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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 2,981 - 3,000건 출력
  • 2981
    Book Info
    Thoughts on the present state of affairs with America, and the means of conciliation. By William Pulteney, Esq.
    Pulteney, William
  • 2982
    Book Info
    Thoughts on the present state of affairs with America, and the means of conciliation. By William Pulteney, Esq.
    Pulteney, William
  • 2983
    Book Info
    Thoughts on the present state of affairs with America, and the means of conciliation. By William Pulteney, Esq.
    Pulteney, William
  • 2984
    Book Info
    Thoughts on the present state of affairs with America, and the means of conciliation. By William Pulteney, Esq. Representative in Parliament for the Town of Shrewsberry; and Brother to Governor Johnstone, one of the Commissioners to negociate Peace with America. To which are added, two appendixes, containing letters wrote by Dr. Franklyn. Also, Extracts from the works of Dr. Tucker, Dean of Glouce
    Pulteney, William
  • 2985
    Book Info
    Three essays or discourses on the following subjects, A Defence or Vindication of the Women, Church Music, A Comparison between Antient and Modern music. Translated from the Spanish of Feyjoo; by a Gentleman
    Feij{acute}oo y Montenegro, Benito Jer{acute}onimo
  • 2986
    Book Info
    Three excellent new songs, I. Jamie with his trossers on. II. A dialogue between summer and winter. III. The virtue of wine
  • 2987
    Book Info
    Three excellent new songs; I. A new song in praise of Athol and M'leod's Highlanders. II. The young man's lament for marrying an old woman. III. The sailor's love to fair Isabel
  • 2988
    Book Info
    Three letters from Sir John Dalrymple, Bart. One of the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland, to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Barrington, late Secretary at war, on his lordship's official conduct
    Dalrymple, John
  • 2989
    Book Info
    Three sermons upon practical subjects, From the Following Texts: I. Luke xv. 5. And when be hath feard it, be layeth it on his shoulders rejoicing. II. John v. 6. When Jesus saw him he, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, be said unto him, wilt thou be made whole? &c. III. Psalm lxv. 5. By terrible things in righteousness, wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation. Preached a
    Rowland, Daniel
  • 2990
    Book Info
    To Friends in Great Britain and Ireland
    Mildred, Daniel
  • 2991
    Book Info
    To be sold by auction, by Messrs. Langfords, ... on Wednesday the 1st of April next, ... the curious and matchless onyx stone, formerly the property of Jonas Cockerton, ...
    Mr. Langford | Son
  • 2992
    Book Info
    To die the Christian's gain. Being the substance of a sermon preached at the Cathedral church of Litchfield, on Sunday 24th May, 1778, by John Harmer, Vicar of Butlers-Marston, Warwickshire
    Harmer, John
  • 2993
    Book Info
    To the Worshipful Edward Cole, Esq; Mayor, ... of Northampton, this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Richard Claridge
    Northampton (England)
  • 2994
    Book Info
    Très-Humble réponse à très-haut, très-puissant seigneur, Monseigneur Pierre-Augustin Caron ou Carillon, dit Beaumarchais, Baron de Ronac en Franconie, Adjudicataire général des bois de Pequiny, de Tonnere & autres lieux; premier Lieutenant des Chasses de la Garenne du Fort-L'evèque & du Palais, Seigneur utile des forêts D'Agiot, D'Escompte, de Change, Réchange, & autres Rotures, &c. - - &c. - - &c
    Eon de Beaumont, Charles Genevi{grave}eve Louis Auguste Andr{acute}e Timoth{acute}ee d'
  • 2995
    Book Info
    Traethiadau ar gatecism Eglwys Loegr: gyd a phregeth ar gonffirmasiwn. Gan Thomas Secker, ... Gwedi ei gyfieithu gan Thomas Jones, ...
    Secker, Thomas
  • 2996
    Book Info
    Travels into Dalmatia; containing general observations on the natural history of that country and the neighbouring islands; The Natural Productions, Arts, Manners And Customs Of The Inhabitants: in a series of letters from Abbe Alberto Fortis, to the Earl of Bute, the Bishop of Londonderry, John Strange, Esq. &c. &c. To which are added by the same author, Observations on the island of Cherso and O
    Fortis, Alberto
  • 2997
    Book Info
    Travels through France and Italy. In two volumes. ... With a particular description of the town, territory, and climate of Nice. To which is added, a register of the weather, kept during a residence of eighteen months in that city. By T. Smollett, M.D. ...
    Smollett, Tobias George
  • 2998
    Book Info
    Travels through the interior parts of North-America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768. By J. Carver, ... Illustrated with copper plates.
    Carver, Jonathan
  • 2999
    Book Info
    True and lawful matrimony; or, established ceremonies not essential to that honorable state: wherein the legality of the marriage of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Dutchess of Gloucester, is fairly evinced, and clearly demonstrated. With a few explanatory notes subjoined
  • 3000
    Book Info
    Twelve sermons on the most important subjects. By the Reverend Edward Smyth
    Smyth, Edward