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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 12,494건 중 501 - 520건 출력
  • 501
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    Shakspeares seven ages of man illustrated
  • 502
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    She stoops to conquer; or, the mistakes of a night. A comedy, by Dr. Goldsmith. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers
  • 503
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    Sheridan and Kotzebue. The enterprising adventures of Pizarro, preceded by a brief sketch of the voyages and discoveries of Columbus and Cortez: to which are Subjoined the Histories of Alonzo and Cora, On which Kotzebüe founded his two celebrated Plays of the Virgin of the Sun and the Death of Rolla. Also Varieties and Oppositions of Criticisms on The Play of Pizarro: with biographical sketches of
  • 504
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    Sigevart, a tale. Translated from the German, By H. L. ...
  • 505
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    Sighs; or, the daughter, a comedy, in five acts; as it is performed at the Theatre Royal Hay-Market. Taken from the German drama of Kotzebue; with alterations, by Prince Hoare
  • 506
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    Sigismar. By the author of Villeroy. In three volumes ...
  • 507
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    Sir Edward Newenham having procured some of the printed reports of the secret committee of the British House of Commons, thinks he is only doing his duty to his country, by making them as public as he can in the city and neighbourhood of Henford. For this purpose, one Copy is left at the Mitre Coffee-Room, one at the New Inn, (where Mr. Green has been so kind as to appropriate a room from eight o'
  • 508
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    Sir, The Office of Principal Land Sea-Coal Meter having become vacant by the death of Mr. R. Dixon, and being encouraged by many very sincere and respectable friends, I presume to offer myself a candidate, and earnestly to solicit the favour of your vote and interest, to succeed to that appointment. The respectable Inhabitants of the Ward of Bridge, did me the Honour during Twenty-Eight successive
  • 509
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    Sir, it having been my Intention to present a Petition to the Court of Common-Council, holden this Day: the prayer of which went to request a suspension of the twenty-fifth standing order of the court; by which I was precluded from becoming a candidate for any place of emolument, in the gift of the said court, while I continued a member thereof. Although I have ever thought the Intention of that O
  • 510
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    Sir, the Union fire office being removed from Maiden-Lane to Cornhill, the directors take this mode of giving you notice of the change of situation; and request the favor [sic] of your exertions to procure insurances with the Society, as you find opportunity, for the general advantage of yourself and the other insurers. ...
  • 511
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    Sketch of a prospectus of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, incorporated by charter M,DCC,XCIX
  • 512
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    Sketches of Irish political characters, of the present day, shewing the parts they respectively take on the question of the union, what places they hold, their characters as speakers, &c. &c.
  • 513
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    Sketches of modern life; or, man as he ought not to be. A novel. In two volumes. ...
  • 514
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    Solitude considered, with respect to its influence upon the mind and the heart. Written originally in German by M. Zimmerman, Aulic Counsellor And Physician To His Britannic Majesty At Hanover. Translated from the French of J. B. Mercier
  • 515
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    Solitude considered, with respect to its influence upon the mind and the heart. Written orignally in German by M. Zimmermann, translated from the French of J. B. Mercier
  • 516
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    Solitude, written originally by J. G. Zimmerman. To which are added, the life of the author; notes historical and explanatory; a copious index; and seven beautiful engravings by Ridley
  • 517
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    Solomon's ethics, or the book of Proverbs made easy; a school book, And seasonable Present for the Youth of both Sexes, from such as can spare. By William Dalrymple, D. D. One Of The Ministers Of Air. The profits, if any, to go into a contribution for the Widows and Children of the brave Seamen and Marines who fell in the late Glorious Action on the first of August, 1798, under Admiral Sir Horatio
  • 518
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    Solyman and Almena. An Oriental tale. By Dr. John Langhorne
  • 519
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    Some account of the institution and management of the School of Industry, in Sheffield, for Poor Girls
  • 520
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    Some account of the life and gospel labours, of William Reckitt