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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,641 - 4,660건 출력
  • 4641
    Book Info
    A transcendent spiritual treatise upon several heavenly doctrines, from the holy spirit of the man Jesus, the only true God, ... John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton, the two last witnesses ...
    Reeve, John
  • 4642
    Book Info
    A treatise containing the description and use of a new and curious quadrant, made and finished by the Masterly Hand of that Excellent Mechanic, John Rowley; For Taking of Altitudes, And for Solving various Mathematical Problems in Geometry, Navigation, Astronomy, &c. Some of them by a bare Inspection of the Instrument, and others by easy Operations on it. Studiously adapted to the meanest Capaciti
    Woodford, Thomas
  • 4643
    Book Info
    A treatise containing the elementary part of fortification : regular and irregular. With Remarks on the Constructions of the most celebrated Authors, particularly of Marshal de Vauban and Baron Coehorn, in which the Perfection and Imperfection of their several Works are considered. For the use of the Royal Academy of Artillery at Woolwich. Illustrated with thirty-four copper plates. The second ...
    Muller, John
  • 4644
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    A treatise on ruptures. By Percivall Pott, Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's-Hospital
    Pott, Percivall
  • 4645
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    A treatise on the three medicinal mineral waters at Llandrindod, in Radnorshire, South Wales with some remarks on mineral and fossil mixtures, In Their Native Veins and Beds; At least as far as respects Their Influence on Water. By Diederick Wessel Linden, M.D.
    Linden, Diederick Wessel
  • 4646
    Book Info
    A true and particular account of the late dreadful earthquake at Lisbon: to which is added A mournful copy of verses on the occasion: also The heads of a sermon by the Reverend Mr. Hervey; From these Words: Except Ye Repent, Ye shall all likewise Perish
  • 4647
    Book Info
    That Jesus Christ is God by nature, of the same essence with the Father, proved to be the doctrine of Christianity. Two letters to a very eminent and learned gentleman; attempting to subvert the doctrine of the Arians. Being animadversions on a very famous Arian manuscript,--wrote by him, some years since, in India. By a country-gentleman
  • 4648
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    The target: or, a treatise upon a branch of art military. By a gentleman, who has resided some time in England
    Molyneux, Thomas More
  • 4649
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    The tell-tale: or, anecdotes expressive of the characters of persons eminent for rank, learning, wit, or humour. Collected from the best authors and best companions: for the improvement of youth in conversation. In two volumes. ...
  • 4650
    Book Info
    The tempest. An opera: Taken from Shakespear. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. The songs from Shakespeare, Dryden, &c. The music composed by Mr. Smith.
    Garrick, David
  • 4651
    Book Info
    The terms of national happiness stated and recommended. A sermon delivered at Northampton, Feb. the 6th M.DCC.LVI. Appointed to be observed, As a Day of general and publick Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer. By Robert Gilbert
    Gilbert, Robert
  • 4652
    Book Info
    The theory and practice of the French tongue. The theory containing the rules, with many additions: and the practice, the examples to each rule. Being for the most part Excellent Moral Sentiments, extracted from the best French Authors, and render'd into easy English; in order to shew the different Idioms and Turn of Expression in both Languages. By J. B. Ozinde, Late Teacher of the French and Eng
    Ozinde, J. B
  • 4653
    Book Info
    The touchstone of patriotism, in a series of interesting queries to the publick
  • 4654
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    The toy-shop; to which are added, epistles and poems on several occasions. By Robert Dodsley, ...
    Dodsley, Robert
  • 4655
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    The tradesman's director, or the London and Country Shopkeeper's Useful companion. Containing such instructions as will enable the shopkeeper to carry on his business with more ease and greater exactness than is usually done: Particularly shewing A most easy and useful Method of keeping Books of Accompts: And such Informations in regard to the Rules and Practice of Trade, and the best and cheapest
  • 4656
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Jane Shore. Written in imitation of Shakespear's style. By N. Rowe Esq;
    Rowe, Nicholas
  • 4657
    Book Info
    The tragical history of King Richard III. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Shakespear
    Cibber, Colley
  • 4658
    Book Info
    The tragical history of King Richard III. As it is now acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane, Covent-Garden, and Smock-Alley. Altered from Shakespear, and cut for the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. By C. Cibber, Esq;
    Cibber, Colley
  • 4659
    Book Info
    The trial of General Fowke, Late Governor of Gibraltar, at a court martial held on Tuesday the 10th of August, 1756. In which is comprized, the original orders sent to that General, in Three Letters from the Secretary at War, with the Minutes of the Council of War held at Gibraltar on that Occasion: Also, Lord Anson's letter to Admiral Byng, respecting those Orders; with the Reasons for not puttin
    Fowke, Thomas
  • 4660
    Book Info
    The trial of Roger, for the murder of Lady Betty Ireland, ... on Wednesday the 23d [sic] of March, 1756