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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 5,261 - 5,280건 출력
  • 5261
    Book Info
    A tractate of education. The author John Milton. To which are added, four papers, on the same subject, from the Spectator
    Milton, John
  • 5262
    Book Info
    A treasure of useful discoveries : In two parts. I. Remarks on divers aliments or eatables, whereby to know which are not digested by our Stomachs; and those unfit for our Bodies are pointed out: Also, an Account of the Nutriment or Chyle divers Foods give into the Blood; proper to be known by Persons apt to be too Corpulent, or too Thin, in order to prevent Pain and Diseases, in a great measur...
    Godfrey, Boyle
  • 5263
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning religious affections, in three parts. Part I. Concerning the nature of the affections, and their importance in religion. Part II. Shewing what are no certain signs that religious affections are gracious, or that they are not. Part III. Shewing what are distinguishing signs of truly gracious and holy affections. By Jonathan Edwards, A.M. and Pastor of the First Church in North
    Edwards, Jonathan
  • 5264
    Book Info
    A treatise containing an entire new method of solving adfected quadratic, and cubic equations : with their application to the solution of biquadratic ones; In an easier, and more concise Way, than any yet publish'd; together with the Demonstrations of the Methods. And a set of new tables for finding the roots of cubics. Invented by the late ingenious Mr. A. Thacker, deceased; but calculated ent...
    Thacker, Anthony
  • 5265
    Book Info
    A treatise containing the elementary part of fortification : regular and irregular. With remarks on the Constructions of the most celebrated Authors, particularly of Marshal de Vauban and Baron Coehorn, in which the Perfection and Imperfection of their several Works are considered. For the use of the Royal Academy of Artillery at Woolwich. Illustrated with thirty-four copper plates. By John Mul...
    Muller, John
  • 5266
    Book Info
    A treatise of artillery : or, of the arms and machines used in war since the invention of gunpowder. Being the first part of Le Blond's Elements of war: Written in French by that eminent Mathematician, for the Use of Lewis Charles of Lorraine, Count de Brionne, and publish'd for the Instruction of the young Gentlemen in the Armies of France. Illustrated with above Fifty Representations, beautif...
    Le Blond, Guillaume
  • 5267
    Book Info
    A treatise of distresses, replevins, and avowries, in the courts at Westminster, county courts, hundred courts, &c. Shewing how the law is alter'd by the late statutes for the more effectual securing the Payment of Rents, and preventing Frauds by Tenants; with plain and easy Directions how to distrain for Rent, Form of the Notice to the Tenant, Inventory, Appraiser's Oath, &c. Also Divers Statutes
  • 5268
    Book Info
    A treatise on government; shewing, that the right of the Kings of Scotland to the Crown was not strictly and absolutely hereditary. Against The Earl of Cromarty, Sir George Mackenzie the King's Advocate, Mr. John Sage stiled The Cyprianick Doctor, and the learned Antiquarian Mr. Thomas Ruddiman. By George Logan, A. M. One of the Ministers of Edinburgh
    Logan, George
  • 5269
    Book Info
    A treatise on the causes of most diseases incident to human bodies, and the cure of them. ... Also on the various kinds and qualities of foods; with an essay on sickness and health; and rules to preserve the body to a good old age. To which is added, a compendious discourse on children's diseases, and tradesmen's distemper's [sic]. By William Forster, ...
    Forster, William
  • 5270
    Book Info
    A true and impartial account of the blowing up of the Church of St. Ninians on the 1st day of February 1745-6, in a letter from a Gentleman in the Country to his Friend at Edinburgh
    Gentleman in the country
  • 5271
    Book Info
    A true interpretation of all the chief texts, and mysterious sayings and visions opened, of the whole Book of the Revelation of St. John. Whereby Is unfolded, and plainly declared, those wonderful deep Mysteries and Visions interpreted, Concerning The true God, the Alpha and Omega. With Variety of Other heavenly Secrets, which have never been open'd, nor reveal'd to any Man since the Creation of t
    Muggleton, Lodowick
  • 5272
    Book Info
    Ta tou theokritou Sesosmena. = Theocriti quae extant. Ex editione Danielis Heinsii expressa
  • 5273
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    Ten letters written by the right honourable Athy Aly Cwper, Earl of Ssby, to a student at the university on his design of entering holy orders
    Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper
  • 5274
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    The tears of Scotland
    Smollett, Tobias George
  • 5275
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    The theatre of wit, or a banquet of the Muses. A collection of choice & entertaining pieces in verse and prose. Selected from the most eminent authors. Embellish'd w.th one hundred copper-plate cuts, Applicable to their respective subjects
  • 5276
    Book Info
    The third and last letter to a gentleman dissenting from the Church of England; wherein The Design of the Second (which was to refute the great and popular Objections of Dissenters against Communion with the Church of England, and to reflect them back upon themselves) is farther pursued, and completed. To which is added, An appendix, Containing some Considerations on the Lawfulness, Expediency, an
    White, John
  • 5277
    Book Info
    The travels of Tom Thumb over England and Wales; containing descriptions of whatever is most remarkable in the several counties. ... Written by himself; and adorned with a suitable map
    Thumb, Tom
  • 5278
    Book Info
    The trial of Charles the First, King of England, before the High Court of Justice: begun Jan. 20, in the 24th year of his reign, and continued to the 27th. To which is prefixed, the Act of the Commons of England, assembled in Parliament, for erecting a High Court of Justice, for the Trial of his Majesty; also the Journal of the said Court, as it was read before the House of Commons. With additions
  • 5279
    Book Info
    The trials of William Earl of Kilmarnock, George Earl of Cromartie, and Arthur Lord Balmerino, for high treason, before the House of Peers, at Westminster Hall, on the 28th and 30th of July, and the first of August, 1746. With an account of the lives, families, behaviour and last dying words of the Earl of Kilmarnock, and Lord Balmerino, who were beheaded on Tower-Hill, on Monday, Aug. 18, 1746
    Kilmarnock, William Boyd
  • 5280
    Book Info
    The true Protestant: a dissertation shewing the necessity of asserting the principles of liberty in their full extent. By Robert Seagrave, ...
    Seagrave, Robert