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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 3,381 - 3,400건 출력
  • 3381
    Book Info
    Tables calculated for the use of the revenue officers of Ireland : Containing, I. New and correct tables of cylinders from 10 Inches to 45 Inches Diameter, with their Use. II. A Table shewing the Areas of Squares in Gallons and Decimal Parts, calculated to every tenth Part and Quarter of an Inch of the Side, from 1 to 100 Inches. III. A Table of Allowance to common Brewers of two Gallons in 22 ...
    M'Gregor, George
  • 3382
    Book Info
    Tables shewing the values, in a single present payment, of an annuity of one pound, payable quarterly. For the lives of persons of all ages from 25 to 73; such annuity to commence at any age. Not younger than 35 nor older than 75. For the use of London
    Great Britain
  • 3383
    Book Info
    Tables shewing the values, in a single present payment, of an annuity of one pound, payable quarterly. For the lives of persons of all ages from 25 to 73; such annuity to commence at any age. Not younger than 35 nor older than 75. For the use of country parishes
    Great Britain
  • 3384
    Book Info
    Tables, ready cast up with great exactness : for the use of bankers, merchants, tradesmen, and others; who may immediately, upon inspection, find the true value of any quantity of gold, from 3 l. 15 s. to 4 l. 2 s. per Ounce; and Silver, from 4 s. 6 d. to 6 s. per Ounce, from One Grain to Ten Pounds Weight. To which is Added, a Table, which, at One View, will shew the Value of any Quantity of G...
    Etheridge, Samuel
  • 3385
    Book Info
    Tamerlano, an opera; as performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. The music by Signor Antonio Sacchini, A Neapolitan Composer. The poetry by Giovan Gualberto Bottarelli. The translation by Bottarelli, jun. Teacher of Languages
    Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto
  • 3386
    Book Info
    Tentamen medicum inaugurale de dyspepsia: quod, annuente summo numine, Ex Auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, Gulielmi Robertson, SS.T.P. Academiae Edinburgenae praefecti; nec non Amplissimi senatus academici consensu, Et nobilissimae facultatis medicae decreto; Pro Gradu Doctoris, summisque in medicina honoribus et privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis; Eruditorum examini subjicit Carolus New
    Newman, Charles
  • 3387
    Book Info
    Théatre de M. Poinsinet de Sivry. ... Contenant la Tragédie de Briséis, troisieme édition; la Tragédie d'Ajax & la Comédie d'Aglaé, seconde édition, & trois comédies nouvelles du même auteur
    Poinsinet de Sivry, Louis
  • 3388
    Book Info
    The tablet of memory; or, the historian's assistant. Shewing every remarkable event in history, more particularly that of England; alphabetically digested, With Their Dates. Interspersed with a correct Chronology of the most Eminent Men. Containing above a Thousand Articles more than any other Publication of the Kind. To which are added, several useful lists, And A Geneological Account of the Desc
  • 3389
    Book Info
    The tears of Cambria. A poem. Inscribed to the honourable Society of Antient Britons
  • 3390
    Book Info
    The testimony of conscience a most solid foundation of rejoicing. A sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Howe, to the pastoral care of the New-South Church in Boston, May 19th, 1773. By the Rev. Naphtali Daggett, A.M. president of Yale College in New-Haven, and professor of divinity in the same. To which is added, the charge by the Rev. Aaron Brown, and the right hand of fellow
    Daggett, Naphtali
  • 3391
    Book Info
    The thebaid of Statius, translated into English verse, with notes and observations; and a dissertation upon the whole by Way of Preface
    Statius, P. Papinius
  • 3392
    Book Info
    The theological repository; consisting of original essays, hints, queries, &c. Calculated to promote Religious Knowledge. Vol. I
  • 3393
    Book Info
    The thirty-Nine articles, and the constitutions and canons, of the Church of England; together with several Acts of Parliament and proclamations concerning ecclesiastical matters, (not in the former Editions,) Some whereof are to be read in Churches: to which are added, his majesty's directions for the Preserving of Unity in the Church, and the Purity of the Christian Faith; particularly in the Do
    Church of England
  • 3394
    Book Info
    The town and country directory; or, an account of the stage coaches and carriers from London to the different towns in Great Britain. Describing the Number of Miles to each Town, with the Fares to be paid, and the Days and Hours of setting out from the different Inns in London
  • 3395
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Chrononhotonthologos: being the most tragical tragedy that ever was tragediz'd by any company of tragedians. Written by Benjamin Bounce, Esq;
    Carey, Henry
  • 3396
    Book Info
    The tragedy. Of Jane Shore. Written in imitation of Shakespeare's style. By N. Rowe, Esq.
    Rowe, Nicholas
  • 3397
    Book Info
    The travels of the imagination; a true journey from Newcastle to London, in a stage-coach. With observations upon the metropolis. By J. M.
    Murray, James
  • 3398
    Book Info
    The trip to Portsmouth; a comic sketch of one act, with songs.
    Stevens, George Alexander
  • 3399
    Book Info
    The triumphs of Britannia. A poem. Humbly inscribed to George Robert Fitzgerald, Esq.
  • 3400
    Book Info
    The true idea of liberty consistent with the restraints of religion and the laws of the civil communities: a sermon preached in The Cathedral Church of Chester, On Monday the 19th of April, 1773. Before The Hon. John Morton, Esq; Chief Justice of Chester, and the Hon. Mr. Justice Skynner; George Wilbraham, Esq; High Sheriff; Sir Richard Brooke, Bart. Foreman, and the rest of the Gentlemen of the G
    Mainwaring, Edward