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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 2,621 - 2,640건 출력
  • 2621
    Book Info
    Two dithyrambic odes: I. On enthusiasm. II. To laughter. By the author of Rimes.
    Pinkerton, John
  • 2622
    Book Info
    Two letters addressed to Sir Thomas Charles Bunbury, member of Parliament for the county of Suffolk, in February 1781, previous to the late subscriptions raised by the noblemen and gentlemen of that county, for building a ship of the line for the public service. With notes and additions. By a Freeholder of Suffolk
    Freeholder of Suffolk
  • 2623
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    Two letters from W. Graves, Esq; respecting the conduct of Rear Admiral Thomas Graves, in North America, during his accidental command there for four months in 1781
    Graves, W
  • 2624
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    Two memorials, not originally intended for publication, now published: with an explanatory preface
    Pownall, Thomas
  • 2625
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    Two sermons upon the benefits of incorporated charity schools. By Edward Owen, ...
    Owen, Edward
  • 2626
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    Two sermons, on sanctification. By Joseph Benson
    Benson, Joseph
  • 2627
    Book Info
    Two short catechisms mutually connected; the questions of the former being generally supposed and omitted in the latter. The former contains the most of what is absolutely necessary to be known, in order to salvation; and may be taught children before they can read. The latter contains the most of what is necessary to be known, in order to admission to the Lord's table; and being a brief explicati
    Brown, John
  • 2628
    Book Info
    Tyrannicide proved lawful, from the practice and writings of Jews, heathens, and Christians; a discourse delivered in the mines at Symsbury, in the colony of Connecticut, to the Loyalists confined there by order of the Congress. On September 19, 1781. By Simeon Baxter. A Licentiate in Divinity, and voluntary Chaplain to those Prisoners in the Apartment called Orcus
    Baxter, Simeon
  • 2629
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    Tystiolaeth o ffydd ac ymarferiad eglwys Crist, yn Carter-Lane, Southwarc, yn Llundain; tan ofal gweinidogaethol Dr. John Gill: ... A gyfieithwyd, ac a gyhoeddwyd ar draul Dafydd Hughes, ...
    Gill, John
  • 2630
    Book Info
    A tale of a tub. Written for the universal improvement of mankind. To which is added an Account of a battle between antient and modern books in St. James's Library. By Dr. Swift. In two volumes. ...
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 2631
    Book Info
    A tale of a tub. Written for the universal improvement of mankind. To which is added, An account of a battle between the ancient and modern books in St. James's library. With the author's apology; and explanatory notes, by W. Wotton, ...
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 2632
    Book Info
    A testimony to the truth as it is in Jesus: or a declaration of the faith and practice of the Church in Christ under the pastoral care of Mr. Thomas Craner, meeting in Jewin Street, London; as it was delivered at the ordination of the said Mr. Craner, on October the 21st 1759
  • 2633
    Book Info
    A third letter to Dr. Newcome, Bishop of Waterford, on the duration of our Saviour's ministry. By Joseph Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S.
    Priestley, Joseph
  • 2634
    Book Info
    A tide table shewing the (solar) times of high water, and also the heights of the tides, at the Custom-House dock-gates, Liverpool; for the year 1781. ... Published by order of the Worshipful the Mayor, ... of Liverpool. Calculated by the Rev. Mr. G. Holden, and his son, ... [To be continued yearly.]
    Holden, G
  • 2635
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    A token of affection and respect, to the parishioners of St. Mary Woolnoth, and St. Mary Woolchurch, London, from their minister
    Newton, John
  • 2636
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    A tour from London to Petersburgh, and from thence to Moscow. By John Richard, Esq.
    Richard, John
  • 2637
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    A translation of the Memorial to the sovereigns of Europe upon the present state of affairs, between the Old and the New World, into common sense and intelligible English
    Pownall, Thomas
  • 2638
    Book Info
    A travelling dictionary: or, alphabetical tables of the distance of all the principal cities, borough, market and sea-port towns, in Great Britain, from each other. Shewing by Inspection The Number of Miles every City or Town in the Kingdom is Distant from any other, according to the nearest Direct or Cross Road. Comprehending Near Forty-Six Thousand Distances, carefully collected from the best Au
    Paterson, Daniel
  • 2639
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning civil government, in three parts. Part I. The notions of Mr. Locke and his followers, concerning the origin, extent, and end of civil government, examined and confuted. Part II. The true basis of civil government set forth and ascertained; also objections answered; different forms compared; and improvements suggested. Part III. England's former gothic constitution censured an
    Tucker, Josiah
  • 2640
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning the fear of God, scripturally recommended unto all people, from the example of the patriarchs, prophets, kings, and judges, &c. With an historical account, briefly reciting the many advantages which they received who lived therein
    Field, John