the ancient Government of the Crim Tatars, The Subjection of the Greeks, Their Efforts Toward Emancipation, And the Interest of other Nations, Particularly of Great Britain, in
  • 458
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    A survey of the houses and lands in the township of Nantwich, taken and valued by Messrs. Cheney, Cartwright & Naylor, and the whole revised by Messrs. Bate, Wicksted, Skerrett, Leversage & Hewitt, being part of a acommittee appointed at a vestry held in the parish churc of Nantwich aforesaid, on the 30th. day of September 1792
  • 459
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    A system of familiar philosophy: in twelve lectures, being the course usually read by Mr. A. Walker. Containing the elements and the practical uses to be drawn from the chemical properties of matter; the principles and application of mechanics; of hydrostatics; of hydraulics; of pneumatics; of magnetism; of electricity; of optics; and of astronomy. Including every material modern discovery and imp
  • 460
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    A system of seamanship, and naval tactics. Extracted from the Encyclopaedia, published by Thomas Dobson. Illustrated with copperplates