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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,281 - 4,300건 출력
  • 4281
    Book Info
    A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain. Divided into circuits or journies. Containing, I. A description of the principal cities and Towns, their Situation, Government, and Commerce. II. The Customs, Manners, Exercises, Diversions, and Employments of the People. III. The Nature and Virtue of the many Medicinal Springs with which both Parts of the united Kingdom abound; particularly those of
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4282
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning marriage. Wherein the unlawfulness of mixt-marriages is laid open from the Scriptures of Truth. Shewing, That it is contrary to the Will of God, and the Practice of his People in former Ages, and therefore of dangerous Consequence, for Persons of different Judgments, in Matters of religious Worship, to be joined together in Marriage. Written for the Information and Benefit of
    West, Moses
  • 4283
    Book Info
    A treatise of distresses, replevins, and avowries, in the courts at Westminster, county-courts, hundred-courts, &c. Containing the common and statute law for securing the payment of rent, and preventing frauds by tenants; ...
  • 4284
    Book Info
    A treatise of husbandry on the improvement of dry and barren lands : Shewing, I. The many Advantages which would arise to the Nation in general, by destroying of Warrens, and converting the Lands into Tillage, Pasture, &c. II. Pointing out new and cheap Methods to make growing Fences upon the most Barren Soils, and how to Till and Manure the same at a low Expence. III. How to prepare the Land, ...
    Hitt, Thomas
  • 4285
    Book Info
    A treatise of practical geometry : In three parts. By the late Dr. David Gregory, Sometime Professor of Mathematicks in the University of Edinburgh, and afterwards Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford. Translated from the Latin. With additions.
    Gregory, David
  • 4286
    Book Info
    A treatise of the disease called a cold; shewing its general nature, and causes; its various species, and different events: Together with Some cautionary Rules of Conduct, proper to be observed, in order to avoid taking this Disease, or to get safely rid of it when taken. Also a short Description of the genuine Nature and Seat of the Putrid Sore Throat. By John Chandler, F. R. S. Apothecary
    Chandler, John
  • 4287
    Book Info
    A treatise of the theory and practice of perspective : Wherein the principles of that most useful art, as laid down by Dr. Brook Taylor are fully and clearly explained, by means of moveable schemes, properly adapted for that purpose. The whole being designed as An Easy Introduction to the Art of Drawing in Perspective, and illustrated by a great variety of curious and instructing examples. By D...
    Fournier, Daniel
  • 4288
    Book Info
    A treatise on Christian faith, extracted and translated from the Latin of Hermannus Witsius. By the Rev. Mr. Madan
    Witsius, Herman
  • 4289
    Book Info
    A treatise on the deluge : Containing I. Remarks on the Lord Bishop of Clogher's account of that event. II. A full explanation of the scripture history of it. III. A collection of all the principal heathen accounts. IV. Natural Proofs of the Deluge, deduced from a great Variety of Circumstances, on and in the terraqueous Globe. And, Under the foregoing general articles, The following Particular...
    Catcott, Alexander
  • 4290
    Book Info
    A treatise on the manner of raising forest trees, &c. In a letter from the Right Honourable, the Earl of - to his grandson. To which are added, two memoirs; the one on Preserving and Repairing Forests; The other on the Culture of Forests. - Both translated from the French of M. de Buffon of the Royal Academy at Paris
    Haddington, Thomas Hamilton
  • 4291
    Book Info
    A treatise on the nature of aliments, or Foods, in General; shewing Their good and bad Qualities; and which of them are most proper in the different Stages of Life. To which is Added, An essay on the nature of digestion, And the Vital Powers by which it is performed. By Frederick Hoffman, M.D. Physician to his present Majesty the King of Prussia
    Hoffmann, Friedrich
  • 4292
    Book Info
    A treatise on the operations of surgery : with a description and representation of the instruments used in performing them: to which is prefix'd an introduction on the nature and treatment of wounds, abscesses, and ulcers. By Samuel Sharp, Fellow of the Royal Society, and Member of the Academy of Surgery at Paris.
    Sharp, Samuel
  • 4293
    Book Info
    A treatise on the religious education of daughters. By the late Rev. Mr. James Hervey, ...
    Hervey, James
  • 4294
    Book Info
    A treatise on the three medicinal mineral waters at Llandrindod in Radnorshire, South Wales, with some remarks on Mineral and Fossil Mixtures, in their Native Veins and Beds: At least as far as respects Their Influence on Water. By Diedrick Wessel Linden, M.D.
    Linden, Diederick Wessel
  • 4295
    Book Info
    A treatise on the virtues and uses of whey. By Frederick Hoffmann, M.D. Physician to his present Majesty the King of Prussia
    Hoffmann, Friedrich
  • 4296
    Book Info
    A treatise upon conviction of sin. By Samuel Walker, A. B. Late Curate of Truro in Cornwall, and formerly of Exeter College in Oxford
    Walker, Samuel
  • 4297
    Book Info
    A treatise upon conviction of sin. By Samuel Walker, A.B. Late Curate of Truro in Cornwall, and formerly of Exeter College in Oxford
    Walker, Samuel
  • 4298
    Book Info
    Tables for buying and selling stocks : from 60, 60 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, &c. to {pound} 130 Per Cent. Constructed on so easy a Plan, that Solutions to most Questions may be obtained by Inspection only, and other Cases may generally be answered by adding together two or three Simple Numbers. To which is added, a table shewing the value of the parts or residuals, from 19s. 11d. three Farthings down to O...
    Webb, Benjamin
  • 4299
    Book Info
    Tables of English silver and gold coins: first published by Martin Folkes, Esq; and now re-printed, with plates and explanations, by the Society of Antiquaries, London, MDCCLXIII
    Folkes, Martin
  • 4300
    Book Info
    Taith y pererin tan rith breuddwyd. 1. Yn yr hwn y danghosir Mynediad Cristianes a'i Phlant ar Bererindod, o'r Byd hwn i'r Byd sydd i ddyfod. 2. Ac mor Beryglus y bu arnynt yn eu Taith. 3. Ac fel y maent trwy gynnorthwy Duw, yn dyfod o'r diwedd i'r wlad Ddymunol. Yr ail rhann; O Waith John Bunyan. A Gyfieuthwyd gan John Edwards, o Glynn Ceiriog. Allan o'r 27. Argraphiad yn Saesonaeg
    Bunyan, John