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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 281 - 300건 출력
  • 281
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    Thanksgiving sermons, preached before the Missionary Society, London, August 6, 1798. By the Rev. J. Griffin, Portsea; and Rev. T. Haweis, LL.B. & M.D. of Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire
  • 282
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    The temple wedding; or, love at first sight
  • 283
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    The tenth annual account of the collation of the Mss. of the Septuagint-Version. By Robert Holmes, D. D. canon of Christ Church
  • 284
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    The tower; or the romance of Ruthyne. In three volumes. By the authoress of Manfredi. ...
  • 285
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    The tragedy of Electra. Translated from the Greek by, George Adams, A. B. Late of St. John's College, Cambridge
  • 286
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    The traveller's guide; or, a topographical description of Scotland, and of the islands belonging to it. Containing, I. An account of the extent of each County; of the number of Inhabitants; of its Mountains and Vallies, with the Nature of the Soil, and Productions. II. An enumeration of the Minerals and Fossils that have been discovered in each District. III. A Description of the principal Towns,
    Duff, Joseph
  • 287
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    The travels of Anacharsis the Younger, in Greece, during the middle of the fourth century before the Christian æra. Abridged from the original work of the abbé Barthelemi. The second edition. To which is now added the life of the author, translated from the French of the duc de Nivernois. Illustrated with plates, ...
  • 288
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    The travels of true godliness, from the beginning of the world to this presen [sic] day in an apt and pleasant allegory. Shewing what true godliness is; also the troubles, oppositions, &c. he met with in every age. ... By Benjamin Keach
  • 289
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    The treatise of Cicero, De officiis; or, his essay on moral duty. Translated, and accompanied with notes and observations, by William M'cartney, Minister Of Old Kilpatrick
  • 290
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    The treble almanack for the year MDCCXCVIII. Containing I. John Watson Stewart's almanack, II. Exshaw's English court registry, III. Wilson's Dublin directory, with a new correct plan of the city. Forming the most complete lists published of the present civil military an naval establishments of Great Britain & Ireland Printed by Authority
  • 291
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    The trial at large o [sic] Arthur O'Connor, Esq. John Binns, John Allen, Jeremiah Leary, and James Coigley, for high treason, before Judge Buller, &c. under a special commission, at Maidstone, in the county of Kent. Taken in short hand
  • 292
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    The trial at large of Arthur O'Connor, Esq. John Binns, John Allen, Jeremiah Leary, and James Coigley, for high treason, before Judge Buller, &c. under a special commission, at Maidstone, in the county of Kent. Taken in short hand
  • 293
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    The trial of Hugh Wollaghan yeoman, by a general court martial, held in the barracks of Dublin, on Saturday Oct. 13, 1798. For the murder of Thomas Dogherty. Colonel Earl of Enniskillen, president. To which is added His Excellency Lord Cornwallis's order for the court-martial to be dissolved
  • 294
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    The trial of James O'Coigly, otherwise called James Quigley, otherwise called James John Fivey, Arthur O'Connor, Esq. John Binns, John Allen, and Jeremiah Leary, for High Treason, under a special commission, at Maidstone, in Kent, On Monday the Twenty-First, and Tuesday the Twenty-Second Days of May, 1798. Taken in short-hand, by Joseph Gurney
  • 295
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    The true Christian living and dying unto the Lord. A sermon, delivered at Long-Meadow, Massachusetts, January 31, 1798, at the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Storrs, consort of the Reverend Richard Salter Storrs. By Charles Backus, A.M. Pastor of a church in Somers
  • 296
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    The true and surprising adventures, voyages, shipwreck, and distresses, of Mons. Pierre Viaud, ... Translated by Mrs. Griffith. Ornamented with two engravings
  • 297
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    The two cousins, a moral story, for the use of young persons. In which is exemplified the necessity of moderation and justice to the attainment of happiness. By the author of The blind child and Dramatic dialogues
  • 298
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    This day is published, as a companion to the gardener's and botanists' dictionary, no.1, price seven shillings and six-pence, figures of beautiful, useful and uncommon plants described in the ... dictionary, ... By the late Philip Miller, F.R.S. ... Printed for F. and C. Rivington, ...
  • 299
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    This day the following letter was received from Lieutenant General Lake by Lord Castlereagh:
  • 300
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    This day the following letter was received from Lieutenant General Lake by Lord Castlereagh: ...