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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 3,121 - 3,140건 출력
  • 3121
    Book Info
    The temple of Mammon.
  • 3122
    Book Info
    The testimony of the King of martyrs concerning His kingdom. Explained and illustrated in Scripture Light. John xviii. 36. 37. By Mr. John Glass, Late Minister of the Gospel at Dundee
    Glas, John
  • 3123
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    The total refutation and political overthrow of Doctor Price; or, Great Britain successfully vindicated against all American rebels, and their advocates. In a second letter to that gentleman. Proving His observations on Civil Liberty incompatible with Human Nature, contrary to Reason and Common Sense, and the Experience of all Ages, and diametrically opposite to the Doctrines of the Christian Reli
    Stewart, James
  • 3124
    Book Info
    The tragedy of tragedies; or the life and death of Tom Thumb the Great. As it is acted at the Theatre in the Hay-Market. With the annotations of H. Scriblerus secundus.
    Fielding, Henry
  • 3125
    Book Info
    The trial of Elizabeth Duchess Dowager of Kingston for bigamy, before the right honourable the House of Peers, in Westminster-Hall, in full Parliament, on Monday the 15th, Tuesday the 16th, Friday the 19th, Saturday the 20th, and Monday the 22d of April, 1776; on the last of which Days the said Elizabeth Duchess Dowager of Kingston was found Guilty. Published by Order of the House of Peers
    Bristol, Elizabeth Chudleigh
  • 3126
    Book Info
    The trial of Joseph Fowke, Francis Fowke, Maha Rajah Nundocomar, and Roy Rada Churn, for a conspiracy against Warren Hastings, Esq. and that of Joseph Fowke, Maha Rajah Nundocomar, and Roy Rada Churn, For a Conspiracy against Richard Barwell, Esq. To which are prefixed, Several Depositions; and An Examination into the Claim of Roy Rada Churn to the Privilege of an Ambassador, as Vakeel of Mubarick
    Fowke, Joseph
  • 3127
    Book Info
    The trial of Maha Rajah Nundocomar, Bahader, for forgery. Published by authority of the supreme court of judicature in Bengal
  • 3128
    Book Info
    The trial of Robert Fielding, Esq. On Wednesday, December 4, 1706, in the Fifth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, for felony, in marrying Her Grace the Duchess of Cleveland; his first wife being then alive; With the Proceedings, after the Trial, in the Prerogative Court. To which is added An appendix relating to the indictment instituted against Elizabeth Duchess of Kingston, Pointing to Circumstan
    Feilding, Robert
  • 3129
    Book Info
    The trial of the cause on the action brought by Hans Wintrop Mortimer, Esq; member for the borough of Shaftesbury, against Francis Sykes, Esq; for bribery committed at Shaftesbury, previous to the general election, in October, 1774. Tried by a special jury, on Saturday the 27th of July, 1776. At the assize held at Dorchester for the county of Dorset, before The Honourable Sir James Eyre, One of th
    Mortimer, Hans Wintrop
  • 3130
    Book Info
    The trials on the informations which in pursuance of an order of the House of Commons, were filed by His Majesty's Attorney General against Richard Smith, Esq. and Thomas Brand Hollis, Esq. for having been guilty of notorious bribery, and thereby procuring themselves to be elected and Returned Burgesses to serve in Parliament for the borough of Hindon, tried by a Special Jury on Tuesday the 12th o
    Smith, Richard
  • 3131
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    The triumph of truth, exemplified in the fall of the Antitrinitarian Dagon, before the ark of divine testimony: with an appendix on the covenant of grace. By G. Clark
    Clark, G
  • 3132
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    The triumphs of fashion, a poem, containing some hints to the fashionable world; with a word to the saints and the nabobs. In three parts. Part the first
  • 3133
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    The true interest of America impartially stated, in certain stictures [sic] on a pamphlet intitled Common sense. By an American. [Ten lines of quotations]
    Inglis, Charles
  • 3134
    Book Info
    The true interest of America impartially stated, in certain strictures on a pamphlet intitled Common sense. By an American. [Ten lines of quotations]
    Inglis, Charles
  • 3135
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    The true merits of a late treatise, printed in America, intitled, Common sense: clearly pointed out. Addressed to the inhabitants of America. By a late member of the Continental Congress, a native of a republican state.
    Late Member of the Continental Congress
  • 3136
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    The true sonship of Christ investigated and his person, dignity and offices explained and confirmed from the sacred scriptures. By a clergyman
    Dalgliesh, William
  • 3137
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    The truth of the Christian religion; a poem: founded on a very celebrated work of Hugo Grotius. By Charles L'Oste, ...
    L'Oste, Charles
  • 3138
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    Thirteen sermons, on various subjects. By the late J. Brailsford, A. M. Head Master of the Free-School, in Birmingham, Vicar of North-Wheatley, in Nottinghamshire, And Chaplain to the Right Honourable Lord Middleton
    Brailsford, John
  • 3139
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    Thirty three plates, of English medals by the late Mr. Thomas Snelling
    Snelling, Thomas
  • 3140
    Book Info
    This is to acquaint the curious in general, that there is to be seen, ... at the Crown in High-Street, Canterbury, ... Miss Hawtin, from Coventry ...