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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 3,341 - 3,360건 출력
  • 3341
    Book Info
    To the Reverend William Nicolls, D.D. Daingerfield Taylor, gent. (Treasurer) William Budgen, Joseph Ballard, William Cadwallader, Deputy John Jones, John Banks, Jeremiah Morrell, Edward Barnes, Thomas Strong, and John Ward, gents, trustees to the Boys [sic] School in Red Cross-street
    Ganthony, Joseph
  • 3342
    Book Info
    To the Right Honble. the Lord-Mayor, the Worshipful the Aldermen, and Common-Council, of the city of London
    Sharp, James
  • 3343
    Book Info
    To the Worshipful Edward Kerby, Esq; Mayor, The Aldermen, Bailiffs, Burgesses, And the Rest of the Worthy Inhabitants of the Town of Northampton, This Yearly Bill of Mortality Is presented by their most Obedient and Humble Servant, Richard Claridge. The Bill of Mortality within the Parish of All-Saints, in the Town of Northampton, from the 21st Day of December 1773, to the 21st Day of December 177
    Northampton (England)
  • 3344
    Book Info
    To the foregoing testimonies of the happiness of a life spent in the service of God, may be added that of a faithful servant of Christ from amongst ourselves, to wit, David Brainard ...
    Brainerd, David
  • 3345
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    To the freemen of the city of Worcester
    Walsh, John
  • 3346
    Book Info
    To the friends of freedom, the worthy and independent electors of the city and liberty of Westminster. Gentlemen, the favour of your votes, ... is ... requested at this important crisis, for Humphry Cotes, Esq. To be one of your representatives in Parliament, ...
    Cotes, Humphrey
  • 3347
    Book Info
    To the inhabitants of the parish of St. Thomas, in Salisbury
    Chafy, John
  • 3348
    Book Info
    To the proprietors of East-India stock. I persuade myself the candid public will not, from the past or future ill-success of Balambargan, ...
    Dalrymple, Alexander
  • 3349
    Book Info
    To the worthy and independent livery of London. Gentlemen, The favor of your poll and interest is most earnestly requested for ... Frederick Bull, ... Brass Crosby, Esq; John Sawbridge, Esq; and George Hayley, Esq; to be the four representatives of this ... city in the next Parliament, ...
  • 3350
    Book Info
    Tracts of the learned and celebrated antiquarian Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty. Videlizet, I. A peculiar promptuary of time; wherein is displayed a most exact Directory for all particular Chronologies in any Family whatsoever. II. The true pedigree and lineal Descent of the most antient and honourable Family of the Urquharts, in the house of Cromarty, from the creation of the World until the yea
    Urquhart, Thomas
  • 3351
    Book Info
    Traité des loix civiles par Mr. de P. de T. premiere partie
    Pilati, Carlo Antonio
  • 3352
    Book Info
    Treaties and grants from the country powers, to the East-India Company, respecting their presidency of Fort St George, on the coast of Choromandel: Fort-william, in Bengal and Bombay, on the coast of Malabar from the year 1756 to 1772.
    East India Company
  • 3353
    Book Info
    Truth and love united: a sermon, preached before the correspondent board in London of the honourable Society in Scotland ... for Propagating Christian Knowledge in the Highlands and Islands, ... At Salters' Hall, ... April 6th, 1774, by William Langford, ...
    Langford, William
  • 3354
    Book Info
    Truth vindicated, By the Faithful Testimony and writings of the Innocent Servant and Hand-Maid of the Lord, Elizabeth Bathurst, deceased
    Bathurst, Elizabeth
  • 3355
    Book Info
    Turnpike and highway laws. (Necessary for all trustees of turnpikes, justices and their clerks, surveyors, constables, farmers, &c.) Abstracts of two acts passed in the 13th year of ... King George III. Anno 1773, ...
  • 3356
    Book Info
    Twelve beautiful designs for farm-houses, with their proper offices, and estimates of the whole ... By William Halfpenny, ...
    Halfpenny, William
  • 3357
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    Twenty five discourses suitable to the Lord's Supper, delivered just before the administration of that sacred ordinance. By the Reverend and learned John Owen, D.D. Of the last Age
    Owen, John
  • 3358
    Book Info
    Twenty sermons preached before and after the celebration of the Lord's Supper. By sundry ministers of the Church of Scotland, viz. The Reverend Mr William Wishart senior, late Principal in the University of Edinburgh, with a preface by the Author. Mr Walter Douglas late Minister at Linton. Mr Thomas Halyburton late Professor of Divinity in the University of St Andrew's; with a Preface by the late
    Wishart, William
  • 3359
    Book Info
    Twenty six letters on religious subjects. To which are added, Hymns, &c. By Omicron
    Newton, John
  • 3360
    Book Info
    Two chapters of the lost book of Chronicles: six letters to the good people of England: and several other pieces, Relative to the Dispute between Englishmen in Europe and in America. By an old English merchant, and a friend to the King
    Old English Merchant