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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 5,061 - 5,080건 출력
  • 5061
    Book Info
    Troposchematologia maximam partem ex indice rhetorico Farnabii deprompta: additis insuper Anglicanis exemplis.
    Farnaby, Thomas
  • 5062
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    True blue will never stain. A ballad
  • 5063
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    True copies of the dying declarations of Arthur Lord Balmerino, Thomas Syddall, David Morgan, George Fletcher, John Berwick, Thomas Theodorus Deacon, Thomas Chadwick, James Dawson, Andrew Blyde, Donald Macdonald, Esq; the Rev. Mr. Thomas Coppoch, the Rev. Mr. Robert Lyon, Edmund Clavering, John Hamilton, Esq; James Bradshaw, Alexander Leith, and Andrew Wood. Dulce et Decorum est, pro Patria Mori
    Balmerino, Arthur Elphinstone
  • 5064
    Book Info
    True religion delineated; or, Experimental religion, as distinguished from formality on the one hand, and enthusiasm on the other, set in a scriptural and rational light. In two discourses. In which some of the principal errors both of the Arminians and Antinomians are confuted, the foundation and superstructure of their different schemes demolished, and the truth as it is in Jesus, explained and
    Bellamy, Joseph
  • 5065
    Book Info
    Truth on all sides. A new Masquerade Ballad, As it is intended to be Sung the next ball night, at the K---g's Theatre in the H--ym----t. To the Tune of Tantararara, Masks all, Masks all
  • 5066
    Book Info
    Twelve beautiful designs for farm-houses, with their proper offices and estimates of the whole and every distinct building separate; with the measurement, and value of each particular article, Adapted to the Customary Measurements of most Part of England, But more particularly for the following Counties, viz. Middlesex, Surry, Essex, Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Berkshir
    Halfpenny, William
  • 5067
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    Twenty sermons on the following subjects ... Preach'd in the parish of St. Philip, Charles-town, South-Carolina. By the Reverend Samuel Quincy, lecturer of said parish
    Quincy, Samuel
  • 5068
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    Twenty sermons on the following subjects, viz. I. The duty and advantage of studying the works of nature. II. The Folly of opposing the divine Will. III. The Vanity of human Thoughts. IV. The Conduct of the Bereans considered, and recommended to Imitation. V. The natural Advantages of a virtuous Course of Life. VI. The supernatural Rewards of Virtue. Vii. Of Self-Examination. Viii. Of Diligence in
    Balguy, John
  • 5069
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    Twenty sermons upon social duties and their opposite vices. By the author of the Life of David. To which is added, an essay towards evidencing the divine original of tythes, Which the Author considers as a Species of Social Duties
    Delany, Patrick
  • 5070
    Book Info
    Two chapters of a celebrated French work, intitled, De l'esprit des loix, Translated into English, one, Treating Of the Constitution of England; another, Of the Character and Manners which result from this Constitution
    Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat
  • 5071
    Book Info
    Two discourses. First, a seasonable remembrance to relapsed persons, being a sermon industriously wrought upon a select text of Holy Scripture shewing, the infectious nature of fornication, ... Second, a sermon ... Reproving the unthankfulness of those who sit down to eat and drink with out asking a blessing ... The second edition, corrected and revised ... By John Thornley, ...
    Thornley, John
  • 5072
    Book Info
    Two dissertations, I. Containing an enquiry into the meaning of the word Kesitah, mentioned in Job, chap.42. vers.11. In which is endeavoured to be proved, that though it most probably there stands for the Name of a Coin, yet that there is no reason for supposing it stamped with any Figure at all, and therefore, not with that of a Lamb in particular. II. On the signification of the word Hermes. To
    Costard, George
  • 5073
    Book Info
    Two questions, previous to Dr. Middleton's free enquiry, impartially considered: viz. What are the grounds upon which the credibility of miracles, in general, is founded? And upon what grounds the miracles of the Gospel, in particular, are credible? To which is added, A dissertation upon Mark xvi. 17, 18. These Signs shall follow them that believe, &c.
    Sykes, Arthur Ashley
  • 5074
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    Two speeches delivered in the new court-house in Plymouth, on occasion of the death on Col. Lothrop
    Fowle, Daniel
  • 5075
    Book Info
    A tale of two tubs: or, the B--------rs in Querpo. Being a humorous and satirical description of some principal characters that have long shone, in this Hemisphere, like Stars of the first Magnitude; but on being pass'd through a Poetical Alembick, are discover'd to be no better than stinking Meteors, engender'd in a Fog, and after glittering a-while, sink into a Caput Mortuum
  • 5076
    Book Info
    A tale of two tubs: or, the B----rs in Querpo. Being a humorous and satirical description of some principal characters that have long shone, in this Hemisphere, like Stars of the first Magnitude; but on being pass'd through a Poetical Alembick, are discover'd to be no better than stinking Meteors, engender'd in a Fog, and after glittering a-while, sink into a Caput Mortuum
  • 5077
    Book Info
    A tenth and last letter from the farmer, To the Free and Independent Electors of the City of Dublin
  • 5078
    Book Info
    A tenth letter from the farmer, to the Free and Independent Electors of the City of Dublin
  • 5079
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    A third letter from the farmer, to the Free and Independent Citizens of Dublin
  • 5080
    Book Info
    A third letter to the Commons and citizens of the city of Dublin
    Lucas, Charles