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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,821 - 4,840건 출력
  • 4821
    Book Info
    Two discourses: the first Of preaching Christ; the second, Of particular and experimental preaching. By the late Reverend Mr. John Jennings. With a preface by the Reverend Dr. Isaac Watts. The fourth edition. To which is added, A letter concerning the most useful way of preaching; ... by ... Dr Augustus Hermannus Franck, ...
    Jennings, John
  • 4822
    Book Info
    Two dissertations: the first on the supposed suicide of Samson; wherein the part he bore in his own death is vindicated from the imputation of self-murther; ... The second on Jephtha's vow; ...
  • 4823
    Book Info
    Two epistles on happiness: to a young lady
  • 4824
    Book Info
    Two letters of Sir Isaac Newton to Mr. Le Clerc, late Divinity Professor of the Remonstrants in Holland. The former containing a dissertation upon the Reading of the Greek Text, I John, v.7. The latter upon That of I Timothy, iii. 16. Published from authentick Mss in the Library of the Remonstrants in Holland
    Newton, Isaac
  • 4825
    Book Info
    Tyranny display'd. In a letter from a looker-on. Earnestly recommended to the serious perusal of all true lovers of their country
  • 4826
    Book Info
    Tyranny display'd. In a letter from a looker-on. Earnestly recommended to the serious perusal of all true lovers of their country.
  • 4827
    Book Info
    A Treaty held with the Ohio Indians, at Carlisle, in October, 1753
  • 4828
    Book Info
    A tale of a tub. Written for the universal improvement of mankind. To which are added, An account of a battle between the ancient and the modern books in St. James's Library; and, A discourse concerning the mechanical operation of the spirit. With the author's apology; and, explanatory notes, by W. Wotton, B.D. and others.
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 4829
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    A thought on creation. A poem: touching some of the liberal sciences; with a reference to the usefulness of the art of printing, by Stephen Jackson, Gent.
    Jackson, Stephen
  • 4830
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    A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain. Divided into circuits or journeys. Giving a particular and entertaining account of whatever is curious, and worth observation; viz. I. A description of the principal cities and towns, their Situation, Government, and Commerce. II. The Customs, Manners, Exercises, Diversions, and Employments, of the People. III. The Produce and Improvement of the Land
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4831
    Book Info
    A tractate of education. To Mr. Samuel Hartlib. By John Milton
    Milton, John
  • 4832
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    A translation of the inauguration speech, or first lecture on the Hebrew poetry; from the original Latin of the Most Rev. Robert Lowth, ...
    Lowth, Robert
  • 4833
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    A treatise concerning the militia, in four sections. I. Of the Militia in general. II. Of the Roman Militia. III. The proper Plan of a Militia, for this Country. IV. Observations upon this Plan. The second edition, corrected. By C. S.
    Dorset, Charles Sackville
  • 4834
    Book Info
    A treatise of common recoveries, their nature and use. To which is added, the case of Page and Hayward more fully Reported than in any other Book extant: and also a case between the late Earl of Derby and the coheirs of his elder brother. with Precedents for Amending Recoveries: And a Complete table to the Whole. By N. Pigott, Esq; late a Barrister of the Inner Temple
    Pigott, Nathaniel
  • 4835
    Book Info
    A treatise of military discipline; in which is laid down and explained the duty of the officer and soldier, Thro' the several Branches of the Service. By Humphrey Bland, Esq; Major-General of His Majesty's Forces
    Bland, Humphrey
  • 4836
    Book Info
    A treatise of the Scurvy. In three parts. Containing an inquiry into the nature, causes, and cure, of that disease. Together with A Critical and Chronological View of what has been published on the subject. By James Lind, M.D.
    Lind, James
  • 4837
    Book Info
    A treatise of the scurvy : In three parts. Containing an inquiry into the nature, causes, and cure, of that disease. Together with a critical and chronological view of what has been published on the subject. By James Lind, M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh.
    Lind, James
  • 4838
    Book Info
    A treatise on opium, founded upon practical observations. By George Young, M. D. Physician at Edinburgh
    Young, George
  • 4839
    Book Info
    A treatise on the improvement of midwifery, chiefly with regard to the operation. To which are added, fifty-seven cases, Selected from upwards of Twenty-Seven Years Practice. The third edition, with large additions and improvements. Imbellished with copper-plates. By Edmund Chapman, surgeon
    Chapman, Edmund
  • 4840
    Book Info
    A treatise on the office of a messenger