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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,481 - 4,500건 출력
  • 4481
    Book Info
    This day is published, No. XVII. Price One Shilling, (containing A Plan of the Fort and Town in the Isle of Aix, before it was demolished by the English in 1758. A Plan of Fort Lupin on the River Charante.) of A description of the maritime parts of France, containing a particular account of all the fortified towns, forts, harbours, bays, and rivers, with their Tides, Currents, Soundings, Shoals, &
    Jeffreys, Thomas
  • 4482
    Book Info
    Thoughts moral and divine; collected and intended for the better instruction and conduct of life. ... by Wellins Calcott, gent.
    Calcott, Wellins
  • 4483
    Book Info
    Thoughts on the duty of a good citizen, with regard to apprehensions of invasion; in a letter from a citizen to his friend
    Hanway, Jonas
  • 4484
    Book Info
    Thoughts on the pernicious consequences of borrowing money: with a proposal for raising a supply for the current service. And also for taking off part of our present load of taxes. To which are added, some estimates to shew the advantages that would arise from an equal land-tax. And also, a method proposed, for discharging the national debt
  • 4485
    Book Info
    Thoughts on the plan for a Magdalen-House for repentant prostitutes, with the several reasons for such an establishment; the Custom of other Nations with regard to such Penitents; and the Great Advantages which Must necessarily arise from the good Conduct of this Institution, upon Political and Religious Principles. Addressed to the promoters of this charity. By Mr. Hanway
    Hanway, Jonas
  • 4486
    Book Info
    Three dialogues on the navy; containing I. A plan of education for officers. II. The plan of a standing force by sea. III. A scheme of discipline and government. Dedicated to the Right Honourable Edward Boscawen
    Moncreiff, John
  • 4487
    Book Info
    Three occasional discourses delivered in the Royal Navy. By the Rev. Mr. Philipps, Chaplain of his Majesty's Ship Terrible
    Philipps, Michael
  • 4488
    Book Info
    Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum natura libri sex. Ex editione Thomae Creech
    Lucretius Carus, Titus
  • 4489
    Book Info
    Titi Lucretii Cari de rerum natura libri sex. Ex editione Thomae Creech.
    Lucretius Carus, Titus
  • 4490
    Book Info
    To David Garrick, Esq; the petition of I. In behalf of herself and her sisters
    Hill, John
  • 4491
    Book Info
    To the Honourable General Townshend, on his arrival from Quebec. By Mr. Lockman
    Lockman, John
  • 4492
    Book Info
    To the Worshipful John Fox, Esq; Mayor, ... of Northampton; this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Alexander Phillips
    Northampton (England)
  • 4493
    Book Info
    To the Worshipful Robert Cunliffe, Esquire, Mayor of Liverpool. May. 1. 1759
    Clegg, Joseph
  • 4494
    Book Info
    Traité et conventions pour les malades, blessés, et prisonniers de guerre des troupes de terre de Sa Majesté trés Chrétienne, et de Sa Majesté Britannique = Treaty and convention for the sick, wounded, and prisoners of war, of the land forces of His Majesty the King of Great-Britain, and of His Most Christian Majesty
    Great Britain
  • 4495
    Book Info
    Traité et conventions pour les malades, blessés, et prisonniers de guerre troupes de terres de Sa Majesté trés Chretienne, et de Sa Majesté Britannique. = Treaty and convention for the sick, wounded, and prisoners of war, of the land forces of Majesty the King of Great-Britain, and of His Most Christian Majesty
    Great Britain
  • 4496
    Book Info
    Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, ...
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 4497
    Book Info
    Travels through part of Europe, Asia Minor, the islands of the Archipelago; Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Mount Sinai, &c. ... By ... J. Ægidius van Egmont, ... and John Heyman, ... Translated from the Low Dutch. In two volumes. ...
    Egmond van der Nijenburg, Johannes Aegidius van
  • 4498
    Book Info
    Twelve discourses upon some practical parts of Solomon's Song. Preached at St. Dunstan's church in the West, London. By W. Romaine, M. A. Lecturer of the said Church
    Romaine, William
  • 4499
    Book Info
    Twelve sonatinas, or Easy Lessons for the harpsichord Chiefly intended for the Improvement of Young Practitioners. Composed in various Styles, by George Berg Op: III
    Berg, George
  • 4500
    Book Info
    Two journeys to Jerusalem. Containing first, a strange and true account of the travels of two English pilgrims some years since, and what admirable Accidents be fel them in their Journey to Jerusalem, Grand Cairo, Alexandria, &c. Secondly, The travels of fourteen Englishmen, in 1669, to Jerusalem, Bethlem, Jericho, the River Jordan, the Lake of Sodom and Gomorrah, &c. With the Antiquities, Monumen
    Crouch, Nathaniel