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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 5,581 - 5,600건 출력
  • 5581
    Book Info
    A true and genuine narrative of the whole affair relating to the ship Sussex, as sent to the directors of the Honourable East India Company; from the time she was deserted by the officers, and greatest Part of the Crew, till she was unfortunately wreck'd on the Bassas de India. Also a particular account of the many hardships and Distresses of the Sixteen Brave sailors who staid on board. With a Li
    Dean, John
  • 5582
    Book Info
    A true and impartial history of the life and adventures of some-body. Faithfully transcrib'd from a manuscript now in the possession of a person of quality. Illustrated with notes by the editor
  • 5583
    Book Info
    The Thee, and Thou almanack
  • 5584
    Book Info
    The tea-table miscellany: or, a collection of choice songs, Scots and English. In four volumes. The tenth edition, ... by Allan Ramsay. ...
    Ramsay, Allan
  • 5585
    Book Info
    The ten thousand torments of a termagant display'd: in a speech made by a gentleman to the Senate of Athens. Praying That their Lordships would permit Him to Hang Himself, in order to get rid of a Scolding Wife; And that his Relations might be exempted from the Penalty of a Confiscation of his Goods, usually exacted in Cases of Self-Murder
  • 5586
    Book Info
    The tender husband: or, the accomplish'd fools. A comedy. Written by Sir Richard Steele.
    Steele, Richard
  • 5587
    Book Info
    The theological works of the learned Dr. Pocock, ... containing his Porta Mosis, and English commentaries ... To which is prefixed, an account of his life and writings, ... with the addition of a new general index to the commentaries. In two volumes. ... By Leonard Twells, ...
    Pococke, Edward
  • 5588
    Book Info
    The theory and practice of gauging : demonstrated in a short and easy method. Containing, among other Particulars, The Method of Computing Decimally; extracting the Square Root, with the Construction and Use of the Sliding-Rule explain'd at large. The Elementary Properties of the Conic Sections, and the Manner of describing them in Plano. General Principles of Mensuration, with Theorems for Mea...
    Shirtcliffe, Robert
  • 5589
    Book Info
    The third ode of the third book of Horace, imitated. On occasion of the French fortifying Dunkirk
    Carthy, Charles
  • 5590
    Book Info
    The torbay expedition: a satire
  • 5591
    Book Info
    The torments after death. Dedicated to the Protestant, Greek and Romish churches. Delivered in a conference with a greater proficient in the school of atheism than the late Earl of Rochester. ... To which are added, articles to establish relief for indigent families, ...
    Povey, Charles
  • 5592
    Book Info
    The trial of Mr. Whitefield's spirit. In some remarks upon his fourth journal, publish'd when he staid in England on account of the embargo
    Weller, Samuel
  • 5593
    Book Info
    The trial of Mrs. Branch, and her daughter, for the murder of Jane Buttersworth, before the Hon. Mr. Justice Chapple, at Somerset assizes, March 31, 1740. ... To which are added, true copies of some very material informations, ... With a just account of the prisoners behaviour at their trial; ... and at the place of execution.
  • 5594
    Book Info
    The triumph of beauty: or, the prude metamorphos'd
  • 5595
    Book Info
    The true Englishman's miscellany, in two parts. Part I. The false guardians outwitted: a ballad opera, Containing Twenty one Airs. With A Prologue and Preface, giving some Account of the Author, and his Reasons for this Publication. Part II. Containing a collection of dismal songs, Pleásant Satires, Bitter Encomiums, Terrible Poems, Epigrams, Epitaphs, &c. Never before publish'd. By W. G.
  • 5596
    Book Info
    The true doctrine of repentance vindicated, from Certain false glosses on the Parable of the Prodigal Son: with some Citations out of our Homilies, stating What is the Doctrine of the Church of England on this Subject. Being a supplement to Three Sermons on Repentance some Time since Published. To which is added, An Account of the State of Man, his Natural and Spiritual Powers, with the Degrees of
    Holloway, Benjamin
  • 5597
    Book Info
    The true lovers joy: or, a dialogue between a seaman and his love.
  • 5598
    Book Info
    The true spirit of the Methodists, and their allies, (whether other enthusiasts, papists, deists, Quakers, or atheists) fully laid open; in an answer to six, of the seven pamphlets, (mr. Law's being reserv'd to be consider'd by itself;) lately publish'd against Dr. Trapp's sermons upon being righteous over-much. By which it appears, that the said Pamphlets united make up one of the greatest Curios
    Trapp, Joseph
  • 5599
    Book Info
    The tryal of Mrs. Branch, and her daughter, for the murder of Jane Buttersworth, before the Hon. Mr. Justice Chapple, at Somerset assizes, March 31, 1740. With a Preface, Containing an exact Account, taken from the Persons who saw the Lights in Hemington Church-Yard, the Night before the Corpse was taken up, and the true Motives for taking up the Corpse. To which are added, true copies of some ver
  • 5600
    Book Info
    The tryal of William Whiston, clerk. For defaming and denying the Holy Trinity before Lord Chief Justice Reason. To which is subjoined, A new catechism for the fine ladies: also a specimen of a new version of the psalms. By Mr. Pope, &c.
    Gordon, Thomas