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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 5,081 - 5,100건 출력
  • 5081
    Book Info
    A token for children. Extracted from a late author, by John Wesley, M. A. Fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxford
    Janeway, James
  • 5082
    Book Info
    A translation of the charter and statutes of Trinity-College, Dublin. Together with the library-statutes, and the rules of the University. To which is added A Table of Expences for each Degree. By Robert Bolton, A.B.
    Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)
  • 5083
    Book Info
    A treatise of lawful oaths, and perjury. Wherein the nature and obligation of promissory and assertory oaths is cleared; and the dreadfulness of the sin of perjury demonstrated, from Scripture, Reason, the Laws of several Nations, and known Instances of God's Judgments against perjured Persons. Published as a Caveat to all who have occasion to depone in Oaths of Purgation, or as Parties or Witness
    Rae, Peter
  • 5084
    Book Info
    A treatise of power essential and mechanical. Wherein the original, and that part of religion which now is natural, is stated. By J. H. Vol. V
    Hutchinson, John
  • 5085
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    A treatise on Christian prudence. Extracted from Mr. Norris, by John Wesley, M. A. Fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxon.
    Norris, John
  • 5086
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    A treatise on education: or, an easy method of acquiring language, and introducing children to the knowledge of History, Geography, Mythology, Antiquities, &c. With reflections on taste, poetry, natural history, &c. the manner of forming the Temper, and teaching youth such Moral Precepts as are necessary in the conduct of life. By Mr. James Barclay
    Barclay, James
  • 5087
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    A treatise on justifying faith. Wherein is opened the grounds of believing, or the sinner's sufficient warrant to take hold of what is offered in the evelasting [sic] Gospel. Together with an appendix ... Written by that eminent and learned ... Mr. James Fraser ...
    Fraser, James
  • 5088
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    A treatise on virtue and happiness. By William Nettleton, M. D. F. R. S.
    Nettleton, Thomas
  • 5089
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    A true state of the affair betwixt the Right Reverend Jemmet, Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross. and the Reverend Marmaduke Dallas, A.M. of the City of Cork. With the most severe sentence of degredation, &c. pronounced by the Former against the Latter, for Marrying Phillip Oliver, Esq; Member of Parliament, to Miss Lucy Grey, Spinster, in a private Place, viz. in the House of Quintin Osburn, of the Cit
  • 5090
    Book Info
    A true state of the case of Bosavern Penlez, who suffered on account of the late riot in the Strand. In which the law regarding these offences, and the statute of George the First, commonly called the Riot Act, are fully considered. By Henry Fielding, Esq; Barrister at Law, and one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, and for the City and Liberty of Westminster
    Fielding, Henry
  • 5091
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    A twentieth address to the free-citizens and free-holders of the city of Dublin
    Lucas, Charles
  • 5092
    Book Info
    T--t--m and V--d--t. A collection of the advertisements and hand-bills, serious, satyrical and humourous, published on both sides during the election for the City and Liberty of Westminster, begun November 22d, 1749
  • 5093
    Book Info
    T--t--m and V--d-t. A collection of the advertisements and hand-bills, serious, satyrical, and humorous, published on both sides during the election for the City and Liberty of Westminster, begun November 22d, 1749. Printed in the same manner and character, as the originals
  • 5094
    Book Info
    Tables of time; whereby the day of the month either new or old stile; day of the week; rising of the sun; Time of the Sun's Entrance into the Equinoxes and Solstices; Moveable Feasts, particularly true Time of Easter; Fix'd Feasts; Remarkable Times; Moon's Age; eclipses, &c. may be found for any time past, or to come, without the help of astronomical tables. N. B. There are 500 Years, viz. 250 pas
    Smethurst, Gamaliel
  • 5095
    Book Info
    Terence's Comedys, translated into English, and the original Latin, from the best editions, on the opposite pages, with critical and explanatory notes: to which is prefixed A dissertation on the life and writings of Terence, ... The second edition. By Mr. Cooke. ...
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 5096
    Book Info
    Théorie des sentimens agréables: où après avoir indiqué les régles que la nature fuit dans la distribution du plaisir, on établit les principes de la théologie naturelle, & ceux de la philosophie morale
    Levesque de Pouilly, Louis-Jean
  • 5097
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    The temper, character, and duty of a minister of the gospel. A sermon. By William Leechman ...
    Leechman, William
  • 5098
    Book Info
    The temper, character, and duty of a minister of the gospel. A sermon. By William Leechman ...
    Leechman, William
  • 5099
    Book Info
    The temple of peace, a masque of one act, as it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Dublin. Occasioned by the present happy peace, established over Europe. In which are introduced several favourite songs of Mr. Handel, Mr. Purcel, Mr. Galliard, Mr. Arne, and Mr. Boyce. The rest of the musick compos'd by Signor Pasquali
  • 5100
    Book Info
    The theory of Jupiter's satellites, with the construction and use of the tables for computing their eclipses. By James Hodgson, F. R. S. And Master of the Royal Mathematical School at Christ's-Hospital
    Hodgson, James