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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 3,761 - 3,780건 출력
  • 3761
    Book Info
    Two sermons on the Lord's-Supper. By Thomas Toller
    Toller, Thomas
  • 3762
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    Two short catechisms mutually connected; the questions of the former being generally supposed and omitted in the latter. The former contains the most of what is absolutely necessary to be known in order to Salvation; and may be taught children before they can read. The latter contains the most of what is necessary to be known in order to admission to the Lord's table; and being a brief explication
    Brown, John
  • 3763
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    A third letter to the author of the confessional: containing remarks on the three last chapters of that book
    Ridley, Glocester
  • 3764
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    A tour through part of France and Flanders. The whole intended as a guide to the curious traveller, and an instructive amusement to those who have no opportunity of visiting the places mentioned in this work
  • 3765
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    A tour to the East, in the years 1763, and 1764. With remarks on the city of Constantinople and the Turks. Also, select pieces of oriental wit, poetry and wisdom. By F. Lord Baltimore
    Baltimore, Frederick Calvert
  • 3766
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    A treatise concerning religious affections, in three parts; Part I. Concerning the nature of the affections, and their importance in religion. Part II. Shewing what are no certain signs that religious affections are gracious, or that they are not. Part III. Shewing what are distinguishing signs of truly gracious and holy affections. By Jonathan Edwards, A.M. and Pastor of the First Church in North
    Edwards, Jonathan
  • 3767
    Book Info
    A treatise of artillery : containing I. General constructions of brass and iron guns used by sea and land, and their Carriages. II. General Constructions of Mortars and Howitzes, their Beds and Carriages. III. Dimensions of all Carriages used in Artillery. IV. Exercise of the Regiment at Home, and Service Abroad in a Siege or Battle. V. Its March and Encampment, Ammunition, Stores, and Horses. ...
    Muller, John
  • 3768
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    A treatise of gauging : or, the modern practical gauger. Containing, besides all the principal rules usually given on the subject, a great variety of new and interesting improvements: Particularly of gauging All Sorts of curvilineal Vessels, by the most Easy, Concise, and Certain Method; which is Now practised, and highly approved of, in and about this Metropolis. With the Demonstrations of sev...
    Moss, Thomas
  • 3769
    Book Info
    A treatise of practical surveying : which is demonstrated from its first principles. Wherein Every Thing that is Useful and Curious in that Art is fully considered and explained. Particularly Four new and very concise Methods to determine the Areas of Right-Lined Figures Arithmetically, or by Calculation, as well as the Geometrical ones heretofore treated of; with two other new Geometrical Meth...
    Gibson, Robert
  • 3770
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    A treatise on diet, or the management of human life; by physicians called the six non-naturals, viz. I. The air. II. Food. III. Excretions and retentions. IV. Motion and rest. V. Sleep and watching. VI. The affections of the mind. Intended As an Inquiry into the Causes of Diseases in general, and in particular of those most common in London. Addressed to the inhabitants of this metropolis. By Fran
    Valangin, Francis de
  • 3771
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    A treatise on man, his intellectual faculties and his education. A posthumous work of M. Helvetius. Translated from the French, with additional notes, by W. Hooper, M. D. ...
  • 3772
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    A treatise on the culture of peach trees. To which is added, a treatise on the management of bees; and the improved treatment of them. By Thomas Wildman
  • 3773
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    A treatise on the deluge. Containing I. Remarks on the Lord Bishop of Clogher's account of that event. II. A full explanation of the scripture history of it. III. A collection of all the principal heathen accounts. IV. Natural Proofs of the Deluge, deduced from a great Variety of Circumstances, on and in the terraqueous Globe. And, Under the foregoing General Articles, the following Particulars wi
    Catcott, Alexander
  • 3774
    Book Info
    A treatise on the disorders and deformities of the teeth and gums : Containing, The medical and surgical Treatment of each Case, the Care of Children in Dentition, and the various Methods which most effectually conduce to the Regularity, Beauty, and Duration of these Parts in every Stage of Life. Together with Observations on the Use and Abuse of Tinctures, Tooth-Powders, Brushes, &c. and Stric...
    Berdmore, Thomas
  • 3775
    Book Info
    A treatise on the management of bees; wherein is contained the natural history of those insects; with the various methods of cultivating them, both Antient and Modern, and the improved Treatment of them. To which are added, the natural history of wasps and hornets, and the Means of destroying them. Illustrated with copper-plates. By Thomas Wildman
    Wildman, Thomas
  • 3776
    Book Info
    A treatise on the teeth : Wherein an accurate idea of their structure is given, the cause of their decay pointed out, and their various Diseases enumerated: To which is added, The most effectual Method of treating the Disorders of the Teeth and Gums, established by a long and successful Practice. By Barth. Ruspini, Surgeon Dentist.
    Ruspini, Bartholomew
  • 3777
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    A treatise upon the culture of peach trees. Translated from the French
  • 3778
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    A treatise upon the dendrometer, a New-Invented Instrument for The more certain and ready Measurement of Standing Timber, by Inspection only: for Facilitating the practical Operations of Engineering, Land-Surveying, Levelling, Mineing, &c. And for Performing mechanically the various Cases of Plane Trigonometry, by a short and familiar Process, without Calculation
    Whittell, Thomas
  • 3779
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    A true and genuine narrative of Mr. and Mrs. Tenducci. In a letter to a friend at Bath. Giving a full account, from their marriage in Ireland, to the present time
    Tenducci, Dora
  • 3780
    Book Info
    A true and particular account, of the most surprising preservation, and happy deliverance, of three women who were buried, thirty-seven day's, in the Ruins of a Stable, by a heavy fall of snow, from the Mountains, at the village of Bergemoletto, in Italy. With Curious Remarks. By Ignazio Somis, Professor of Physic in the University of Turin, and Physician to his Sardinian Majesty. Translated from
    Somis, Ignazio