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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 5,381 - 5,400건 출력
  • 5381
    Book Info
    A treatise of comets, containing I. An explication of all the various appearances of the late comet, both in its own Trajectory and the Firmament of Fixt Stars, to its setting in the Sun-Beams: Illustrated with a Plan of the Earth's and Comet's Orbits. II. The history of comets from the earliest Account of those kinds of Planets, to the present Time; wherein the Sentiments of the Antient and Moder
    Smith, George
  • 5382
    Book Info
    A treatise on maritime affairs: or a comparison between the commerce and naval power of England and France. With a view to some paradoxes advanced by M. Deslandes: ... By Mr. Horsley
    Horsley, William
  • 5383
    Book Info
    A trip from St. James's to the Royal-Exchange. With remarks serious and diverting, on the manners, customs, and amusements of the inhabitants of London and Westminster. An Account of a City Entertainment in Christmas Holidays, with lively Conversation there. Wrangle between a Barrister at Law and a Foot-Soldier on the first Day of Term. Description of an Infant-Office, for letting out Children to
  • 5384
    Book Info
    A true copy of the last will and testament of Her Grace Sarah, late Duchess Dowager of Marlborough: with the codicil thereto annexed
    Marlborough, Sarah Churchill
  • 5385
    Book Info
    A true copy of the last will and testament of Her Grace Sarah, late Duchess Dowager of Marlborough: with the codicil thereto annexed.
    Marlborough, Sarah Churchill
  • 5386
    Book Info
    A true copy of the papers wrote by James Maben, who was executed Saturday, August 11, 1744, without the West Gate, Newcastle upon Tyne, for counterfeiting the current Coin of Great Britain, as delivered by him the Night before his Execution, in the Presence of several Spectators, signed by himself, and attested by Fourteen creditable Persons: Containing Some Account of his Life; his Character of J
    Maben, James
  • 5387
    Book Info
    A true state of the case in respect to the late disputes in the parish of St. Leonard's Shoreditch, concerning the poor's rates. with a narrative of the proceedings both in the King's-Bench and at Hick's-Hall, &c. With some observations thereon. By a parishioner
  • 5388
    Book Info
    Taith neu siwrnai y pererin, Tan Rith neu Gyffelybiaeth Breuddwyd: Yn vr hwn y dangosir, ... y mae Pechadur yn Cychwyn, neu yn ... ei Siwrnai, o'r Byd hwn tua'r Nefoedd. II. Y Peryglon y mae fo'n cyfarfod ag hwynt, yn ei Daith. III. Ei Ddvfodiad o'r diwedd i'r Wlad ddymunol neu'r Nefoedd, mewn Diogelwch
    Bunyan, John
  • 5389
    Book Info
    Tamerlane. A tragedy. Written by N. Rowe, Esq;
    Rowe, Nicholas
  • 5390
    Book Info
    Terentii Comoediæ sex
  • 5391
    Book Info
    Thankfulness to Almighty God for his more antient and later mercies and deliverances vouchsafed to the British and Protestants within the Kingdom of Ireland, recommended and press'd, in a sermon before the ... House of Commons, October the 23d, 1711. ... By Edward Synge, ...
    Synge, Edward
  • 5392
    Book Info
    The Testimony of the president, professors, tutors and Hebrew instructor of Harvard College in Cambridge, against the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, and his conduct
    Holyoke, Edward
  • 5393
    Book Info
    The temper, character, and duty of a minister of the gospel. A sermon preached before the Synod of Glasgow and Air, at Glasgow, Aprile [sic] 7th, 1741. By William Leechman M. A. now Professor of Divinity in the University of Glasgow
    Leechman, William
  • 5394
    Book Info
    The testimony and advice of an assembly of pastors of churches in New England, at a meeting in Boston, July 7, 1743. Occasion'd by the late Happy Revival of Religion in many Parts of the Land. To which are added, attestations contain'd in letters from a number of their brethren, who were providentially hinder'd from giving their Presence. With a recommendation of it by the Revd. Dr. Watts, as the
    Congregational Churches in Massachusetts
  • 5395
    Book Info
    The thimble, an heroi-comical poem, in four cantos. Dedicated to Miss Anna-Maria Woodford. By a gentleman of Oxford
    Hawkins, William
  • 5396
    Book Info
    The tidesman's and weigher's new pocket companion. Containing those rules of arithmetic, both vulgar and decimal, that are necessary for tidesmen and weighers to understand measuring of bales, Cases, and Wainscot, after the Custom-House Manner. Also the whole Art of Cask Gauging. By Thomas Worley. Teacher of the Mathematics
    Worley, Thomas
  • 5397
    Book Info
    The toper's delight; or, a pipe of the best. Poetically delineated in imitation of Mr. Pope, Dean Swift, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Thompson, Dr. Young, and Colley Cibber. Extracted from the magazines, &c. To which is added a great variety of merry catches in praise of good-eating and much-drinking. Concluding With an humourous Description of a Modern Midnight-Revelry
  • 5398
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Sophonisba. Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Thomson.
    Thomson, James
  • 5399
    Book Info
    The traveller's pocket-farrier: or a treatise upon the distempers and common incidents happening to horses upon a journey. Being very useful for all gentlemen and tradesmen who are obliged to travel the countries. By Henry Bracken, M. D. Author of the Two Volumes of Farriery Improv'd, &c.
    Bracken, Henry
  • 5400
    Book Info
    The travels and adventures of Mademoiselle de Richelieu, cousin to the present Duke of that Name, who made the tour of Europe, dressed in men's cloaths, attended by her Maid Lucy as her Valet de Chambre. Now Done into English from the lady's own manuscript, by the translator of the Memoirs and adventures of the Marques of Bretagne and Duke of Harcourt lately published in Dublin