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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,381 - 4,400건 출력
  • 4381
    Book Info
    The tendencies of the foundling hospital in its present extent, considered in several views, just as they occur en passant in a lax epistolary address, attempting In several letters to a senator. Part 1
  • 4382
    Book Info
    The terrible calamities that are occasioned by war, and the blessedness of a people that live under the protection of God. A sermon preached at the ... parish church of St. Giles, Cripplegate, and afterwards at Stratford-Bow, November the 29th, 1759. ... By ... Thomas Smith, ...
  • 4383
    Book Info
    The theory of Hadley's quadrant demonstrated; and from thence its nature, construction, and uses are fully shewn. With a table of the sun's declination for finding the latitude of the place. To which is added, a new construction of the quadrant, which, by Means of an artificial Horizon, renders it of universal Use by Sea and Land. By Benj. Martin
    Martin, Benjamin
  • 4384
    Book Info
    The third edition, with four additional designs of Useful architecture; being the last work in this kind of William Halfpenny, Architect and Carpenter, in twenty-five new designs, with full and clear instructions, in every particular, for erecting parsonage-houses, farm-houses, and inns, with their respective offices, &c. of various Dimensions, at the most moderate Expence, the Largest not exceedi
    Halfpenny, William
  • 4385
    Book Info
    The top book of all, for little masters and misses. Containing the choicest stories, ... with curious lively pictures, ....
  • 4386
    Book Info
    The trader's pocket companion: containing, correct tables, ready calculated, of universal use to merchants, shopkeepers, mechanicks, and to all other persons in any kind of business, viz. A Table calculated to shew, at one View, the Value of any Quantity of Goods, Wares, or Merchandise, at any Price, adapted to all Capacities; and its particular, general, and extensive Use, shewn by many and vario
    Hewitt, John
  • 4387
    Book Info
    The trader's pocket companion: containing, correct tables, ready calculated, of universal use to merchants, shopkeepers, mechanicks, and to all other persons in any kind of business. A Table calculated, to shew at one View, the Value of any Quantity of Goods, Wares, or Merchandise, at any Price, adapted to all Capacities: and its particular, general, and extensive Use, shewn by many, and various E
    Hewitt, John
  • 4388
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Jane Shore. Written in imitation of Shakespear's style. By N. Rowe, Esq.
    Rowe, Nicholas
  • 4389
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    The tragical ballad: or, the nobleman's cruelty to his son
  • 4390
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    The tragical ballad: or, the nobleman's cruelty to his son.
  • 4391
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    The tragical ballad; or, the lady who fell in love with the serving-man
  • 4392
    Book Info
    The transmigrating soul; or, an Epitome of Human Nature. A moral satire. By Lieutenant John Slade, Of His Majesty's Tenth Company of Marines
    Slade, John
  • 4393
    Book Info
    The traveller's pocket-book: or, Ogilby and Morgan's book of the roads improved and amended, in a method never before attempted. Containing I. The distances in measured miles from London to all the Cities, Towns, and remarkable Villages, in England and Wales, according to the new erected Mile Stones: And an Account of such Noblemens and Gentlemens Seats as lie near the road Side. II. The Cross-Roa
    Ogilby, John
  • 4394
    Book Info
    The trial of Lawrence Earl Ferrers, for the murder of John Johnson, before the Right Honourable the House of Peers, in Westminster-Hall, in full Parliament, On Wednesday the 16th, Thursday the 17th, and Friday the 18th of April, 1760: On the last of which Days, Judgment for Murder was given against him. Published by Order of the House of Peers
    Ferrers, Lawrence Shirley
  • 4395
    Book Info
    The trial of Lord George Sackville. Taken in short-hand by a bystander
    Sackville, George Germain
  • 4396
    Book Info
    The trial of the Right Honourable Lord George Sackville, at a court-martial held at the Horse-Guards, February 29, 1760, for an enquiry into his conduct, being charged with disobedience of orders, while he commanded the British Horse in Germany. Together with his Lordship's defence
    Sackville, George Germain
  • 4397
    Book Info
    The trinitarian controversy reviewed: or, a defence of the Appeal to the common sense of all Christian people, &c. wherein every particular advanced by the Reverend Dr. M'donnell in his Sincere Christian's Answer to the Appeal, is distinctly considered; several other Subjects relative to the Question, are discussed; and An humble Attempt is made to put a final Period, if possible, to this Controve
    Hopkins, William
  • 4398
    Book Info
    The true and whole proceedings of the coroner's inquest at St. Mary-le-Bonne; on Saturday, October the 11th, 1760. Touching the death of Ann Sharp. To which is added observations ... By one of the jury
    One of the jury
  • 4399
    Book Info
    The true mentor; or, an essay on the education of young people of fashion. Translated from the French of the Marquis Caraccioli,
    Caraccioli, Louis-Antoine
  • 4400
    Book Info
    The true patriot, a new song, by Mother Midnight. Tune, avast brother Tar