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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,221 - 4,240건 출력
  • 4221
    Book Info
    A treatise on the diseases of women; in which it is attempted to join a just theory to the most safe and approved practice. With a chronological catalogue of the physicians, who have written on these diseases. Translated from the French original; written by Dr. J. Astruc Royal Professor of Physic at Paris, and consulting Physician to the King of France. ...
    Astruc, John
  • 4222
    Book Info
    A treatise on the nature, properties, and medicinal uses of the waters of Pyrmont, Spa, and Seltzers. Also of the Malvern waters, from Dr. Wall's observations. Being a proper supplement to Dr. Russel's dissertation on the use of sea water, &c.
  • 4223
    Book Info
    A treatise on the prerogatives of a Queen Consort of England
  • 4224
    Book Info
    A treatise on the theory and practice of midwifery. By W. Smellie, M.D. Vol.I
    Smellie, William
  • 4225
    Book Info
    A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread Eat Early in a Morning Fasting. To which are added some particular remarks concerning the great cures accomplished by the saliva or fasting spittle, as well when externally applied, as when internally given in the Scurvy, Gravel, Stone, Rheumatism, and divers other Diseases, arising from Obstructions. With some Critical Observations concer
    Robinson, Nicholas
  • 4226
    Book Info
    Tales and novels in verse. From the French of La Fontaine. By several hands. Published by Samuel Humphreys, Esq;
    La Fontaine, Jean de
  • 4227
    Book Info
    Tales from Fontaine; the first satire and first epistle of Horace; and a letter to a friend, on his repining at old age
    La Fontaine, Jean de
  • 4228
    Book Info
    Taste. A comedy, of two acts. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Foote.
    Foote, Samuel
  • 4229
    Book Info
    Teind cause. July 24th, 1762. Memorial for Captain Thomas Græme of Duchray, and his commissioners, pursuers; against James Forrester of Easter-Polder, and Dr. Walter Stirling of Wester-Polder, defenders
    Graeme, Thomas
  • 4230
    Book Info
    Teind cause. Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, commissioners for plantation of kirks and valuation of teinds; the petition of Margaret Gordon of Barack; ...
    Gordon, Margaret
  • 4231
    Book Info
    Teinds. 24th November, 1762. Answers for Captain Thomas Græme of Duchray, and his commissioners, to the petition of Doctor Walter Stirling of Wester-Polder, and James Forrester of Easter-Polder
    Graeme, Thomas
  • 4232
    Book Info
    Tender counsel and advice, by way of epistle to all those who are sensible of their day of visitation, and who have recieved the call of the Lord, By the Light and Spirit of his Son in their Hearts, to partake of the great Salvation, where-ever scattered throughout the World; Faith, Hope and Charity, which overcome the World, be multiplied among you. By William Penn
    Penn, William
  • 4233
    Book Info
    The tablet, or picture of real life; justly representing, as in a looking-glass, the virtues and vices, fopperies and fooleries, masks and mummeries of the age. With the true Characters Of the Wise and Good. In a Select Set of Essays, Serious and Jocose, upon the most interesting Subjects. Address'd to those who dare to think for themselves, and attempt, in Earnest, to improve Mankind
    Shaw, Peter
  • 4234
    Book Info
    The tea-table miscellany: a collection of choice songs, Scots and English. In four volumes. By Allan Ramsay.
    Ramsay, Allan
  • 4235
    Book Info
    The tell-Tale: or, anecdotes expressive of the characters of persons eminent for rank, learning, wit, or humour. Collected from the best authors and best companions for the improvement of youth in conversation
  • 4236
    Book Info
    The tempest: or, the enchanted island. A comedy. By Mr. Dryden
    Shadwell, Thomas
  • 4237
    Book Info
    The thanksgiving hymn of Adam, on his recovery from sickness. A version from Gessner. By Samuel Boyce, To which is annexed, an ode in honour of His Majesty's birth-day, as it was performed at the Turk's-Head, in Gerrard-Street, Soho, before the Society of artists
    Boyce, Samuel
  • 4238
    Book Info
    The theory and practice of brewing, by Michael Combrune, Printed with Permission of the Master, Wardens, and Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Company of Brewers
    Combrune, Michael
  • 4239
    Book Info
    The theory of religion, in its absolute internal state: in three parts. I. Of the Nature and End of Religion, its Rise and Progress in the Human Mind, and the Improvement and Reinforcement which it receives from the Revelation of the Gospel. II. Of the Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion in general; with a Review of some of the most material Objections, which have been urged against them. I
    Orr, John
  • 4240
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Zara. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants