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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 5,621 - 5,640건 출력
  • 5621
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    A thanksgiving sermon, preach'd November 5. 1711. By Giles Dent
  • 5622
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    A theological theory of a plurality of worlds. Being a critical, philosophical, and practical discourse, concerning visible or material worlds. By D. Sturmy, M. A. Rector of East-Hatley, in the County of Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Litchfield
  • 5623
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    A token for rich persons to disperse and give unto poor families. A serious and seasonable discourse, wherein the duty and property of a religious householder is open'd and apply'd. By D.L. ...
  • 5624
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    A transcendent spiritual treatise upon several heavenly doctrines, from the holy spirit of the man Jesus the only true God, ... John Reeve, Lodowick Muggleton, the two last witnesses ...
  • 5625
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    A treatise of diseases of the head, brain & nerves. With directions for their cure, and how many deplorable and sudden indispositions attending them, as apoplexies, epilepsies, palsies, &c. may be prevented, and consequently lives saved by the medicines herein prescrib'd. To which is subjoin'd a discourse of the nature, cause and cure of melancholy and vapours. By a physician
  • 5626
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    A treatise of the holy sacrament of the Lord's supper: With Perswasions and Encouragements to the Receiving thereof; and Directions how to do it worthily. To which is added, meditations, Prayers, and Ejaculations, proper to be used Before, At, and After the Receiving thereof: With Prayers for every Day in the Week, for the Help of young Communicants. By Robert Russel, of Wardhurst in Sussex
  • 5627
    Book Info
    A treatise of the hypochondriack and hysterick passions, vulgarly call'd the hypo in men and vapours in women; in which the symptoms, causes, and cure of those diseases are set forth after a method intirely new. The whole interspers'd, with instructive discourses on the real art of physick itself; and entertaining remarks on the modern practice of physicians and aopthecaries: very useful to all, t
  • 5628
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    A treatise of the three evils of the last times: I. The sword, II. The pestilence, III. The famine; and of their natural and moral causes. As also of the ensuing coming of Antichrist; According to the Notion of the Ancient Fathers
  • 5629
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    A true account of eight years exports of the Royal African Company, and eight years exports of the separate traders
  • 5630
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    A true account of the design, and advantages of the South-Sea Trade: with answers to all the objections rais'd against it. A List of the Commodities proper for that Trade: And the Progress of the Subscription towards the South-Sea Company
  • 5631
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    A true account of what past at the Old-Bailey, May the 18th, 1711. relating to the tryal of Richard Thornhill, Esq; indicted for the murder of Sir Cholmley Deering, Bart. The second edition corrected
  • 5632
    Book Info
    A true and exact list of those worthy patriots, who, to their eternal honour, have, in one session, detected the mismanagements of the late M--ry; discover'd the abuses in the victualling, and other publick offices; supported and retriev'd the credit of the nation; made good all defeciencies of former funds, and provided for the Payment of all National Debts; and preserved the Church of England fo
  • 5633
    Book Info
    A true and impartial account of the poll of the inhabitants of the ward of Broad Street, upon the Nomination of an Alderman in the room of Sir Joseph Woolfe, deceas'd. Begun the 13th of September, 1711. and continued by several Remarkable and Unprecedented Adjournments, to the 27th of October following. Before the Right Honourable Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London
  • 5634
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    A true and impartial account of the present differences between the Master and fellows of Trinity College in Cambridge, consider'd. In a letter to a gentleman sometime member of that society
  • 5635
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    A true and particular account of a storm of thunder & lightning, which fell at Richmond in Surrey, on Whit Sunday last in the afternoon, being May 20th, 1711. With an exact description, on a copper-plate, of the hurt done by it, both to the persons of the kill'd and wounded and the building on which it fell. Whereunto are added Some short Hints concerning the Nature, Causes, and Effects of Thunder
  • 5636
    Book Info
    A true narrative of what pass'd at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard at the Cock-pit, the 8th of March 1710/11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other preedent and subsequent facts, relating to the life of the said Guiscard
  • 5637
    Book Info
    A true narrative of what pass'd at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard, at the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710/11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the life of the said Guiscard
  • 5638
    Book Info
    A true narrative of what pass'd at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard. At the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710-11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the Life of the said Guisgard
  • 5639
    Book Info
    Thankfulness to Almighty God for his more ancient and later mercies and deliverances, vouchsafed to the British and Protestants, within the Kingdom of Ireland: recommended and Press'd in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons October the 23d. 1711. Preach'd at St. Andrew's-Church, Dublin. By Edward Synge, D. D. And Published by Order of the House
  • 5640
    Book Info
    The taxes not grievous, and therefore not a reason for an unsafe peace