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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 381 - 400건 출력
  • 381
    Book Info
    A treatise on the police of the metropolis; containing a detail of the various crimes and misdemeanors ... and suggesting remedies for their prevention. The fifth edition, revised and enlarged. By P. Colquhoun, ...
  • 382
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    A treatise on the police of the metropolis; containing a detail of the various crimes and misdemeanors by which public and private property and security are, at present, injured and endangered: and suggesting remedies for their prevention. The fourth edition, revised and enlarged. By a magistrate, ...
  • 383
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    A treatise on the structure, economy, and diseases of the liver; together with an inquiry into the properties and component parts of the bile and biliary concretions. By William Saunders, M.D. F.R.S. Fellow of the College of Physicians, and senior physician to Guy's Hospital
  • 384
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    A treatise on the study of the law: containing, directions to students, written by those celebrated lawyers, orators, and statesmen, the Lords Mansfield, Ashburton, and Thurlow, in a series of letters to their Respective Young Friends; with notes, and additions, by the editor
  • 385
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    A treatise on the theory and management of ulcers: with a dissertation on white swellings of the joints. To which is prefixed, an essay on the chirurgical treatment of inflammation and its consequences. By Benjamin Bell, member of the Royal College of Surgeons, one of th surgeons to the Royal Infirmary, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. [One line in Latin from Tacitus]
  • 386
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    A treatise upon the law of usury and annuities by Francis Plowden of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law
  • 387
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    Table talk: being the discourses of John Selden, Esq. or, his sense of various matters of weight and high consequence, relating especially to religion and state. A new edition. With the life of the Author, and notes
  • 388
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    Tableau complet des costumes et vêtements des anglois, depuis l'éstablissement des Saxons dans la Grande-Bretague jusqu'au temps présent; enrichi de gravures tiréss des monuments les plus authentiques de l'analiquite; Précédé D'Une Introduction, Contenant Une Description Générale Des Vêtements EN Usage Dans LE Monde Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à LA Fin DU Septième Siècle. Par Joseph Strutt. vol.1
  • 389
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    Tables, for shewing the dates of bills falling due, having from 10 to 95 days to run, including the three days of grace
  • 390
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    Tables, shewing the amount of any quantity of omnium, or of the several scrips of which the omnium is composed, at Different Prices. For the Loan of £16,120,000. By John Hemming, Of the Stock-Exchange. First payment. To be continued for the subsequent payments
  • 391
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    Tables, shewing the amount of any quantity of omnium, or of the several scrips of which the omnium is composed, at Different Prices. For the Loan of £16,120,000. By John Hemming, Of the Stock-Exchange. Fourth payment. To be continued for the subsequent payments
  • 392
    Book Info
    Tables, shewing the amount of any quantity of omnium, or of the several scrips of which the omnium is composed, at Different Prices. For the Loan of £16,120,000. By John Hemming, Of the Stock-Exchange. Second payment. To be continued for the subsequent payments
  • 393
    Book Info
    Tables, shewing the amount of any quantity of omnium, or of the several scrips of which the omnium is composed, at Different Prices. For the Loan of £16,120,000. By John Hemming, Of the Stock-Exchange. Third payment. To be continued for the subsequent payments
  • 394
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    Tables, shewing the value of any quantity of the loan for the year 1797, at different prices, the two first payments only being made thereon; also The Amount of Five per Cent. Stock to be given for any Sum of Money subscribed, with the Discount to be allowed for the Payment in full of the Subscription Receipts, and also The Interest on any Quantity of Exchequer Bills at 3 1/2 Pence per Cent. per D
  • 395
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    Tales for youth, or the high road to renown, through the paths of pleasure ; being a collection of tales illustrative of an alphabetical arrangement of subjects, the observance of which will enable young men to arrive with respectability at the pinnacle of fame
  • 396
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    Thanks-Giving sermon, for the recovery of His present Majesty King George III. &c. &c. &c. &c. preached at Forres, on Thursday, the 23d of April, 1789. By R. King, A.M.
  • 397
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    The tablet of memory, shewing every memorable event in history, from the earliest period to the year 1797. Classed under distinct heads, with their dates : Comprehending AN Epitome Of English History, With AN Exact Chronology Of Painters, Eminent Men, &c. To Which Are Annexed, Several Useful Lists. The ninth edition, very considerably enlarged With Some Hundred Additional Articles. By Philip Lucko
  • 398
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    The temple of Gnidus, and Arsaces and Ismenia. Translated from the French of Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, Author of the Spirit of Laws, Persian Letters, &c. &c.
  • 399
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    The testimony of truth to exalted merit: or, a biographical sketch of the Right Honourable the Countess of Derby; in refutation of a false and scandalous libel
  • 400
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    The things which belong unto our peace: a sermon, preached August 17, 1795, in St. Mary's chapel, Brecon, before the learned judges of the great sessions; and in the parish church of Greenwich, Kent, March 8, 1797, being the day appointed for a solemn fast: by E. Edwards, Archdeacon of Brecon. Published by Request