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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 2,061 - 2,080건 출력
  • 2061
    Book Info
    The travels of Lemuel Gulliver, into several remote Nations of the World. Who was first a Surgeon, and then a Captain of several Ships. In four parts. Illustrated with copperplates
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 2062
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    The trial of Abraham. In four cantos. Translated from the German
    Wieland, Christoph Martin
  • 2063
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    The trial of Andrew Robinson Bowes, Esq. Edward Lucas, Francis Peacock, Mark Prevot, ... and Thomas Bowes, attorney at law, on Wednesday, the 30th day of May, 1787, ... for a conspiracy against the Right Hon. Mary Eleanor Bowes, commonly called Countess of Strathmore. ... Taken in short hand by E. Hodgson, ...
    Bowes, Andrew Robinson Stoney
  • 2064
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    The trial of Mrs. Lydia Sheridan, wife of Major Henry Sheridan, for adultery with Francis Newman, Esq. tried in the Bishop of London's court, Doctor's Commons
    Sheridan, Henry Fortich
  • 2065
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    The trial of Thomas Smith, and John Kennedy, for a highway robbery, committed on the body of John Matthews, in the Parish of Rickmersworth, Herts, on Sunday Evening the 13th of May last. AS Also, A particular Account of the Circumstances attending the discovery thereof, and of the Persons of the Robbers
    Smith, Thomas
  • 2066
    Book Info
    The triumph of faith over the world, the flesh, and the devil; exemplified in the life, death, and spiritual experience, of that burning and shining light Mrs. Joanna Turner, Who departed this Life on the 24th of December 1784, In the Fifty-Third Year of her Age
    Wells, Mary
  • 2067
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    The triumphs of free-grace; with letters upon important subjects. By Richard Burnham
    Burnham, Richard
  • 2068
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    The true Christian method of educating children: a sermon preached in the parish-church of St. Sepulchre, at the anniversary meeting of the children educated in the charity-schools about the cities of London and Westminster. On May 28, 1724. Being Thursday in Whitsun-Week. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas, Lord Bisho of Sodor and Mann
    Wilson, Thomas
  • 2069
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    The true alarm! An essay. Shewing the pernicious influence of houses of industry, on the political interests of this country
    Alderson, R
  • 2070
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    The true policy of Great-Britain considered. By Sir Francis Blake, Bart
    Blake, Francis
  • 2071
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    The twin-Brothers; or, a new book of discipline for infidels and old offenders. In prose and verse
  • 2072
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    The two farmers, an exemplary tale: designed to recommend the practice of benevolence, towards mankind, and all other living creatures; and the religious observance of the Sabbath-Day. By Mrs. Trimmer
  • 2073
    Book Info
    This day is published at W. Sleater's, No. 28, Dame-Street, Price Twelve Guineas bound, in five Volumes folio calf and lettered, the Index and Plates making a separate Volume. Chamber's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, improved and illustrated with a great number of Copper-Plates
    Sleater, William
  • 2074
    Book Info
    This is to give notice that William Miller of Morcombe-Lake, near Bridport, Dorset, on the 18th of Oct. last, was at Chesselborne Fair in the County of Somerset, with two Mares to Sell, the one black, the other Bay; he did not Sell either of them, but the same Night stop'd at Lopen in the County aforesaid, at the House of Mr. Joseph Denman, a Shopkeeper, and the next Morning went from thence with
    Miller, William
  • 2075
    Book Info
    This present evening, will be performed all the art and dexterity of hand, in its various branches. The so much famed English Hussar, is just arrived from London, and means to display his uncommon deceptions, ...
  • 2076
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    Thoughts and sentiments on the evil and wicked traffic of the slavery and commerce of the human species, humbly submitted to the inhabitants of Great-Britain, by Ottobah Cugoano, A Native of Africa
    Cugoano, Ottobah
  • 2077
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    Thoughts hastily expressed; occasioned by the alarming increase of justiciary trials at Glasgow, and humbly recommended to the consideration of those who can add efficacy to conviction of truth
  • 2078
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    Thoughts on the conduct both of ministers and opposition; submitted, by a true-born Englishman, to the serious consideration of his countrymen
    True-born Englishman
  • 2079
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    Thoughts on the education of daughters: with reflections on female conduct, in the more important duties of life. By Mary Wollstonecraft
    Wollstonecraft, Mary
  • 2080
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    Thoughts on the fatal consequences of female prostitution; together with the outlines of a plan proposed to check those enormous evils. Humbly addressed to the consideration of the nobility and gentry in general. By Thomas Scott, Morning Preacher at the Lock Chapel, and Attendant on the Patients in the Hospital
    Scott, Thomas