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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 5,181 - 5,200건 출력
  • 5181
    Book Info
    The true divinity of Father, Son and Spirit, as expressed in the prayers, and collects of the liturgy, and in the Scriptures
  • 5182
    Book Info
    The true scripture doctrine of justification: in answer to the Reverend Mr. James Foster's sermon, On Rom. X. ver. 3. entitled, The scripture doctrine of justification. Wherein his Sense of his Text is considered and confuted, all his Objections clearly and fully answered and exploded, and the true Scripture Doctrine superabundantly confirmed. By David Millar, A.M.
    Millar, David
  • 5183
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    The true-born Englishman. A satire. Corrected and enlarg'd by the author.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 5184
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    The truth, certainty, and simplicity of the Christian revelation; or, remarks on a phamphlet [sic] lately published, intitled, Observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul. With some observations on what the author of Some thoughts concerning the argument a priori has asserted, That there may be Eternal Creatures. In a letter to Gilbert West, Esq;
  • 5185
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    The tryal of the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus:
    Sherlock, Thomas
  • 5186
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    Thomæ a Kempis De Christo imitando. Libri tres. Interprete Sebast. Castellione. In usum juventutis Christianæ. Edidit Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter
  • 5187
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    Thoughts upon the four last things: death; judgment; heaven; and hell. A poem. In four parts. By Joseph Trapp, D.D. The second edition. To which are added, the I, Civ, and Cxxxvii Psalms paraphras'd
    Trapp, Joseph
  • 5188
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    Three essays, moral and political. Never before published. Which compleats the former edition, in two volumes, octavo. By David Hume, Esq;
    Hume, David
  • 5189
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    Three letters to a gentleman dissenting from the Church of England. By John White, ...
    White, John
  • 5190
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    Three letters to a gentleman dissenting from the Church of England. By John White, B. D. Sometime Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge
    White, John
  • 5191
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    Three letters to the Whigs. Occasion'd by the Letter to the Tories
    Walpole, Horace
  • 5192
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    Three letters to the young gentlemen of the present age. I. On the immoderate use of women. 2. On the prevailing Spirit of Duelling. 3. On the eager pursuit of modish diversions. By J. Wildair, Esq;
    Wildair, J
  • 5193
    Book Info
    To be reported by Lord Dun. Memorial in the process, James Wallace of Wallacetoun and Anne Crawfurd his spouse, against Christian Lees, relict of Charles Crawfurd merchant in Glasgow, and James Crawfurd his son
    Wallace, James
  • 5194
    Book Info
    To be reported by my Lord Kilkerran ordinary on the Bills. Bill of suspension, Agnes Murray-Kynnynmound, only child of Mr. Hugh Murray-Kynnynmound of Melgund and Kynnynmound advocate, and Mr. Gilbert Elliot younger of Minto advocate, her husband, against Thomas Kennedy of Denure Esq; one of the barons of Exchequer
    Murray Kynynmound, Agnes
  • 5195
    Book Info
    To return thanks for mercies receiv'd, the only Way to obtain future Blessings. A sermon, preach'd in the parish-churches of Kirkby-Knowle and Thirkleby, in Yorkshire; in October, 1747. An Order of His Majesty in Council, to prevent the Spreading of the Distemper amongst the Cattle, being read; and the Sacrament of the Lord's-Supper administred at the same Time. By J. Wind, M. A. Rector of Kirkby-
    Wind, John
  • 5196
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    To the Right Worshipful Charles Stratford, Esq; Mayor, ... of Northampton; this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Alexander Phillips
    Northampton (England)
  • 5197
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    To the free citizens, and free-holders, of the City of Dublin
    Lucas, Charles
  • 5198
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    To the free citizens, and free-holders, of the city of Dublin.
    Lucas, Charles
  • 5199
    Book Info
    To the free citizens, and free-holders, of the city of Dublin.
    Lucas, Charles
  • 5200
    Book Info
    To the memory of Capt. Grenville of the Defiance man of war. Who was slain in an engagement with the French fleet, May the 3d, 1747. By Mr. Lyttelton
    Lyttelton, George Lyttelton