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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,101 - 4,120건 출력
  • 4101
    Book Info
    A treatise containing the practical part of fortification : In four parts. I. The Theory of Walls, Arches, and Timbers, with several Tables of their Dimensions. II. The Knowledge of the Materials, their Properties, Qualities, and the Manner of using them. III. The Manner of tracing a Fortress on the Ground, the making an Estimate, and executing the Works. IV. The Method of building Aquatics, as...
    Muller, John
  • 4102
    Book Info
    A treatise of the nature and powers of the baths and waters of Bareges: in which their superior virtues for the cure of gun-shot and other wounds, with all their Complications of inveterate Ulcers, Fistulas, Callosities, and Caries; likewise of muscular and nervous Contractions, Schirrous Tumours, Anchyloses, and many other Diseases, as well Internal as External; are demonstrated, and confirmed by
    Meighan, Christopher
  • 4103
    Book Info
    A treatise of the theory and practice of perspective. Wherein the principles of that most useful art, as said down by Dr. Brook Taylor, are fully and clearly explained, by means of moveable schemes, properly adapted for that purpose. The whole being designed as An Easy Introduction to the Art of Drawing in Perspective. And illustrated by a great variety of curious and instructive examples, engrave
    Fournier, Daniel
  • 4104
    Book Info
    A treatise on hemp. In two parts. Containing I. Its history, with the Preparations and Uses made of it by the Antients. II. The methods of cultivating, dressing, and manufacturing it, as improved by the Experience of modern Times. Translated from the French of M. Marcandier, Magistrate of Bourges
  • 4105
    Book Info
    A treatise on religious toleration. Occasioned by the execution of the unfortunate John Calas; unjustly condemned and broken upon the Wheel at Toulouse, for the supposed murder of his own son. Translated from the French of Mr. de Voltaire, By the Translator of Eloisa, Emilius, &c.
  • 4106
    Book Info
    A treatise on the colica pictonum; or the dry belly-ach. By Ralph Schomberg, M. D. of Bath. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries
    Tronchin, Th{acute}eodore
  • 4107
    Book Info
    A treatise on the diseases and lameness of horses. In which is laid down a proper method of shoeing (in general) and treating the different kinds of feet. To which are added, some new observations in the art of farriery, and on the Nature and Difference of Horses. Shewing On what Principles their Perfection depends, and by what Methods their Breed may be greatly improved and amended. By W. Osmer
    Osmer, William
  • 4108
    Book Info
    A treatise on the religious education of daughters. By the late Rev. Mr. James Hervey, A. M. Rector of Weston-Favell, in Northamptonshire
    Hervey, James
  • 4109
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    A treatise on the social compact; or the principles of politic law. By J. J. Rousseau, Citizen of Geneva
    Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
  • 4110
    Book Info
    A treatise upon the life of faith. By W. Romaine, M. A. Lecturer of St. Dunstan's in the West, London
    Romaine, William
  • 4111
    Book Info
    A true and compendious French and English grammar. Teaching to read, write, and speak the French in less than three months. Containing Grammar, Syntax, and Exercises, with Notes upon the Difference of the Idioms of the two Languages. With Forms of Letters, inland and foreign Bills of Exchange, Receipts and Accounts; very useful for Beginners in the Bankier or Mercantile Way, &c. Ne fiant per plura
    Coomans, J
  • 4112
    Book Info
    A true and particular account of the total and visible eclipse, Of the sun; which will happen on Sunday morning next when the stars will be seen as clear as at midnight. The type of this eclipse. To which is added a prayer on the occasion
  • 4113
    Book Info
    Tair pregeth am dragywyddoldeb, ynghyd a'r budd a'r fontais o edrych ar bethau tragywyddol. A bregethwyd yn saesonaeg, gan y Parchedig Mr. Job Orton. Ac yn awr a gyfieuthwyd yn gym'raeg trwy ganiadhad yr awdwr, V. Jones
    Orton, Job
  • 4114
    Book Info
    Tartarian tales; or, a thousand and one quarters of hours. Written in French by the celebrated Mr. Guelletee, Author of the Chinese, Mogul, and other Tales. With historical and geographical notes. The Whole now for the first time translated into English, by Thomas Flloyd
    Gueullette, Thomas-Simon
  • 4115
    Book Info
    Théatre et ouvres diverses de M. De Sivry, De la Société Royale des Sciences & Belles - Lettres de Lorraine
    Poinsinet de Sivry, Louis
  • 4116
    Book Info
    The Tatler; or, lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq; ...
    Steele, Richard
  • 4117
    Book Info
    The tales of the genii: or, the delightful lessons of Horam, the son of Asmar. Faithfully translated from the Persian manuscript; and compared with the French and Spanish editions Published at Paris and Madrid. By Sir Charles Morell, Formerly Ambassador from the British Settlements in India to the Great Mogul
    Morell, Charles
  • 4118
    Book Info
    The times
    Churchill, C
  • 4119
    Book Info
    The times: A poem. By [blank]
    Churchill, C
  • 4120
    Book Info
    The tour of His Royal Highness Edward Duke of York, from England to Lisbon, Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Minorca, Genoa, Alexandria, Asti, Turin, Milan, Parma, Florence, Leghorn, Pisa, Lucca, Pistoja, Sienna, Rome, Bologna, Mantua, Verona, Vicenza, Padua, Venice, &c. &c. &c. With an introduction, and a circumstantial and historical detail of each place through which he passed: Also a particular Account o