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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 541 - 560건 출력
  • 541
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    Thoughts on the defence of these kingdoms
  • 542
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    Thoughts on the defence of these kingdoms. In two parts
  • 543
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    Thoughts on the prospect of a gregicide war, in a letter to the Right Hon. Edmund Burke
  • 544
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    Thoughts on the prospect of a regicide peace: in a series of letters.
  • 545
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    Thoughts upon hare and fox hunting, in a series of letters to a friend, in which are Given Ample Directions for Erecting a Kennel, the Management of Hounds, and the Duties and Qualifications Necessary for the Huntsman and Whipper-In. Also an account of the most celebrated dog kennels in the Kingdom. Illustrated with twenty beautiful Engravings. By Peter Beckford, Esq
  • 546
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    Three letters on the subject of tithes and tithe-associators; the two first addressed to Thomas Bradridge, Esq. Chairman of the Devonshire Tithe-Association; the third to the writer who hath assumed the signature of 'A country curate.' Together with an introductory preface, and some addenda to the Whole, by a payer of tithes, an detector of misrepresentation
  • 547
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    Three letters to the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, on the state of public affairs; and particularly on the late outrageous attacks on his pension. By an old Whig
  • 548
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    Three sermons on the evidences of Christianity, by the late Philip Doddridge, D. D.
  • 549
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    Three years travels through the interior parts of North-America, for more than five thousand miles ... together with a concise history of the genius, manners, and customs of the Indians ... and an appendix, describing the uncultivated parts of America, that are the most proper for forming settlements. By Captain Jonathan Carver, of the provincial troops in America
  • 550
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    Tiomnadh Nuadh ar Tighearna agus ar Slanuighir Iosa Criosd. Eadar-Theangaichte o'n Ghreugais chum Gaelic Albannaich
  • 551
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    Tithes indefensible: or, observations on the origin and effects of tithes, with some remarks on the tithe laws. By Thomas Thompson, F. S. A. and Honorary Member of the Board of Agriculture. The third edition, with an appendix on a commutation of tithes, and including a short account of tithes in Scotland
  • 552
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    To Fidelis
  • 553
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    To Lord Berwick. My Lord, after the various suppositions, and the various reports, which have been propagated concerning the author ... of the scurrilous papers, signed Fidelis, Alfred, ...
  • 554
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    To all lovers and admirers of the beauties of nature. Just arrived. And to be seen in two commodious caravans, for a few days only. A grand collection of rare and chosen animals, from the most remote parts of the world, ...
  • 555
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    To all whom it may concern. An explanation of Mr. Kilham's statement of the preachers' allowance, intended for the perusal of all well-wishers to Methodism
  • 556
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    To be published in January, 1797, (by subscription) the first number of Oriental collections; a periodical work : to consist of translations, miscellaneous essays, and dissertations, on the various subjects of Eastern antiquities & languages, The Geography, Natural History, Mythology, Biography, Chronology, Arts, Sciences, And Literature In General, Of Asia
  • 557
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    To be sold by auction, by Mr. Read, on Friday the 8th of April, 1796, between the hours of three and four in the afternoon, at the Golden-Cross, Cain's-Cross, about 316 oak timber trees, ... in the parish of Standish, in the county of Glocester, the property of Lord Sherbourn, ...
  • 558
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    To lawyers, antiquarians, historians, and politicians, as well as officers going out in the next fleet to India. History of Hastings's trial, complete: including an Ample detail of the debates and proceedings of both Houses of Parliament, from February 17, 1706, to April 23, 1795. on every important Question that arose pending the Prial; with the evidence and speeches at length of the managers on
  • 559
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    To the King's and Queen's most excellent Majesties, the congratulatory address and humble petition of Christopher Frederick Triebner, German Lutheran minister of the Church of Christ in Great East Cheap, Cannon-Street, London
  • 560
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    To the Rev. pastors and other Roman Catholick clergy of the arch diocess of Dublin