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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 5,461 - 5,480건 출력
  • 5461
    Book Info
    The travels and adventures of James Massey. Translated from the original French written by the celebrated Monsieur Bayle. Being a general criticism upon religion, the several arts and sciences, trade, commerce, &c
    Tyssot de Patot, Simon
  • 5462
    Book Info
    The trial and triumph of faith: or, an exposition of the history of Christ's dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan, delivered in sermons; In which are opened, The Victory of Faith; The Condition of those that are tempted The Excellency of Jesus Christ and Free-Grace. And Some special Grounds and Principles of Libertinism and Antinomian Errors discover'd. By Samuel Rutherfurd, Profes
    Rutherford, Samuel
  • 5463
    Book Info
    The trial at bar, between Campbell Craig, lessee of James Annesley, Esq; plaintiff, and the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Anglesey, defendant. Before the ... Barons of the Exchequer, ... Dublin, in Trinity term, ... 1743.
    Craig, Campbell
  • 5464
    Book Info
    The triumph of sovereign grace or a brand pluckt out of the fire : being the substance of a funeral discourse, preached at Bacop, May 23. 1742. ... on occasion of the death of Lau. Britliffe, ... who was executed at Lancaster, ... By David Crosly, minister
    Crosley, David
  • 5465
    Book Info
    The triumphant campaign. A critical, political, panegyrical, poetical history of the late ** active ** glorious German campaign ; to which is added an impeachment brought by the H--n troops in the field, against my Lord S-r ; and the Design of a Medal to perpetuate the Memory of our Conduct
  • 5466
    Book Info
    The true intellectual system of the universe: the first part; wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, ... With A discourse concerning the true notion of the Lord's supper; ... By Ralph Cudworth, D.D.
    Cudworth, Ralph
  • 5467
    Book Info
    The true practical French grammar: containing I. Exact and easy rules for the pronunciation. II. A large collection of the best and truest idioms, extracted from the most celebrated Writers. And, III. A new set of familiar dialogues, in French and English; including a Description of the City of London; a Compendium of Geography; and several Scenes taken out of Molier's Plays. The whole treated of
    Gautier, Joseph
  • 5468
    Book Info
    The truth of the Christian religion. In six books by Hugo Grotius. Corrected and illustrated with notes, by Mr. Le Clerc. To which is added, a seventh book, concerning this question, what Christian church we ought to join our-selves to. By the said Mr. Le Clerc. The fourth edition, with additions: ... Done into English by John Clarke, ...
    Grotius, Hugo
  • 5469
    Book Info
    The tryal of Sir Chaloner Ogle, Kt. Rear Admiral of the Blue. Before the chief justice of Jamaica, for an assault on the person of his Excellency Mr. Trelawney the governor, committed in his own house in Spanish Town, on the 22d day of July last. With authentic copies of the several letters that passed on that occasion, between Mr. Concanen, ... Sir Chaloner Ogle, ... and A-l V-.
    Ogle, Chaloner
  • 5470
    Book Info
    The tryal of Sir Chaloner Ogle, Kt. Rear Admiral of the Blue. Before the chief justice of Jamaica, for an assault on the person of his Excellency Mr. Trelawney the governor, committed in his own house in Spanish Town, on the 22d day of July last. With authentic copies of the several letters that passed on that occasion, between Mr. Concanen, ... Sir Chaloner Ogle, the Governor, and A-l V-
    Ogle, Chaloner
  • 5471
    Book Info
    The tryal of the witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus.
    Sherlock, Thomas
  • 5472
    Book Info
    The twins: or, the female traveller. A novel. Written by Mr. C--d, author of Faulconer, Boyle, and Vaughan's voyages, &c.
    Chetwood, W. R
  • 5473
    Book Info
    Thoughts in sickness
  • 5474
    Book Info
    Thoughts on marriage and a single life. By John Wesley, M.A. Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxon.
    Wesley, John
  • 5475
    Book Info
    To the Reverend Mr. William Cooper ...
    J. F
  • 5476
    Book Info
    To the Right Worshipful the Mayor, ... of Northampton; this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Alexander Phillips.
    Northampton (England)
  • 5477
    Book Info
    Traethawd am farw i'r ddeddf, a byw i Dduw. Ym mha ûn yr amlygir, Yn helaeth, y Môdd y mae'r Yspryd Glan yn dwyn yr Enaid o'r Cyfammod o Weithredoedd, i'r Cyfammod o Râs. O'R hunan i Grist. At ba ûn y Chwanegwyd. Chwêch o hymnau buddjol, a'r amnyw ystyrjaethau. O Waith y Parchedig Mr. Daniel Rawlands
    Erskine, Ralph
  • 5478
    Book Info
    Travels of the Jesuits, into various parts of the world: compiled from their letters. Now first attempted in English. ... With extracts from other travellers, and miscellaneous notes. By Mr. Lockman. ...
  • 5479
    Book Info
    Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and other parts of Europe; but especially Italy. By the late Monsieur de Blainville, Sometime Secretary to the Embassy of the States-General, at the Court of Spain. Translated from the author's own manuscript, (never yet published) by George Turnbull, LL. D. and William Guthrie, Esq; Illustrated with proper Maps. ...
  • 5480
    Book Info
    Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and other parts of Europe; but especially Italy. By the late Monsieur de Blainville, Sometime Secretary to the Embassy of the States-General, at the Court of Spain. Translated from the author's own manuscript, (never yet published) by George Turnbull, LL.D. and William Guthrie, Esq; ...