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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 401 - 420건 출력
  • 401
    Book Info
    The tickets in the Irish and English state-lotteries are on sale, and divided into half, fourth, eighth, and sixteenth, shares, by Richardson, Goodluck & Co stock-brokers, at their licensed state-lottery offices, no. 104, Bank-Buildings, Cornhill, ... and at Messrs Stevenson & Matchett's, Market-Place, Norwich. ...
  • 402
    Book Info
    The time of Jacob's trouble, and the certainty and manner of his deliverance out of it. A sermon preached at Devizes, ... October 1st, 1797, on account of the death of Mr. James Dyer, pastor of the Baptist Church, ... By William Steadman. To which are added, Mr. Sloper's address ... and an appendix, containing some account of Mr. Dyer
  • 403
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    The times; or, a fig for invasion: a musical entertainment, in two acts. Dedicated to the Right Honorable William Pitt, &c. &c. By a British Officer
  • 404
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    The town and country auctioneer's guide. Containing abstracts of all the Acts of Parliament relating to the management and collection of the auction duties. An accurate map, describing the limits of the chief office of excise; with useful tables, cases, notes, and genera remarks
  • 405
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    The travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, during the middle of the fourth century before the Christian æra. Abridged from the original work of the abbe Barthelemi. Illustrated with plates ... by H. Richter
  • 406
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    The trial of David McLane for high treason, at the city of Quebec, in the province of Lower-Canada. On Friday, the seventh day of July, A.D. 1797. Taken in short-hand, at the trial
  • 407
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    The trial of John Binns, deputy of the London Corresponding Society, for sedition. Before Mr. Justice Ashhurst, at the assize held for the county of Warwick, on Saturday, August 12, 1797. Taken in short-hand by Mr. Henry Bynner, Birmingham, and published by the defendant
  • 408
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    The trial of John Smith, bookseller, of Portsmouth-Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, before Lord Kenyon, in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, on December 6, 1796, for selling a work, entitled, 'A summary of the duties of citizenship.'
  • 409
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    The trial of Richard Dry, before the Hon. Mr. Baron Metge, and the Honourable Mr. Baron Smith, at a general assizes and general gaol delivery, held in and for the county of the city of Cork, at the King's Old Castle, Cork, on Thursday, the 21st day of Sept. 1797, on an indictment for feloniously tendering, and causing to be tendered, an unlawful oath to one Charles Callanan
  • 410
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    The trial of Richard Parker, for mutiny, &c. &c. on board of His Majesty's fleet at the Nore. To which is added an account of his behaviour during the whole proceedings. And at the place of execution. With a description of his person
  • 411
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    The trial of Richard Parker, president of the delegates, for mutiny, &c. On-Board the Sandwich, and others of His Majesty's ships, at the Nore, in May, 1797, before a court-martial, held on-board the Neptune, Of 98 Guns, Laying Off Greenhithe, Near Gravesend. on Thursday, June 22, 1797, and following Days. Taken, in short-hand, on-board the Neptune, by Job Sibly
  • 412
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    The trifler, a periodical paper, published at Edinburgh, by Richard Maw-Worm, Esq.
  • 413
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    The triumph of agriculture. A poem
  • 414
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    The true greatness and real excellency of the ministerial character, illustrated in a sermon, preached on occasion of the death of the late Hon. and Rev. Wm. Bromley Cadogan, A.M. Preached at St. Luke's, Chelsea, February 5, 1797, by the Reverend C. E. De Coetlogon, A.M.
  • 415
    Book Info
    The turkish refugee: being a narrative of the life, sufferings, deliverances, and conversion, of Ishmael Bashaw, a Mahometan merchant, from Constantinople, who was taken prisoner by the Spaniards, and made a wonderful escape to England. Where, having become a Convert to the Christian Faith, he was Publicly Baptized, with the Approbation of the right reverend The Lord Bishop of Lincoln
  • 416
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    The two cousins; or, spare the rod and spoil the child
  • 417
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    The two wealthy farmers; or, the seventh and last part of the history of Mr. Bragwell and his two daughters
  • 418
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    The two wealthy farmers; or, the sixth part of the history of Mr. Bragwell and his two daughters
  • 419
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    This day is published (sold by all booksellers and stationers) price one shilling, number I, of an improved edition of Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible: Explaining The Names, Histories, &c. of Persons, Places, and Natural Productions, mentioned in Scripture; the Antiquities, Buildings, Coins, Habits, Laws, Customs, and Peculiarities, of the Jews, and other Eastern Nations; with chronological
  • 420
    Book Info
    Thomas's Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode-Island, Newhampshire & Vermont almanack, with an ephemeris, for the year of our Lord 1798: ... Fitted to the latitude and longitude of the town of Boston, but will serve without essential variation for the adjacent states. ...