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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 5,281 - 5,300건 출력
  • 5281
    Book Info
    The true patriot's wishes. A sermon preach'd at Colwal in Herefordshire, on the 9th of October, 1746. Being the Day appointed for a general thanksgiving To Almighty God, for the Suppression of the late unnatural Rebellion; and for the Deliverance of these Kingdoms from the Calamitys of an intestine War. By William Stevenson, D.D. Prebendary of Sarum
    Stevenson, William
  • 5282
    Book Info
    The true spirit of a Gospel-minister represented, and urged. A sermon preach'd before the ministers of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, at their annual convention in Boston; May 29. 1746. By Ebenezer Gay, Pastor of the First Church in Hingham. [Three lines of Scripture texts]
    Gay, Ebenezer
  • 5283
    Book Info
    Thomsonus redivivus: or, a reply to W----m D----g----s, M.D. Physician to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales's Houshold, and Man-Midwife. By Dr. Sangrado, Physician to Gilblas of Santillane
  • 5284
    Book Info
    Thoughts of present concernment, for the relief of the poor in a scarcity of corn. Shewing Some experienced Methods new and old, where by a poor Man is enabled, on poor Ground, to raise all the common Plants and Roots of a Kitchen-Garden, and thereby with small Expence of either Time, Labour or Money, make a comfortable and speedy Provision for his Family in either a scarce or plentiful Year. Desi
    Stephens, David
  • 5285
    Book Info
    Three songs in English and Latin
    Bourne, Vincent
  • 5286
    Book Info
    Times of public distress times of trial. Being the substance of some sermons preach'd in the Tron-Church of Edinburgh, in the month of November, 1745. On Occasion of the Present Rebellion. By George Wishart, M.A. One of the Ministers of Edinburgh
    Wishart, George
  • 5287
    Book Info
    Times of public distress times of trial. Being the substance of some sermons preach'd in the Tron-church of Edinburgh, in the month of November, 1745. ... By George Wishart, ...
    Wishart, George
  • 5288
    Book Info
    To the Right Honourable the Earl and Countess of Middlesex. An ode. By John Lockman
    Lockman, John
  • 5289
    Book Info
    To the Right Worshipful John Smith, Esq; Mayor, ... of Northampton; this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Alexander Phillips
    Northampton (England)
  • 5290
    Book Info
    Troisiéme suite des reflexions libres et désinteressées, ou réplique au plaidoyer fait en faveur de la maison de Brunswick-Hanovre, concernant ses prétentions sur la couronne de la Grande-Bretagne. ... Traduite de l'Anglois
    Daneau de Laroque
  • 5291
    Book Info
    True copies of the papers wrote by Arthur Lord Balmerino, Thomas Syddall, David Morgan, George Fletcher, John Berwick, Thomas Deacon, Thomas Chadwick, James Dawson, Andrew Blyde, Donald MacDonell, and James Bradshaw; and delivered by them to the sheriffs at the places of their execution.
    Balmerino, Arthur Elphinstone
  • 5292
    Book Info
    True copies of the papers wrote by Arthur Lord Balmerino, Thomas Syddall, David Morgan, George Fletcher, John Berwick, Thomas Deacon, Thomas Chadwick, James Dawson, Andrew Blyde, Donald Macdonell, and James Bradshaw; and delivered by them to the sheriffs at the places of their execution
    Balmerino, Arthur Elphinstone
  • 5293
    Book Info
    Truth defended, and cleared from mistakes and misrepresentations: in a dialogue between one misinformed, and an advocate for the truth, in respect of the work of the Spirit in Faith, Holiness, the New Birth, &c. Being AN Answer To The Postscript of a Letter Lately Published: To which is added, A second dialogue, between a preacher of inherent righteousness, and a preacher of God's righteousness. B
    Cudworth, William
  • 5294
    Book Info
    Two letters writ by Samuel Crisp, (about the year 1702,) to some of his acquaintance, upon his change from a chaplain, of the Church of England, to join with the people called Quakers
    Crisp, Samuel
  • 5295
    Book Info
    Two letters, concerning some farther advantages and improvements that may seem necessary to be made on the taking and keeping of Cape Breton: humbly offer'd to public consideration
  • 5296
    Book Info
    Two sermons preach'd at St. Paul's, Deptford, Kent, on June 24 1745; and June 30, 1746. Before a select number of gentlemen, who stile themselves the order of Ubiquarians. By James Bate, M. A. Rector and Lecturer of St. Paul's, Deptford
    Bate, James
  • 5297
    Book Info
    Two sermons preach'd in the chapel of Highgate, Middlesex: one on the general fast, Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1745. the other on Thursday, Octob. 9, 1746. Being the Day appointed for a General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the Suppression of the late Unnatural Rebellion. By Edward Yardley, B. D. Archdeacon of Cardigan. Publish'd At the Request of the Audience
    Yardley, Edward
  • 5298
    Book Info
    Two sermons, viz. I. A faithful portrait of popery: by which is seen to be the reverse of christianity; As it is the Destruction of Morality, Piety, and Civil Liberty. A Sermon preached at St. James's Church, Westminster. II. An earnest exhortation to a manly defence of our happy constitution in church and state. Occasioned by the present Unnatural Rebellion. Preached in Mr. Allen's Chapel at Prio
    Warburton, William
  • 5299
    Book Info
    Two speeches made by Lord Chancellor Cowper, then High Steward of England: the first, when he pronounced sentence upon the unhappy Lords, who were involved in the rebellion in 1715, viz. James Earl of Derwentwater, William Lord Widdrington, William Earl of Nithisdale, Robert Earl of Carnwath, William Viscount Kenmure, and William Lord Nairu. The second, when he passed sentence on the Earl of Winto
    Cowper, William Cowper
  • 5300
    Book Info
    A table of English gold coins from the eighteenth year of King Edward the Third, when gold was first coined in England, to the present time. With Their Weights and intrinsic Values. By Martin Folkes, Esq;
    Folkes, Martin