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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,421 - 4,440건 출력
  • 4421
    Book Info
    Traethawd defnyddiol am ben-arglwyddiaeth Duw, Gyfiawnder Ynghyd a'r Pethau Pwysfawr sy'n tarddu oddiwrth ci Ben-Arglwyddiaeth ef, Sef; Etholedigaeth, Prynedigaeth, Galwedigaeth effeithiel, a Pharhad mewn Gras. O waith Mr. Eliseus Cole, yn Saesonaeg, wedi ei gyfjaethu i'r Cymr'aeg er lles i'r Cymru
    Coles, Elisha
  • 4422
    Book Info
    Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorrain. Giving a true and just description of the present state of those countries; Their Natural, Literary, and Political History; Manners, Laws, Commerce, Manufactures, Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Coins, Antiquities, Curiosities of Art and Nature, &c. Illustrated With Copper-Plates, engraved from Drawings taken on the Spo
    Keyssler, Johann Georg
  • 4423
    Book Info
    Trick upon trick, or the vintner in the suds. A farce: as it is now acted
    Yarrow, Joseph
  • 4424
    Book Info
    Tristram Shandy's bon mots, Repartees, odd Adventures, And Humorous Stories; all warranted originals; being taken from actual conversations; or collected from the most authentick intelligence. To which are added, by Way of Appendix; a story of a cock and a bull, in the Shandy stile; a poetical epistle, never before printed; A Discourse well worth the Perusal of all who are curious in the Sermon Wa
  • 4425
    Book Info
    Trivia: or, the art of walking the streets of London. By Mr. Gay
    Gay, John
  • 4426
    Book Info
    True love requited: or, the bailiff's daughter of Islington. Tune, I have a good old wife at home
  • 4427
    Book Info
    True love rewarded with loyality [sic], or, mirth and joy after sorrow and sadness
  • 4428
    Book Info
    Truth develop'd, and innocence protected: or, the merits and demerits of the late Commander in Chief of the British forces in Germany set forth, and proved from undoubted Facts; and his Character cleared from the accumulated Aspersions which have been cast thereon. Humbly addressed to both Houses of Parliament. You have heard the Accusers, now hear the Accused
    Free citizen
  • 4429
    Book Info
    Truth from the original university; opening the deep ground of the scriptures; the Process to Paradise; what God is; what Nature is; and the Reason of so many Opinions. Being a call to the world, to prepare for Christ's second coming; humbly offered to the Consideration of all People. By Philalethes. Part I
  • 4430
    Book Info
    Tubal-Kain: being the Second part of Solomon in all his glory, or master mason: Containing an universal and genuine description of all its branches, from the original to the present time: As it is delivered in the Constituted Regular Lodges, Both in City and Country, According to the Several Degrees of Admissions: Giving an Impartial Account of their Regular Proceedings in initiating their New Mem
    Prichard, Samuel
  • 4431
    Book Info
    Twelve delightful novels, displaying the stratagems of love and gallantry; Giving An Account of the various Accidents, intrigues and Events, which have happen'd to several Persons in pursuance of their amorous inclinations. Very entertaining for Gentlemen, Ladies and others in their vacant Hours. Namely. 1. The Honourable Infidelity. 2. The Lucky Misfortune. 3. The ... Fair One. 4. The Unparallel'
    Person of quality
  • 4432
    Book Info
    Twelve discourses upon the law and the Gospel. Preached at St. Dunstan's church in the West, London. By W. Romaine, M. A. Lecturer of the said Church
    Romaine, William
  • 4433
    Book Info
    Twenty five discourses suitable to the Lord's Supper, delivered just before the administration of that sacred ordinance. By the Reverend and learned John Owen, D. D. Of the last Age. Never before Printed
    Owen, John
  • 4434
    Book Info
    Two dialogues on the man-trade
  • 4435
    Book Info
    Two discourses delivered October the 25th, 1759, being the day appointed by authority to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving, for the success of His Majesty's arms, more particularly in the reduction of Quebec, the Capital of Canada. With an Appendix, Containing a brief Account of two former Expeditions against that City and Country, which proved unsuccessful. By Jonathan Mayhew, D. D. in
    Mayhew, Jonathan
  • 4436
    Book Info
    Two discourses, in the first of which is pointed out the danger and mischief of self-confidence, being intended as an introduction to the second, in which the scripture-doctrine of justification is stated and explained, The infinite Wisdom and Goodness of God in such a Scheme is shewn, And the Rise and History of its Misconstruction, with the Consequences of it, set forth. The whole recommended to
    Martin, Samuel
  • 4437
    Book Info
    Two letters of the Lord Bishop of London: the first, to the masters and mistresses of families in the English plantations abroad; Exhorting them to Encourage and Promote the Instruction of their Negroes in the Christian Faith. The second, to the missionaries there; Directing them to distribute the said Letter, and Exhorting them to give their Assistance towards the Instruction of the Negroes withi
    Gibson, Edmund
  • 4438
    Book Info
    Two lyric epistles: one to my cousin Shandy, on his coming to town; and the other to the grown gentlewomen, the Misses of ****
    Hall-Stevenson, John
  • 4439
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    Two odes
    Colman, George
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 4440
    Book Info
    A table describing counterfeit pieces of gold coin, whereby they may be detected, without the use of the hydrostatical scale