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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 3,821 - 3,840건 출력
  • 3821
    Book Info
    Timon of Athens. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal on Richmond-Green. Altered from Shakespear and Shadwell
    Shadwell, Thomas
  • 3822
    Book Info
    Timon of Athens. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal on Richmond-Green. Altered from Shakespear and Shadwell.
    Shadwell, Thomas
  • 3823
    Book Info
    To be reported by Lord Gardenstoun. Information for Jean Ker, relict of Thomas Baillie late at Ferrytown of Cree, and Andrew, David, Mary, Jean, and Isobel Baillies, children procreated of the marriage between the said Thomas Baillie and Jean Ker, defenders; against John, William, Elizabeth, and Margaret Baillies, children procreate of the marriage betwixt the said Thomas Baillie and Esther Martin
    Ker, Jean
  • 3824
    Book Info
    To be reported by Lord Kennet. Memorial for Charles Earl of Tankerville, and David Erskine, clerk to the Signet, his attorney and factor; against John Duke of Roxburgh, and Thomas Lilly, tacksman of his Grace's fishings at Kelso, and William Mitchell, tacksman of the fishings at Mackerston
    Tankerville, Charles Bennet
  • 3825
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    To be reported by Lord Stonefield. Information for Major Allan M'Lean, defender; against Captain Robert Campbell and others, pursuers
    Maclean, Allan
  • 3826
    Book Info
    To be reported by Lord Stonefield. June 13. 1768. Memorial for David Campbell writer to the Signet, in the process at his instance, against Colin Campbell of Tirifour
    Campbell, David
  • 3827
    Book Info
    To be reported by Lord Stonefield. May 12. 1768. Information for Captain Robert Campbell of Monzie, Lieutenant Robert Campbell, and others, of the 114th regiment, lately commanded by Major Allan Maclean, pursuers, Against the said Major Allan Maclean defender
    Campbell, Robert
  • 3828
    Book Info
    To be reported by the Lord Justice Clerk. Memorial for the provost and baillies, dean of guild, deacon-conveener, and treasurer of the city of Glasgow, chargers, against William Macdowal of Castlesemple, Esq; suspender
    Glasgow (Scotland)
  • 3829
    Book Info
    To be reported by the Lord Justice Clerk. Memorial for the provost, baillies, dean of guild, deacon-conveener, and treasurer of the city of Glasgow, chargers, against William Macdowall of Castle-semple, Esquire, suspender
    Glasgow (Scotland)
  • 3830
    Book Info
    To the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, the worshipful the board of aldermen, the sherifs, Commons, citizens, and freeholders of Dublin, the address of C. Lucas, M. D. One of their Representatives in Parlement. Upon the proposed augmentation of the military establishment
    Lucas, Charles
  • 3831
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    To the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of George-James Duke of Hamilton, and his tutors, ...
    Hamilton, James George Hamilton
  • 3832
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    To the Worshipful John Edwards, Esq; Mayor, ... of Northampton, this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Richard Claridge
    Northampton (England)
  • 3833
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    To the citizens of Exeter
    Heath, J
  • 3834
    Book Info
    To the independant livery of the City of London. A card. An independant liveryman of this City presents his respects to the unpoll'd livery, and flatters himself there is a sufficient Number left who have Gratitude enough to shew the World, that the Merits of Mr. Deputy Paterson shall not go unrewarded; that the Man who has laboured more than twenty Years for the Advantage of this City, shall be r
    Independant liveryman
  • 3835
    Book Info
    To the person who writes Benevolence. It is usual for the people of my persuasion to begin their addresses with Friend, but, that appellation belongeth not to thee, for thou hast not the truth within thee
    Aminadab Hotspur
  • 3836
    Book Info
    To the right honourable and honourable the knights, citizens, and burgesses, in Parliament assembled. The case of Thomas Mahon and John French, esqrs.
    Mahon, Thomas
  • 3837
    Book Info
    To the worthy and independent inhabitants of the Ward of Farringdon Without. Mr. Wilkes is a candidate to represent you ...
  • 3838
    Book Info
    To the worthy electors of the ancient and renowned borough of Garratt. Gentlemen, your votes and interests are desired for the Left Honourable Lord Twankham, being a fit and proper person to represent the said borough at the ensuing election without doors, ...
  • 3839
    Book Info
    To the worthy freeholders and independent gentlemen farmers of the county of Middlesex. Gentlemen, consider in what manner ...
  • 3840
    Book Info
    To the worthy freemen of the city of Oxford. As the choice of a Member to represent the city of Oxford in Parliament seems at this moment to be a matter of the last consequence to its future welfare, it must therefore be the duty of every freeman to consider with impartiality the merits of those gentlemen who apply to be honoured with this important trust. ...