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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 361 - 380건 출력
  • 361
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    A table of the antient ale measures of England, as computed from the antient ale pint, containing 183/4 sterling or English ounces, or 205/6 Roman or avoirdupois ounces, (being 1/24 Part larger than the Winchester Corn Pint), received from the Jews, Tyrians, and other Phenicians
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    A table of the antient sterling monies and weights of the Anglians, Mercians, Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Danes, and Anglo-Normans, which were in use throughout all England for many Ages before, and for some Time after, the Norman Conquest, computed from the true Weight of their Antient Penny, or Danish Sceata, received from the Jews, Tyrians, and other Phenicians
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    A table of the present English wine measures, as erroneously computed by mathematicians, &c. and of the ancient and true English wine measures, received from the Jews, Tyrians, and other Phenicians
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    A terrier, or field-book, containing the number & measurement of every close in the township of Halifax, with names of the owners. By J. Moore, Hipperholme
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    A thanksgiving sermon, delivered in Portland, November 30, 1797., By Elijah Kellogg, A.M. Pastor of a Congregational church and society in that place. Published by request of the hearers
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    A third letter to a British merchant: containing reflections on the foreign and domestic politics of this country, together with strictures on the conduct of opposition. The second edition. By John Bowles, Esq.
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    A third letter to a British merchant: containing some general remarks on the late negociation with France, considered in relation to ancient and established principles; together with reflections on the state of domestic politics, and particularly on the mischievous tendency of the conduct pursued by opposition. By John Bowles, Esq.
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    A third letter to a Member of the present Parliament, on the proposals for peace with the regicide directory of France. By the late Right Hon. Edmund Burke
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    A third letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the state of the nation, and the prosecution of the war. By Edward Tatham, D.D. Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford
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    A tour through some of the northern parts of Europe, particularly Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Petersburgh. In a series of letters. By Nl. Wraxall, Jun
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    A tour to the Royal Spa at Cheltenham; or, Gloucestershire Displayed. Containing an Account of Cheltenham, in its improved State; its Mineral Waters, Publick Walks, Amusements, Environs, &c. The Natural History of the County and City of Gloucester, and the Towns of Cirencester, Tetbury, Tewkesbury, Fairford, &c. A correct itinerary from Cheltenham; and an Account of The Posts to and from Glouceste
  • 372
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    A travelling dictionary: or, alphabetical tables of the distance of all the principal cities, borough, market, and sea-port towns, in Great Britain, from each other. Shewing, by Inspection, The Number of Miles every City or Town in the Kingdom is Distant from any other, according to the nearest Direct or Cross Road. Comprehending Above Fifty Thousand Distances, carefully collected from the best Au
  • 373
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    A treatise concerning the sanctification of the Lord's Day. Wherein the morality of the Sabbath, or the perpetual Obligation of the Fourth Commandment, is maintained against adversar and The religious Observation of the Lord's Day, or first Day of the Week, as our Christian Sabbath, is strongly pressed by Scripture Arguments. Containing also Many special Directions and Advices for the better perfo
  • 374
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    A treatise on Christian prudence. Extracted from Mr. Norris. By John Wesley, M. A. Late Fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxford
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    A treatise on copyholds. By Charles Watkins, ...
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    A treatise on growth in grace; with reference to St Paul's prayer for the Philippians. (phil. xi. 9-11.) By Thomas Scott, Chaplain to the Lock Hospital
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    A treatise on poverty, its consequences, and the remedy. By William Sabatier, Esq.
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    A treatise on skaiting; founded on certain principles deduced from many years experience: by which that noble exercise is now reduced to an art, and may be Taught and Learned by a Regular Method, with Both Ease and Safety. The whole illustrated with Copper-Plates, representing the Attitudes and Graces. By Capt. Jones
  • 379
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    A treatise on the disorders incident to horned cattle, comprising a description of their symptoms, and the most rational methods of cure, founded on long experience. By J. Downing. To which are added, receipts for curing the gripes, staggers, and worms in horses; and an appendix, containing instructions for the extracting of calves
  • 380
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    A treatise on the duty of infantry officers, and the present system of British Military discipline. In two parts. With an appendix, containing tables of the honours and compliments due to sovereigns, princes of the blood, generals, admirals, governors, &c.-Particular distinctions and privileges of the foot-guards.-Rank of army and navy officers.-Regulations respecting the rank of army-officers.-Ge