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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 2,781 - 2,800건 출력
  • 2781
    Book Info
    The true and admirable history of the Marquis of Salus, and patient Grissel
    Boccaccio, Giovanni
  • 2782
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    The true born Englishman. A satire. By Daniel D'foe.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 2783
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    The tunbridge Wells guide; or an account of the ancient and present state of that place, to which is added a particular description of the towns and villages, Gentlemens Seats, Romains of Antiquity, Founderies. &c. &c. within the circumference of sixteen miles
    Sprange, J
  • 2784
    Book Info
    The twins; or, which is which? A farce. In three acts. Altered from Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors. By W. Woods. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh
    Woods, W
  • 2785
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    Thirty Scots songs adapted for a voice & harpsichord. By Robert Bremner. The words by Allan Ramsay. ...
    Ramsay, Allan
  • 2786
    Book Info
    This is to acquaint the curious in general, that there is to be seen from half after ten in the morning, till nine in the evening, without loss of time, at the Sun, in the Corn-market, the surprizing Warwickshire young lady, Miss Hawtin, from Coventry
  • 2787
    Book Info
    This is to inform those that can read, and those that cannot read, but will hear. At the theatrical shew-shop, or butcher's shop, James-Street, Hay-Market. Where Mr. Punch and his wooden-headed Family hack and butcher Common Sense. A little after Owl-Light the Game will begin First, A dish of capers on the Tight Rope by the Master Lawrences, and some celebrated in that art. Secondly, Singing by se
  • 2788
    Book Info
    Thomæ Pennant armigero, Cambro-Britanno, iter in Cambria facienti, carmina haec cum Salute summaque Observantia, dedicat Popularis Ejus et Amicus, R. W.
    R. W
  • 2789
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    Thoughts on a fund for the improvement of credit in Great Britain; and the establishement of a national bank in Ireland
    Friend to Ireland in the British Parliament
  • 2790
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    Thoughts on amputation. Being a supplement to the letters on compound fractures, and a comment on Dr. Bilguer's book on this operation. To which is added A short essay on the use of opium in mortifications. By Thomas Kirkland, M.D. Member of the Medical Society at Edinburgh
    Kirkland, Thomas
  • 2791
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    Thoughts on improving the government of the British territorial possessions in the East Indies
  • 2792
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    Thoughts on news-papers and a free trade
    Dunn, John
  • 2793
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    Thoughts on the cherubimical mystery; or an attempt to prove, that the cherubims were emblems of salvation, by the blood of Jesus. By James Relly
    Relly, James
  • 2794
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    Thoughts on the dangerous tendency of employing foreigners. Addressed to the people of England
  • 2795
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    Thoughts on the letter of Edmund Burke, Esq; to the sheriffs of Bristol, on the affairs of America. By the Earl of Abingdon.
    Abingdon, Willoughby Bertie
  • 2796
    Book Info
    Thoughts on the present county petitions, originally written For the information of a Friend in the Country, and now addressed to the Gentlemen, clergy, and freeholders throughout England. By an Old fashioned Whig
    Old Fashioned Whig
  • 2797
    Book Info
    Thoughts on the present state of the prisons of this country. Exemplified by a plan, adapted to the objects of such consideration. By J. Leroux, Esq; One of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Counties of Hertford and Middlesex
    Leroux, J
  • 2798
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    Thoughts on the use of machines, in the cotton manufacture. Addressed to the working people in that manufacture, and to the poor in general. By a friend of the poor
    Rasbotham, Dorning
  • 2799
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    Thoughts upon infant-baptism, extracted from a late writer
    Wall, William
  • 2800
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    Thoughts, in prose and verse, started, in his walks. By John Hope
    Hope, John