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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 3,921 - 3,940건 출력
  • 3921
    Book Info
    Three interesting tracts. By John Wilkes, Esq; Viz. I. Observations on the papers relative to the rvptvre with Spain. II. A letter to the electors of Aylesbvry. III. A letter to his grace the Dvke of Grafton
    Wilkes, John
  • 3922
    Book Info
    Tiend cause. March 3d, 1767. Answers for Mrs. Agnes Dickson of Hartree, to the petition of Mr. John Dickson of Kilbucho, Advocate
    Dickson, Agnes
  • 3923
    Book Info
    Tigrane, drama per musica, da rappresentarsi sopra il teatro di S.M.B. Musica di varj celebri Autori, Eseguita sotto la direzione del Signor Guglielmi, Maestro di Cappella Napolitano. Tigranes, an opera, as perform'd at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. The Musick is of several celebrated Composers, compiled and directed by Signor Guglielmi, a Neapolitan Composer
  • 3924
    Book Info
    To Francis Bindon, Esq; On a picture of His Grace Dr. Hugh Boulter, Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, set up in the work-house, near Dublin, in commemoration of his charities in the years 1739-40 and 1740-41. By T. H. D, Esq;
    T. H. D
  • 3925
    Book Info
    To be reported by Lord Elliock. Memorial for His Majesty's Advocate, on behalf of His Majesty; against William-Henry Marquis of Lothian
  • 3926
    Book Info
    To be reported by Lord Elliock. Memorial for the Most Honourable William Henry Marquis of Lothian; against His Majesty's Advocate
    Lothian, William Kerr
  • 3927
    Book Info
    To be reported by Lord Kennet. April 25, 1767. Memorial for the Right Hon. Alexander Earl of Home, proprietor, and William Turnet, tacksman of Fairburnmill, and fishings thereof, suspenders; against His Grace John Duke of Roxburgh, proprietor, and Thomas Lillie, tacksman of the fishing of Kelso, and William Mitchell tacksman of the fishing of Mackerston, chargers
    Home, Alexander Home
  • 3928
    Book Info
    To be reported by Lord Pitfour. Information for George Macfarlane drover in Ardvoirlich, defender; against Alexander Macfarlane tenant in Garastock, pursuer
    Macfarlane, George
  • 3929
    Book Info
    To his grace James, Duke of Leinster, We the master, wardens and brethren of the Corporation of Sadlers, Upholders, Coach and Coach-Harness Makers, ... Dublin. ... address your grace, earnestly requesting, you will permit your son, .... the Marquis of Kildare to be a candidate to fill the present vacant seat to represent this city in Parliament. ...
    Corporation of Sadlers, Upholders, Coach-Makers (Dublin, Ireland)
  • 3930
    Book Info
    To the Honourable the Commons of Great-Britain in Parliament assembled. The case of the several inn-keepers, stable-keepers, and other consumers of hay and oats, within the cities of London and Westminster, borough of Southwark, and other places within the weekly bills of mortality,
    Company of Innholders (London, England)
  • 3931
    Book Info
    To the Worshipful Thomas Breton, Esq; Mayor, ... of Northampton, this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Alexander Philipps
    Northampton (England)
  • 3932
    Book Info
    To the citizens of Bristol
    Champion, William
  • 3933
    Book Info
    To the members of the honourable House of Commons
  • 3934
    Book Info
    Tou xenophontos He tou Kyrou paideia. = Xenophontis institutio Cyri. Tomis quatuor. Ex editione T. Hutchinson. Tom. I
  • 3935
    Book Info
    Tracts on the liberty, spiritual and temporal, of Protestants in England. Addressed to J.N. Esq; at Aix-la-Chapelle. In two parts. By Anthony Ellys, D. D. Late Lord Bishop Of ST. David's
    Ellys, Anthony
  • 3936
    Book Info
    Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, ...
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 3937
    Book Info
    Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Containing a particular description of the antient and present state of those countries; their Natural, Literary, and Political History; Religion, Laws, Manners, Customs, Manufactures, Sculpture, Painting, Architecture, Coins, Medals, Antiquities, Curiosities, &c. &c. &c. together with The Characters of the several Nations and Courts visited
  • 3938
    Book Info
    Travels through Turkey in Asia, the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and other parts of the world: Giving a particular and faithful Account of what is most remarkable in the Manners, Religion, Polity, Antiquities, and Natural History of those Countries: with a Curious Description of Jerusalem, as it now appears, And other Places mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. By Charles Thompson, Esq; Interspersed wit
    Thompson, Charles
  • 3939
    Book Info
    Trifles in verse. By John Oakman
    Oakman, John
  • 3940
    Book Info
    Troposchematologia, maximam partem ex indice rhetorico Farnabii deprompta: additis insuper Anglicanis exemplis. In usum scholæ regiæ grammaticalis apud S. Edmundi Burgum.
    Farnaby, Thomas