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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 3,541 - 3,560건 출력
  • 3541
    Book Info
    The triumph of fashion. A vision
    Pye, Henry James
  • 3542
    Book Info
    The triumph of truth; being an account of the trial of Mr. E. Elwall, for heresy and blasphemy, at Stafford Assizes, before Judge Denton. To which are added, extracts from some other pieces of Mr. Elwall's, ... By the author of An appeal to the serious and candid professors of Christianity, &c.
    Elwall, Edward
  • 3543
    Book Info
    The true method of reducing ruptures: and retaining them in the abdomen, and in the navel: ... To which is added, a postscript. By Robert Brand, ...
    Brand, Robert
  • 3544
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    The tryal of the witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus.
    Sherlock, Thomas
  • 3545
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    The two covenants. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in London, in the year 1745. By John Cennick.
    Cennick, John
  • 3546
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    The tyro's guide to arithmetic and mensuration. With an appendix, containing a great many questions both curious and useful. The whole accommodated to the capacity of beginners, and designed for the use of Schools and Mechanics. By William Panton, M. A. Late Master of the Grammar-School of Canongate
    Panton, William
  • 3547
    Book Info
    This day is published, Multum in parvo; or, Every Man his own Vermin-Killer. Containing The most effectual Methods of destroying that mischievous little Animal, the Rat; as also the Mouse, Mole, Grasshopper, Ant, Dore, or Blackclock, Worms, Snails, Weazel, Polecat, Stoat, and Fox. By a Farmer, Who has made it his Study these seven Years
    Baldwin, R
  • 3548
    Book Info
    Thoughts on hospitals, by John Aikin, surgeon. With a letter to the author, by Thomas Percival, M.D. F.R.S.
    Aikin, John
  • 3549
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    Thoughts on our acquisitions in the East Indies; particularly respecting Bengal
    Johnstone, George
  • 3550
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    Thoughts on our articles of religion, with respect to their supposed utility to state
    Wyvill, Christopher
  • 3551
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    Thoughts on the late transactions respecting Falkland's Islands
    Johnson, Samuel
  • 3552
    Book Info
    Thoughts on the late transactions respecting Falkland's Islands.
    Johnson, Samuel
  • 3553
    Book Info
    Thoughts on the late transactions respecting Falkland's Islands.
    Johnson, Samuel
  • 3554
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    Three discourses on eternity, and the importance and advantages of looking-at eternal things. By Job Orton.
    Orton, Job
  • 3555
    Book Info
    Three dissertations on life and death. Viz. I. A Survey of the Brevity and Vanity of Human Life; with the Consolation administered by the Christian System against both. II. Considerations on St. Paul's Wish, to depart and be with Christ. With an Appendix on the Intermediate State. And III. A Commentary on Rev. xiv. 13. in which the Nature of Death is farther considered. By William Jones, Rector of
    Jones, William
  • 3556
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    Timanthes: a tragedy. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. By John Hoole.
    Hoole, John
  • 3557
    Book Info
    To live is Christ, to die is gain. A funeral sermon on the death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, Chaplain to the Countess of Huntington, who died suddenly of a fit of the Asthma, at Newbury Port, at Six of the Clock Lord's Day Morning, Sept. 30th, 1770. The sermon preached the same day, Afternoon. By Jonathan Parsons, A. M. And Minister of the Presbyterian Church there. To which are added, an a
    Parsons, Jonathan
  • 3558
    Book Info
    To the Worshipful William Gibson, Esq; Mayor, ... of Northampton, this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Richard Claridge
    Northampton (England)
  • 3559
    Book Info
    Topica sacra: or, spiritual logick: being brief hints and helps to faith, meditation, prayer, comfort, and holiness. Communicated at Christ-Church, Dublin, by Thomas Harrison, ... Enlarged with Spiritual pleadings, in above thirty cases. By Mr. John Hunter, ...
    Harrison, Thomas
  • 3560
    Book Info
    Tracts, Chiefly Relating to the Antiquities and Laws of England
    Blackstone, William