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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,741 - 4,760건 출력
  • 4741
    Book Info
    Tou deinos nosountos kai peri T{macr}on Nosount{macr}on Melet{macr}emata
    Burton, John
  • 4742
    Book Info
    Très-humbles representations de Pierre Parisot de Lorraine, a la nation Angloise, au sujet du nouvel etablissement d'arts & de manufactures; formé, sous sa direction, par les ordres & la generosité de la Famille Royale, et des premiers seigneurs du royaume, ... où on voit un abregé de l'histoire de cet etablissement depuis son origine en 1750, jusq'â [sic] ce jour 20 de Décemb. 1755
    Parisot, Pierre-Curel
  • 4743
    Book Info
    Trait{acute}e des causes et symptomes de la pierre : et des principaux remedes en usage pour gu{acute}erir cette maladie, contenant L'Histoire de ceux de Mlle. Stephens, & sa recette publiee par ordre du. Parlement de la Grande-Bretagne en 1739. Observations & Reponses aux Objections qu'on a faites contre cette composition. Avis a ceux qui en font usage. L'Examen de L'Eau-de-Chaux, avec des Cas...
    D'Escherny, David
  • 4744
    Book Info
    Travels into the inland parts of Africa: containing a description of the several nations for the space of Six Hundred Miles up the River Gambia; their Trade, Habits, Customs, Languages, Manners, Religion and Government; the Power, Disposition and Characters of some Negro Princes; with a particular Account of Job Ben Solomon, a Pholey, who was in England in the Year 1733, and known by the Name of t
    Moore, Francis
  • 4745
    Book Info
    Treaty between His Britannick Majesty and Her Imperial Majesty of all the Russias. Together with The Four Separate Articles belonging thereto. Signed At Moscow, December 11, 1742
    Great Britain
  • 4746
    Book Info
    Treaty between His Britannick Majesty, and Her Imperial Majesty Of All the Russias. Signed at St. Peterburg, September 19/30, 1755. Together with The Two Separate and Secret Articles belonging thereto
    Great Britain
  • 4747
    Book Info
    Treaty between His Britannick Majesty, and the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassell. Signed at Hanover, June 18, 1755
    Great Britain
  • 4748
    Book Info
    Trust in God, the best remedy against fears of all kinds. A sermon preached in the parish-church of Lambeth. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund Gibson, D. D. Late Lord Bishop of London. Now re-printed, under the Direction of The Lord Bishop of Ferns
    Gibson, Edmund
  • 4749
    Book Info
    Truth and falshood: a tale:
    Francklin, Thomas
  • 4750
    Book Info
    Truth transcending human reason: or, the intellectual harmony clearly exhibited; know thy self. Being an alarm to deists, priests, and people, and a trial of spirits; demonstrating clearly the proof of the Trinity to be in every man: And also What the Sin and Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is, and by whom committed in this present Age. Like wise A Hint proposed to prevent Robberies, Thefts, and
    Hope, George
  • 4751
    Book Info
    Twenty sermons on the following subjects. I. of God incomprehesible. II. Of the Being and Attributes of God. III. Of our Being in God. IV. Of the Sovereignty of God. V. VI. Of the divine Providence. Vii. Of the Beauty of God's Works. Viii. Of the Reasons of Good and Evil. IX. Of fulfilling the Righteousness of the Law. X. God is Love. XI. Of God's Love in our Redemption. XII. Of the Universality o
    Hussey, Christopher
  • 4752
    Book Info
    Twenty sermons on the most serious and practical subjects of the Christian religion. Fitted for the use of private families. By the late Reverend Mr. Samuel Bourn, ... To which is added some memoirs of the life of the author.
    Bourn, Samuel
  • 4753
    Book Info
    Twenty sermons. The first nine of them preached before the King in Lent. ... By Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Winchester.
    Hoadly, Benjamin
  • 4754
    Book Info
    Twenty-Two sermons on the most interesting and important subjects; relative to the Christian faith and practice. By Lawrence Holden, Of Maldon in Essex
    Holden, Lawrence
  • 4755
    Book Info
    Twenty-four sermons preach'd at the parish church of St. Mary le Bow, London, at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle. Esq; and eight sermons preach'd ... 1738 ... 1741. at the lecture founded the honoured Lady Moyer, to which are added, a visitation sermon ... By Leonard Twells, ...
    Twells, Leonard
  • 4756
    Book Info
    Two discourses on the injustice and wickedness of false weights and measures; preached at the parish church of Sheffield, on Sunday December 15th, 1754. By John Dickinson, M.A.
    Dickinson, John
  • 4757
    Book Info
    Two letters to a friend, on the present critical conjunctune of affairs in North America; particularly on the vast importance of the victory gained by the New-England militia under the command of General Johnston, at Lake-George. Being the most Genuine Account of this Action yet published
    Chauncy, Charles
  • 4758
    Book Info
    Two poems presented to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, upon his Grace's revisiting that University, April, M.DCC.LV. In order to lay the first Stone of the New-Building. By Mr. Marriott, LL. B. of Trinity-Hall
    Marriott, James
  • 4759
    Book Info
    A third letter to the publick, on the Present Posture of affairs. With Some quaeries proposed To certain Modern authors, and Submitted to the Consideration of the publick
    Howard, Gorges Edmond
  • 4760
    Book Info
    A tour through Normandy, described in a letter to a friend
    Ducarel, Andrew Coltee