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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 5,241 - 5,260건 출력
  • 5241
    Book Info
    To the Right Worshipful William Fabian, Esq; Mayor, ... of Northampton; this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Alexander Phillips
    Northampton (England)
  • 5242
    Book Info
    To the memory of a lady lately deceased, a monody. By Mr. Lyttleton
    Lyttelton, George Lyttelton
  • 5243
    Book Info
    To the memory of a lady lately deceased. A monody.
    Lyttelton, George Lyttelton
  • 5244
    Book Info
    Travels in Turkey and back to England. By the late Reverend and Learned Edmund Chishull, B. D. Chaplain to the Factory of the Worshipful Turkey Company at Smyrna
    Chishull, Edmund
  • 5245
    Book Info
    Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, ...
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 5246
    Book Info
    Trigonometri{aelig} plan{aelig} & sph{aelig}ric{aelig} elementa : Item de natura et arithmetica logarithmorum tractatus brevis.
    Keill, John
  • 5247
    Book Info
    True wisdom from above: or, Christianity the Best Understanding. A sermon preach'd in the parish-church of East-Wickham, in Kent, on Sunday the 16th of March, 1745-6. at the funeral of Mary Godden, Late of Wellend in that Parish. By Henry Piers, M. A. Vicar of Bexley. Sometime Student of Trinity College, Dublin. Published at the Request of her Father
    Piers, Henry
  • 5248
    Book Info
    Twenty sermons on social duties, and their opposite vices. Viz. I. On the Necessity of Absolute Righteousness to Social Honesty. II. III. The Duties of the Married State. IV. V. VI. Vii. The Duty of Parents. Viii. IX. The Duty of Children. X. The Duty of Servants. XI. The Duty of Masters. XII. XIII. Duty of Paying Debts. XIV. The Duty of Rulers. XV. The mutual Duty of Prince and People. XVI. Avari
    Delany, Patrick
  • 5249
    Book Info
    Two dissertations: the first on the tree of life in Paradise, ... the second on the oblations of Cain and Abel. By Benjamin Kennicott, ...
    Kennicott, Benjamin
  • 5250
    Book Info
    Two dissertations: the first on the tree of life in paradise, ... the second on the oblations of Cain and Abel. By Benjamin Kennicott, ...
    Kennicott, Benjamin
  • 5251
    Book Info
    Two letters from the Right Reverend Dr. George Berkeley, ... the one to Thomas Prior, Esq; concerning the usefulness of tar-water in the plague. ... The other to the Rev. Dr. Hales, on the benefit of tar-water in fevers, ...
    Berkeley, George
  • 5252
    Book Info
    Two memorials of the Abbé de la Ville, together with the French King's declarations, transmitted by the said minister to the States General of the United Provinces; as likewise the answer of their High Mightinesses To the said pieces, as contained in their resolution of the 7th of November N.S. 1747. Published by authority
  • 5253
    Book Info
    Two memorials of the Abbe de la Ville, together with the French King's declarations, transmitted by the said minister to the States General of the United Provinces; as likewise the answer of their High Mightinesses To the said Pieces, as contained in their resolution of the 7th of November. N.S. 1747. Published by authority
  • 5254
    Book Info
    Two sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, on May XXIX: the other June XI: M DCC XLVII. By T. Rutherforth, ...
    Rutherforth, T
  • 5255
    Book Info
    Two sermons, with a preface shewing the author's reasons for publishing them. By Thomas Cradock, A.M. Rector of St. Thomas's in Baltimore County. [Four lines in Latin from Horace]
    Cradock, Thomas
  • 5256
    Book Info
    A tartarean tale. By W. C. A.M.
    W. C
  • 5257
    Book Info
    A thanksgiving sermon, For the Success of His Majesty's Forces In Suppressing The late Wicked and Unnatural rebellion. Preached at Portsmouth, October 9, 1746. By John Norman
    Norman, John
  • 5258
    Book Info
    A thanksgiving sermon, Preach'd October the 9th, 1746. for the happy suppression of the late unnatural rebellion
    Dobbs, Arthur
  • 5259
    Book Info
    A tour thro' that part of Great-Britain called Scotland. Giving an account of that nation, its manners, laws and customs, their Castles, Forts, Garrisons, Cities, Towns, Boroughs, Families, Titles, Trades, Manufactures, Arts, Sciences, Mines, Minerals, &c. and every thing relative to that Nation
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 5260
    Book Info
    A tour through the animal world, or, an historical and accurate account of near four hundred animals, birds, fishes, Serpents, Infects, &c. Describing their different Natures, Qualities and Use, as well for the common Service and Food of Man, as his Diversion and Cure of his Maladies. Extracted from Gesner, Willoughby, Swammerdam, Mousset, Merian, and others, the most celebrated Authors upon this
    De Coetlogon, Dennis