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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 7,799건 중 5,601 - 5,620건 출력
  • 5601
    Book Info
    The tryal, examination and conviction; of Thomas Wallis, vulgarly called Whipping Tom, for whiping and abusing Mary Sutten, Susanna Murrey, Ann Evans, Dorothy Webster, and several others in and about London: With the manner of his Sentance and Punishment, for his notorious Crimes
    Wallis, Thomas
  • 5602
    Book Info
    The tryals of two causes, between Theophilus Cibber, gent. plaintiff, and William Sloper, Esq; defendant. The First for Criminal Conversation. The Second, for detaining the Plaintiff's wife
    Cibber, Theophilus
  • 5603
    Book Info
    Thirty-Six select discourses doctrinal and practical; upon the most important points of the Christian religion. Viz. I. The Great Concern of a Future State after the Dissolution of this World. II. The Excellency and divine Practice of celebrating the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England. III. The true Principles of Christian Obedience, considered under the Articles of Faith, Fear, Hope, an
    Johnson, Samuel
  • 5604
    Book Info
    This is to give notice to all gentlemen, ladies, and others, that there is come to Mr. Joseph Williams's, at the Goat in Gold-Street, Northampton, a person that has a quantity of large and small silver plate, to be dispos'd of ...
    Williams, Joseph
  • 5605
    Book Info
    This is to give notice. That David Jacobs and his wife, necklace makers from London: sells and mends all manner of necklaces, as likewise sells all manner of cutlery wares, in Silver-Street at Cambridge. ...
    Jacobs, David
  • 5606
    Book Info
    Thomas Crosby and John Robinson, At the lower End of Fair-Street, upon Horse-ly-Down, in Southwark, sell all Sorts of Carpenters, Joyners, Painters, and Artificers Rules, Guaging-Rods, Quadrants, forestaffs, Gunters, straight or sliding; plain Scales, Compasses with or without Points, Cases of Instruments neatly fitted up for the Pocket, and all other Mathematical Instruments for Sea or Land. Also
    Thomas Crosby | John Robinson (Mathemtical Instruments Sellers : Southwark, England)
  • 5607
    Book Info
    Three dissertations; one on the characters of Augustus, Horace and Agrippa, With a Comparison between His two Ministers Agrippa and Maecenas, by the Abbe de Vertot. To which is added, Some Reflections on the Characters of Augustus, Maecenas and Horace, and on the Works of Horace, by the Earl of Shaftsbury. With a Print from an ancient Painting, representing Augustus, Agrippa, Maecenas and Horace.
    Turnbull, George
  • 5608
    Book Info
    Three lectures on the organs of respiration. Read at the Royal College of Physicians at London, A.D. MDCCXXXVII. being the Gulstonian lectures for that year. To which is added An Appendix, containing Remarks on some Experiments of Dr. Houston's, published in the Transactions of the Royal Society, for the Year 1736. By Benj. Hoadly, Doctor of Physick, Fellow of the College of Physicians, and of the
  • 5609
    Book Info
    Three letters from the Reverend Mr. G. Whitefield: viz. Letter I. To a friend in London, concerning Archbishop Tillotson. Letter II. To the same, on the same subject. Letter III. To the inhabitants of Maryland, Virginia, North and South-Carolina, concerning their Negroes
    Whitefield, George
  • 5610
    Book Info
    Three letters from the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield: viz. Letter I. Written from Georgia, to a Friend in London; wherein he vindicates his Asierting, That Archbishop Tillotson knew no more of True Christianity than Mahomet. Letter II. To the same, on the same Subject. Letter III. To the same; dated at New-Brunswick in New-Jersey, April 27. 1740
    Whitefield, George
  • 5611
    Book Info
    Three practical essays, on baptism, confirmation, and repentance. Containing full instructions for a holy life: With Earnest Exhortations, especially to young Persons, drawn from the Consideration of the Severity of the Discipline of the Primitive Church. The sixth edition. By Samuel Clarke, D. D. late Rector of St. James's Westminster
    Clarke, Samuel
  • 5612
    Book Info
    To His Royal Highness William, Duke of Cuberland, etc. etc. etc.
  • 5613
    Book Info
    To be seen by four, five, or more, at one shilling each; in a large room, at the Mitre near Charing-cross, opposite Craig's-court. The microcosm: or, the world in miniature, lately made by Mr Henry Bridges;
    Bridges, Henry
  • 5614
    Book Info
    To the King, on His Majesty's happy return. An ode. By Mr Spiltimber
    Spiltimber, George
  • 5615
    Book Info
    To the Right Worshipful the Mayor, ... of Northampton; this yearly bill of mortality is presented by ... Alexander Phillips.
    Northampton (England)
  • 5616
    Book Info
    To the ladies and gentlemen of taste in Great-Britain and Ireland, Owen Swiny, &c.
    Swinny, Owen Mac
  • 5617
    Book Info
    To the saints in Sion, A Song of praise. Together with some short hints, especially in the second Part, by Way of Prophecy, concerning the Judgments of God upon the World for their Sins, by Famine, by the Sword, by Pestilence, and by Fire from Heaven. Written at Carlisle in Cumberland, about fifty years ago, and now published by consent of the writer, T.S.
    Story, Thomas
  • 5618
    Book Info
    Tracts and sermons on several occasions. By the Reverend Richard Venn, A. M. Late Rector of St. Antholin's, London
    Venn, Richard
  • 5619
    Book Info
    Treachery, baseness, and cruelty display'd to the full; in the Hardships and Sufferings of Mr. Henry Haines, Late Printer of the country journal, or, Craftsman; Who now is, and for above Two Years has been, in close Imprisonment in the King's Bench, for a Fine of Two hundred Pounds, at the Suit of the Crown, for Printing and Publishing the Craftsman of July 2, 1737
    Haines, Henry
  • 5620
    Book Info
    Trial of Charles the First, King of England, before the High Court of Justice for High-Treason: Begun January 20, in the 24th Year of His Reign, and Continued to the 27th. To Which is Added, The Journal of the High-Court of Justice