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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,501 - 4,520건 출력
  • 4501
    Book Info
    Two lectures on comets, read in the chapel of Harvard-College, in Cambridge, New England, in April 1759. On occasion of the comet which appear'd in that month. With an appendix, concerning the revolutions of that comet, and of some others. By John Winthrop, Esq. Hollisian Professor of the Mathematics and Philosophy at Cambridge. Published by the general desire of the hearers
    Winthrop, John
  • 4502
    Book Info
    Two orations in praise of Athenians slain in battle. From the Greek. With reflexions
  • 4503
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    Two satires. By Samuel Johnson, A.M.
    Johnson, Samuel
  • 4504
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    Tyburn to the Marine Society. A poem
    Mallet, David
  • 4505
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    A third letter to the people of Ireland, on the subject of tythes. Wherein the farmers complaints, and other objections against them, are particularly considered. By a friend to the constitution
    Friend to the constitution
  • 4506
    Book Info
    A treatise of fevers: wherein are set forth the causes, symptoms, diagnosticks, and prognosticks, of an I. Acute continual, 2. Intermitting, 3. Slow Nervous, 4. Miliary, 5. Malignant, 6. Scarlet, 7. Erysipelatose, and 8. Hectic fever, or Consumption, 9. Small-Pox, 10. Measles, 11. Pleurisy, 12. Peripneumony, Pleuroperipneumony, and the 13. Spurious Peripneumony. Together with the method of cure ac
    Ball, John
  • 4507
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    A treatise of fluxions. By Israel Lyons, Junior
    Lyons, Israel
  • 4508
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    A treatise of fruit-trees. By Thomas Hitt, Gardener to the Right Honourable Lord Robert Manners, at Bloxholme, in Lincolnshire
    Hitt, Thomas
  • 4509
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    A treatise on madness. By William Battie M. D. Fellow of the College of Physicians in London, And Physician to St. Luke's Hospital
    Battie, William
  • 4510
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    A treatise on rents. By a late Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer
    Gilbert, Geoffrey
  • 4511
    Book Info
    A treatise on the Court of Exchequer: ... By a late Lord Chief Baron of that court
    Gilbert, Geoffrey
  • 4512
    Book Info
    A treatise on the better employment, and More Comfortable Support, of the Poor in Workhouses. Together with Some Observations on the Growth and Culture of Flax. With Divers New Inventions, neatly engraved on Copper, for the Improvement of the Linen Manufacture, of which The Importance and Advantages are considered and evinced. By William Bailey, Member of the Society for promoting Arts and Commerc
    Bailey, William
  • 4513
    Book Info
    A treatise on the medicinal qualities of Bath waters: in three parts. Part I, Explains the Nature and Qualities of these Waters, as proved by Rational Experiments. Part II. Points out the various Diseases incident to human Nature, in which these Waters may be successfully used. The Causes of those Diseases, and the Operation of these Waters on the animal Humours and Fibres, Philosophically account
    Stevens, J. N
  • 4514
    Book Info
    A treatise on the operations of surgery : with a description and representation of the instruments used in performing them: to which is prefix'd an introduction on the nature and treatment of wounds, abscesses, and ulcers. By Samuel Sharp, Fellow of the Royal Society, and Member of the Academy of Surgery at Paris.
    Sharp, Samuel
  • 4515
    Book Info
    A treatise on the use and abuse of the second, commonly called, the steward's table, in families of the first rank. In four parts. Containing, I. An Explanation of the Misteries of that sacred Divan; with a full Account of the several Arts, Lies, and Contrivances therein used to distress, and, if possible, starve the lower Class of Servants; together with the Compliments and Enquiries that pass...
  • 4516
    Book Info
    A treatise on ventilators : Wherein an account is given of the happy effects of many trials that have been made of them; which has occasioned their being received, with general Approbation and Applause, on account of their Utility in many ways, to the great Benefit of Mankind, viz. In refreshing the Noxious Air of Ships, Hospitals and Mines, to the better Preservation of the Health and Lives of...
    Hales, Stephen
  • 4517
    Book Info
    A treatise on ventilators : Wherein an account is given of the happy effects of the several trials that have been made of them, in different Ways and for different Purposes: Which has occasioned their being received with general Approbation and Applause, on account of their Utility for the great Benefit of Mankind. As also Of what farther Hints and Improvements in several other useful Ways, hav...
    Hales, Stephen
  • 4518
    Book Info
    A trip to the jubilee: or, antichrist revealed and popery unmasqued. Wherein It is plainly demonstrated the Bishop of Rome, (commonly stiled the Pope) is that lawless Person, that Man of Sin, and Son of Perdition described by St. Paul in his second Epistle to the Thessalonians, and confirmed by St. John in his Revelations, and therefore the very Antichrist. That there have been true, zealous, and
    Purdon, Nicholas
  • 4519
    Book Info
    A true relation of the remarkable work of God upon James and Walter White, two Brothers; Who were Executed on Thursday, April the 20th, 1758, on Kennington-Common, for breaking open and robbing the House of Farmer Vencent, of Cranley, in the County of Surrey. To which are added, Several Letters from James Billion, a Lad of sixteen Years of Age, when under Sentence of Death, in the Cells of Newgate
    Bradbury, Charles
  • 4520
    Book Info
    Tancred and Sigismunda. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By James Thomson.
    Thomson, James