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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 5,161 - 5,180건 출력
  • 5161
    Book Info
    A true account of the behaviour and conduct of Archibald Stewart, Esq; late Lord Provost of Edinburgh. In a letter to a friend
    Hume, David
  • 5162
    Book Info
    A true account of the late Mr. Cobden of Haslemere's will. Written in November 1748
  • 5163
    Book Info
    A true and particular history of earthquakes. Containing a relation of that dreadful earthquake which happen'd at Lima and Callao, in Peru, October 28, 1746; publish'd at Lima by Command of the Vice-Roy, and now translated from the Original Spanish; also of that which happen'd in Jamaica in 1692, and of others in different Parts of the World. Accurately describing The dreadful Devastations that ha
  • 5164
    Book Info
    A true and particular relation of the dreadful earthquake which happen'd at Lima, the Capital of Peru, and the neighbouring Port of Callao, on the 28th of October, 1746. With an Account likewise of every Thing material that passed there afterwards to the End of November following. Published at Lima by Command of the Viceroy, And translated from the original Spanish, by a gentleman who resided many
    Lozano, Pedro
  • 5165
    Book Info
    A twelveth [sic] address to the free citizens, and free-holders of the City of Dublin
    Lucas, Charles
  • 5166
    Book Info
    A twelveth [sic] address to the free citizens, and free-holders of the city of Dublin
    Lucas, Charles
  • 5167
    Book Info
    Table-Talk. September 1745
    Kidgell, John
  • 5168
    Book Info
    Tabulæ illustres or the paternal arms of the present nobility of Great Britain and Ireland, with their titles & the stile of the eldest sons.
  • 5169
    Book Info
    Tancred and Sigismunda, a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By James Thomson
    Thomson, James
  • 5170
    Book Info
    Ten voluntarys for the organ or harpsicord composed by Mr. John Stanley opera quinta
    Stanley, John
  • 5171
    Book Info
    That which has been, may be: or, the Dutch remonstrance concerning the late proceedings and practices in Holland. Fully proving, That the French, and the Dutch Governors, have been only playing their Old Tricks over again. Drawn up by a Person of Eminency, and printed at the Hague. Translated out of the Low Dutch. Being very necessary for the Perusal of the People in both England and Holland at th
    Person of Eminency
  • 5172
    Book Info
    The theory of Christianity, in twelve plain discourses on the articles of the Christian faith: to which is added, by way of appendix to art. IX. An essay towards a more free and natural explication of the Holy Catholick church; the communion of saints. By James Carrington, M. A. Prebendary of Exeter, Rector of Clayworth, in Nottinghamshire, and Chaplain to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Exe
    Carrington, James
  • 5173
    Book Info
    The touchstone of the new religion: or, sixty assertions of Protestants, try'd by their own rule of scripture alone, and condemn'd by clear and express texts of their own Bible
    Challoner, Richard
  • 5174
    Book Info
    The town. A satire. By W. Kenrick:
    Kenrick, W
  • 5175
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Jane Shore, written by Nicholas Rowe, Esq;
    Rowe, Nicholas
  • 5176
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Jane Shore. Written in imitation of Shakespear's style. By N. Rowe, Esq;
    Rowe, Nicholas
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 5177
    Book Info
    The treatise of the figures at the end of the rules of construction in the Latin grammar, construed. with every example apply'd ... for the help of the weaker sort in the grammar schools. By John Stockwood, ...
    Stockwood, John
  • 5178
    Book Info
    The trial of Mr. George Timewell, late secretary to Commodore Mitchell, who was tried on board the Katherine yacht at Deptford, on Wednesday the 20th day of July, 1748, for the murder of Captain Thomas Gregory, commander of his Majesty's ship Folkstone; who was killed in a duel, ... Taken in court by Ralph Carter, ...
    Timewell, George
  • 5179
    Book Info
    The trial of Selim the Persian, for divers high crimes and misdemeanours
    Moore, Edward
  • 5180
    Book Info
    The true Protestant: a dissertation, shewing the necessity of asserting the principles of liberty in their full extent. By Robert Seagrave, A.M. [Three lines of quotation]
    Seagrave, Robert