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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 2,601 - 2,620건 출력
  • 2601
    Book Info
    To the Worshipful William Marshall, Esq; Mayor, ... of Northampton, this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Richard Claridge
    Northampton (England)
  • 2602
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    To the editor of the General Evening Post. Sir, charm'd to a high degree with the unparalleled scenes I have beheld in Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire, please to let your paper convey my ideas of them ...
    Crosthwaite, Peter
  • 2603
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    To the members of the College of Justice
    Ross, Walter
  • 2604
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    To the representatives in Parliament for the several counties of Great Britain, the high sheriffs, and grand juries at the ensuing Lent assize, are submitted, for ... consideration, the following brief remarks upon a petition framed by the land owners, and growers of wool in the county of Lincoln, ...
  • 2605
    Book Info
    To the worthy electors of the borough of Southwark
  • 2606
    Book Info
    Tracts of the learned and celebrated antiquarian Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty. Videlizet, I. A peculiar promptuar of time; wherein is displayed a most exact Directory for all particular Chronologies in any Family whatsoever. II. The two pedigree, and Lineal Descent, of the most ancient and honourable Family of the Urquharts in the House of Cromarty, from the Creation of the World until the Year
    Urquhart, Thomas
  • 2607
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    Translated specimens of Welsh poetry in English verse. With some original pieces and notes. By John Walters, B. A. Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford
    Walters, John
  • 2608
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    Translations and paraphrases, in verse, of several passages of sacred scripture. Collected and prepared by a committee of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, ...
    Church of Scotland
  • 2609
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    Travelling anecdotes through various parts of Europe. In two volumes. ...
    Douglas, James
  • 2610
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    Travels into several remote nations of the world. By Lemuel Gulliver, ... In two volumes. By Dean Swift.
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 2611
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    Travels through Spain, with a view to illustrate the natural history and physical geography of that kingdom, in a series of letters. Interspersed with Historical Anecdotes; adorned with copper-plates and a new map of Spain; written in the Course of a Late Tour through that Kingdom. by John Talbot Dillon, Knight and Baron of the Sacred Roman Empire
    Dillon, John Talbot
  • 2612
    Book Info
    Tri o ymddiddanion, rhwng gweinidog ac un o'i blwyfolion; AR Gywir Egwyddorion Crefydd, AC Iechydwriaeth i Bechaduriaid drwy Iesu Grist, Yr unig Waredwr ac Iachawdwr. Gan y Parchedig Tho. Vivian, A. B. Ficar Cornwood, Defon, yn ddiweddar o Golege Exeter, yn Rhydychain. A gyfieuthwyd i'r Cymraeg allan o'r Pedwarydd Argraphiad ar Ddeg yn Saisonaeg, gan y Parchedig W. Williams, A. B. Curat Caergybi
    Vivian, Thomas
  • 2613
    Book Info
    Trial of an action for thirty seven thousand pounds, brought by Paul Benfield, Esq; against Samuel Petrie, Esq; upon a charge of bribery. Tried at Salisbury, the 12th of March 1782, Before Sir Richard Perryn, Knt. One of the Barons of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer. The Opening and Reply of Mr. Serjeant Grosse; the Defence of Mr. Burke; the Arguments of Mr. Pitt, Mr. Batt, and Mr. Watson, the Ch
    Benfield, Paul
  • 2614
    Book Info
    Tricipitina. A classical, heroical poem, in Latin, English and French; dedicated with humble submission for the perusal of three modern men of honour, who with an undaunted spirit of chivalry, gallantry and heroism assaulted and threatened death and destruction to the author, instead of paying like gentlemen for their mistress's clothes
    Caske, John
  • 2615
    Book Info
    Trodden down strength, by the god of strength. Or, Mrs. Drake revived. Shewing her Remarkable and Rare Case, Great and Many Uncouth Afflictions, for Ten Years Together. Together with the Strange and Wonderful Manner how the Lord Revealed Himself Unto her, a Few Days before her Death. A new edition. By John Hart
    Hart, John
  • 2616
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    Truth exploded; or, the art of lying and swearing made easy, and its usefulness explain'd; with suitable documents for the honorable professors of the noble art. By a cobler of Cripplegate-Ward, London
  • 2617
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    Tutti gli epigrammi di M. Val. Marziale. Fedelmente trasportati in Italiano da Giuspanio Graglia, torinese. E dilucidati con utilissime annotazioni. In due volumi. ...
  • 2618
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    Two ancient Scottish poems; the Gaberlunzie-Man and Christ's Kirk on the Green. With notes and observations. By John Callander, Esq. of Craigforth
  • 2619
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    Two discourses; I. On habitual devotion, II. On the duty of not living to ourselves; ... By Joseph Priestley, ...
    Priestley, Joseph
  • 2620
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    Two dissertations. I. On the Græcian mythology. II. An examination of Sir Isaac Newton's objections to the chronology of the Olympiads. By the late Samuel Musgrave, ...
    Musgrave, Samuel