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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 4,861 - 4,880건 출력
  • 4861
    Book Info
    The thought. A poem. Address'd to the ladies
  • 4862
    Book Info
    The tradesman's and traveller's pocket companion: or, the Bath and Bristol guide: calculated for the use of gentlemen and ladies who visit Bath; The Inhabitants of Bath and Bristol; and All Persons who have Occasion to Travel
  • 4863
    Book Info
    The tragical garland, or, the nobleman's cruelty to his son. In four parts. ...
  • 4864
    Book Info
    The travels and adventures of William Bingfield, Esq; Containing, as surprizing a fluctuation of circumstances, both by Sea and Land, as ever befel one man. With an accurate account of the shape, nature, and Properties of that most furious, and amazing Animal, the dog-bird. Printed from his own manuscript. With a beautiful frontispiece. ...
    Bingfield, William
  • 4865
    Book Info
    The travels of Edward Brown, Esq; formerly a merchant in London. Containing his observations on France and Italy; his voyage to the Levant; his Account of the Island of Malta; his Remarks in his Journies through the Lower and Upper Egypt; together with a Brief Description of the Abyssinian Empire. Interspersed throughout With several curious Historical Passages relating to our own as well as Forei
    Campbell, John
  • 4866
    Book Info
    The travels of Mons. le Post-Chaise. Written by himself
    Mons le post-chaise
  • 4867
    Book Info
    The trial of James Stewart in Aucharn in Duror of Appin, for the murder of Colin Campbell of Glenure, Esq; Factor for His Majesty on the forfeited estate of Ardshiel; before the circuit court of justiciary held at Inveraray on Thursday the 21st, Friday the 22d, Saturday the 23d, and Monday the 25th of September last; by his Grace the Duke of Argyll, Lord Justice-General, and the Lords Elchies and
    Stewart, James
  • 4868
    Book Info
    The trial, conviction, condemnation, confession and execution of William Smith, for poisoning his father-in-law, Thomas Harper, and William and Anne Harper his children, at Ingleby-Manor, in Yorkshire, by mixing arsenick in a Good-Friday cake, who was tried on Monday the 13th of August, at the assizes held at the castle at York, before Mr. Serjeant Eyre, and executed on Wednesday the 15th, and aft
    Smith, William
  • 4869
    Book Info
    The triumph of truth; being an account of the trial of Mr. Elwall before Judge Denton, for publishing a book in defence of the unity of God; ...
    Elwall, Edward
  • 4870
    Book Info
    The true church of Christ, which, and where to be found; according to the opinion of the late Judge Burnett. With an introduction concerning divine worship. And a caution to gospel-preachers. In which are contain'd. The Reasons for that publick Declaration in his Last Will and Testament, -As I have lived, so I trust I shall die, in the true Faith of Christ, as taught in the Scriptures, but Not as
    Burnet, Thomas
  • 4871
    Book Info
    The true life of Betty Ireland. With her birth, education, and adventures. Together with some account of her elder sister Blanch of Britain. Containing, Sundry very curious Particulars
  • 4872
    Book Info
    The true nature of beholding the lamb of God, and Peter's denial of his Lord, opened and explained, in two sermons, by George Whitefield, ...
    Whitefield, George
  • 4873
    Book Info
    The truth of the case: or, Canning and Squires fairly opposed. Being, An Impartial Examination of the Merits of this surprising Cause. Wherein the gipsey is vindicated, as far as probability and the circumstances of the case will allow. With A full and rational Answer to all the Objections, Difficulties, Improbabilities and Impossibilities, raised and enforced, in Behalf of Canning, by Mr. Fieldin
  • 4874
    Book Info
    The truth's found out at last: Or, a Full and Particular Account Of a most wonderful and surprising Discovery and Confession, made on Sunday last by Mary Squires the Gipsey, to a reverend Clergyman in Newgate
  • 4875
    Book Info
    The tutor, or, youth's companion: being a select collection of questions and answers on the most important subjects in divinity, morality, history, chronology, Philosophy, astrology, &c. Design'd principally for the Instruction of Youth, Yet nevertheless proper for those of Riper Years
  • 4876
    Book Info
    This bill of suspension and liberation, with the answers, to be reported by the Lord Murkle tomorrow. Bill of suspension for James Towart tenant in Auchindinnan, against George Buchanan senior, merchant in Glasgow, and John Hendrie Procurator-Fiscal of the Justices of the Peace Court of the Shire of Dumbarton
    Towart, James
  • 4877
    Book Info
    Threnodia: or, an elegy on the unexpected and unlamented death of the M- of B-; faithfully done into modern English from the genuine manuscript in the Grubstreet Vatican. ... together with the original proeme, and annotations. By Jo. Freinshemius.
    Freinshemius, Jo
  • 4878
    Book Info
    Tibulli et Propertii opera. Ex editione J. Broukhusii fideliter expressa
  • 4879
    Book Info
    Tiverton: a poem. By Henry Kiddell
    Kiddell, Henry
  • 4880
    Book Info
    To the Worshipful George Tompson, Esq; Mayor, ... of Northampton; this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Alexander Phillips
    Northampton (England)