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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 2,161 - 2,180건 출력
  • 2161
    Book Info
    The traveller, a poem. By Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.
    Goldsmith, Oliver
  • 2162
    Book Info
    The treasure of the French and English languages: containing, I. A vocabulary, French and English. II. Common forms of speech upon the most familiar and useful Subjects. III. A collection of proverbs, Common Sayings, Maxims, &c. Being equally necessary to the French, and other Foreigners, understanding French, to learn English; and the best, if not the only, Help extant for them to attain to the K
    Chambaud, Lewis
  • 2163
    Book Info
    The treble almanack for the year MDCCLXXXVI. Containing I. Watson's Irish almanack, II. Exshaw's English court registry, III. Wilson's Dublin directory, with a new correct plan of the city. Forming the most complete lists published of the present civil, military, and naval establishments of Great Britain and Ireland. Printed by authority
    Wilson, William
  • 2164
    Book Info
    The trial at large, in several informations in the nature of a quo warranto, the King, on the prosecution of James Templar, Esq. his Majesty's Coroner, against Mr. Thomas Amery, one of the twenty-four aldermen, and Mr. John Monk, one of the forty common-council-men, of the city of Chester; on the relation of Ralph Eddowes, of the said City, merchant: Before Sir James Eyre, Knight, one of the Baron
    Amery, Thomas
  • 2165
    Book Info
    The trial at large, in several informations in the nature of a quo warranto, the King, on the prosecution of James Templar, Esq. his Majesty's coroner, against Mr. Thomas Amery, one of the twenty-four aldermen, and Mr. John Monk, one of the forty common-council-men, of the city of Chester; on the relation of Ralph Eddowes, ... merchant: ...
    Amery, Thomas
  • 2166
    Book Info
    The trial between William Fawkener, Esq; (clerk of the Privy-Council) plaintiff, and the Honourable John Townshend, (son of Lord Viscount Townshend) defendant; for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife, (late Miss Poyntz;) Before the Honourable Francis Buller, Esq; one of the Judges of His Majesty's Court of King's Bench, in Westminster-Hall, On Wednesday the 12th of July, 1786. with som
    Fawkener, William
  • 2167
    Book Info
    The trial of Emanuel Jacoma, a Greek, before Mr. Justice Buller, and a special jury, in the Court of King's Bench, for wilfully setting fire to his house, in order to defraud the Phoenix Insurance Office of six hundred and fifty pounds
    Jacoma, Emanuel
  • 2168
    Book Info
    The trial of Isaac Prescott, Esq. a captain in the Royal Navy, ... for wanton, tyrannical, unprovoked, and savage cruelty, towards Jane Prescott, his wife, ... Setting forth the whole of the evidence upon that remarkable trial, in the Consistory Court at Doctors Commons. ...
    Prescott, Isaac
  • 2169
    Book Info
    The trial of James Mair, for wilful and corrupt perjury. Tried at Nisi Prius, the Sittings after Trinity Term, 26 Geo. III. at Westminster, before Mr. Justice Buller, and a special jury, in the Court of King's Bench, [sic]
    Mair, James
  • 2170
    Book Info
    The trial of John Motherhill, for a rape, on the body of Catherine Wade, Daughter of John Wade, Esq. Master of the Ceremonies at Brighthelmstone. Tried Before Mr. Justice Ashurst, at the Lent assizes for the county of Sussex, held at East Grinstead, on Tuesday, the 21st of March, 1786
    Motherhill, John
  • 2171
    Book Info
    The trial of John Motherhill, for committing a rape on the body of Miss Catharine Wade. Tried at the assize holden at East Grinstead for the County of Sussex, on Tuesday the 21st of March, 1786, Before the Hon. Sir William Henry Ashhurst, Knt. One of the Justices of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench. Taken in short-hand by Joseph Gurney
    Motherhill, John
  • 2172
    Book Info
    The trial of John Motherhill, for committing a rape on the body of Miss Catharine Wade. Tried at the assize holden at East Grinstead for the county of Sussex, on Tuesday the 21st of March, 1786, Before the Hon. Sir William Henry Ashhurst, Knt. One of the Justices of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench. Taken in Short-Hand, by Joseph Gurney
    Motherhill, John
  • 2173
    Book Info
    The trial of John Shilling, for the wilful murder of Mr. John Raven, of Burnham Westgate, carrier, at the Lent assizes, 1786, holden at Thetford, before Sir George Nares, Knt. One of His Majesty's Justices of the Court of Common Pleas; in the sheriffalty of Francis Long, Esq. Taken in court
    Shilling, John
  • 2174
    Book Info
    The trial of Michael Walker, Richard Payne, and John Cox, for the wilful murder of Mr. Duncan Robertson, In Holborn, Who were Tried at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey, On Friday the 15th of December, 1786. Taken in short-hand by E. Hodgson, professor of short-hand; And Published by Authority. Number I. Part I. of the Sessions Paper
    Great Britain
  • 2175
    Book Info
    The trial, at full length, as taken down by Mr. Blanchard, short-hand writer, between Mr. John Hayman, ... plaintiff, and Mr. William Norton, ... before Lord Loughborough, in the Common Pleas, Westminster, July 10th, 1786. ...
    Hayman, John
  • 2176
    Book Info
    The trials of George Robert Fitzgerald, Esq; Timothy Brecknock, James Fulton, and others, for the procurement of, and for the murder of Patrick Randall Mc.Donnell and Charles Hipson. Also the trial of John Gallagher and Others, for an Assault on George Ropert Fitz-Gerald, in the Gaol of Castlebar. The speech of George Robert Fitzgerald, Esq; previous to his receiving Sentence-The Arguments of Coun
    Fitzgerald, George Robert
  • 2177
    Book Info
    The trials of George Robert Fitzgerald, Esq; and Timothy Brecknock, for the procurement of James Fulton and others, for the murder of Pat. Ran. M'Donnell and Charles Hipson. Also the trial of John Gallagher and others, for an assault on Geo. Rob. Fitzgerald, in the gaol of Castlebar. The speech of G.R. Fitzgerald, Esq; previous to his receiving sentence - the arguments of counsel - the Lord Chief
    Fitzgerald, George Robert
  • 2178
    Book Info
    The triumph of benevolence: occasioned by the national design of erecting a monument to John Howard, Esq.
  • 2179
    Book Info
    The triumph of benevolence; a poem. Occasioned by the national design of erecting a monument to John Howard, Esq. A new edition, corrected and enlarged; to which are added, stanzas on the death of Jonas Hanway, Esq.
  • 2180
    Book Info
    The triumph of benevolence; or, the history of Francis Wills. By the autor [sic] of The vicar of Wakefield. ...
    Author of the Vicar of Wakefield