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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,801 - 4,820건 출력
  • 4801
    Book Info
    Three practical essays, on baptism, confirmation, and repentance. Containing full instructions for a holy life: with earnest exhortations, especially to young persons, drawn from the consideration of the severity of the discipline of the primitive church. The seventh edition. By Samuel Clarke, D. D. late Rector of St James's Westminster
    Clarke, Samuel
  • 4802
    Book Info
    Tiomna Nuadh ar Dtighearna agus ar Slanuigheora Josa Criosd, ar na tharruing go firinneach as Gregis go Gaoidheilg. Re Ulliam O Domhnuill. Noch ata anois ar mhaithe choitchinn Ghaoidhealtacht Albann, athruighte go haireach as an litir Eireandha, go min-litre shoi-leighidh Romhanta; Maille re Suim agus brìgh na Ccaibidleach os a ccionn, a n Tiodaluibh aithghearr; le R. Kirke, M.A.
  • 4803
    Book Info
    To His Grace Lionel, Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governour of the Kingdom of Ireland. The Humble petition of Truth, Virtue, and Liberty
  • 4804
    Book Info
    To all the serious, honest, and well-meaning people of Ireland, the following queries are affectionately addressed and recommended to their serious perusal. To which is prefixed, a letter from the editor to the printer. And at the end is added, An epistle dedicatory, ...
    Brett, John
  • 4805
    Book Info
    To leap this season. Now in the hands of Joe Hall, a beautiful high bred dun horse, called General, seven years old, fifteen hands and a half high, master of eighteen stone, quite free from blemish, goes well of his legs, ...
    Hall, Joe
  • 4806
    Book Info
    To the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled. The humble petition of the several merchants and trades in the city of London, whose names are hereunder subscribed; ...
  • 4807
    Book Info
    To the Right Honourable Henry Boyle, Esq; Speaker of the House of Commons of Ireland, an address from the gentlemen and traders of the city of Dublin, presented, on Monday the thirteenth day of May, 1754, by Sir Samuel Cooke, Bart. and Thomas Read, Esq;
  • 4808
    Book Info
    To the Worshipful Henry Jeffcutt, Esq; Mayor, ... of Northampton; this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Alexander Phillips
    Northampton (England)
  • 4809
    Book Info
    To the persons assembled about the Sessions-house in the Old-Bailey
  • 4810
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    Traité de l'autorité des rois, touchant l'administration de l'eglise; par M. le Vayer de Boutigny, ...
    Le Vayer de Boutigny, M
  • 4811
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    Traité de la méthode antique de graver en pierres fines, comparée avec la méthode moderne, et expliquée en diverses planches par Laurent Natter, Graveur en Pierres fines
    Natter, Lorenz
  • 4812
    Book Info
    Traité des sensations, à Madame la Comtesse de Vassé, par M. L'Abbé de Condillac, de L'Académie Royale de Berlin. Ut potero, explicabo: nec tamen, ut Pythius Apollo, certa ut sint & fixa, quae dixero: sed, ut homunculus, probabilia conjecturâ sequens. Cic. Tusc. quaest. l. 1. c. 9. Tome I
    Condillac, {acute}Etienne Bonnot de
  • 4813
    Book Info
    Translation; a poem. By Thomas Francklin, ...
    Francklin, Thomas
  • 4814
    Book Info
    Travels through Turkey in Asia, the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and other parts of the world: giving a particular and faithful account of what is most remarkable in the manners, religion polity, antiquities, and natural history of those countries: with a Curious Description of Jerusalem, as it now appears, And other Places mention'd in the Holy Scriptures. By Charles Thompson, Esq; Interspersed with
    Thompson, Charles
  • 4815
    Book Info
    Trinity-Garden, a poem. With some remarks on a scurrilous pamphlet, lately published by the Sons of dulness. By A. G. Barber
    A. G
  • 4816
    Book Info
    True Christian love. To be sung with any of the common tunes of the psalms. Written by the late reverend and learned Mr. David Dickson, ... To which is added, Honey drops, or, chrystal streams flowing from Christ the fountain and head thereof.
    Dickson, David
  • 4817
    Book Info
    True-blue: or, a letter to the gentlemen of the old interest in the county of Oxford. By an A-----n.
  • 4818
    Book Info
    Truth against craft: or, sophistry and falshood detected. In answer to a pamphlet intitled, The case fairly stated: and likewise to The defence of the considerations
  • 4819
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    Truth triumphant: or, the genuine account of the whole proceedings against Elizabeth Canning, tried and convicted of perjury, ... for falsely swearing a robbery against Mary Squires, ...
  • 4820
    Book Info
    Two discourses on Catholic communion, relating in particular to the different sentiments of Christians concerning baptism: and preached at Barbican, April 14 & 21, 1754. By Charles Bulkley
    Bulkley, Charles