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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 5,661 - 5,680건 출력
  • 5661
    Book Info
    Titi Petronii Arbitri, equitis Romani, Satyricon: Cum Fragmentis Albae Graecae recuperatis ann. 1688. Nunc Demum Integrum
  • 5662
    Book Info
    To His Grace James Duke of Ormonde, lord lieutenant-general and general governour of Ireland, and the rest of Her Majesties most honourable privy-council. The humble petition of the Right Honourable Henry Lord Baron of Santry
  • 5663
    Book Info
    To His Grace James Duke of Ormonde, lord lieutenant-general, and general governour of Ireland, ... The answer of Francis Higgins, clerk; to a presentment made by the grand-jury of the county of Dublin, ...
  • 5664
    Book Info
    To His Grace the Duke of Ormond: upon his second accession to the government of Ireland
  • 5665
    Book Info
    To the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled. The case of the traders in, and exporters of the woollen manufacture, in relation to the duty intended to be laid on pastboards,
  • 5666
    Book Info
    To the Honourable the Commons of Great-Britain, in Parliament assembled, the humble petition of Abraham, Elton, Benjamin Coole, and Edward Loyd, merchants in Bristol; John Hitchcock, John Shorey, and James Knight, merchants in London; ...
  • 5667
    Book Info
    To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. The humble address of the vice-chancellor of the University of Dublin, provost and fellows of Trinity-College, Dublin, together with the doctors and masters of the said university in congregation assembled, April 19, 1711
  • 5668
    Book Info
    To the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, the memorial of Captain Luke Spicer, who serv'd in your Majesty's regimanet of foot formerly commanded by Brigadier De Lalo, afterwards by the late Lord Mordaunt, and now by Colonel Windsor, ...
  • 5669
    Book Info
    To the Right Honourable Mr. Harley
  • 5670
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    To the Right Honourable Mr. Harley, Wounded by Guiscard
  • 5671
    Book Info
    Tractatus de imputatione divina peccati Adami posteris ejus universis in reatum. Authore Dan. Whitby, S. T. P. Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis Praecentore
  • 5672
    Book Info
    Tractatus varii ad Scotiæ antiquæ & modernæ historiam facientes: in unum collecti, & jam primum editi. Cum tabulis æneis. Viz. Introductio ad historiam rerum a Romanis gestarum, ... Specimen glossarii. Commentarius in Julii Agricolæ expeditiones, ... Series rerum ab aliis præfectis Romanis, ... Miscellanea ... Vindiciæ Scotiæ illustratæ, ... Authore Roberto Sibbaldo, ...
  • 5673
    Book Info
    Traethawd ymarferol am gyflawn-awdyrdod Duw, a'i Gyfiawnder ef: ... O waith Mr. Eliseus Cole, y Saesonaeg wedi ei gyfiaithu gan H. Powell, ...
  • 5674
    Book Info
    Truth set in a clear light, by Henry Stanyford. Being a vindication of himself from a false and scandalous accusation to Sir John Gibson, Lieutenant Governor of Portsmouth, against him; and a malicious and false representation of him in the Post-Boy, no.2435. and dated the 21st of December, 1710
  • 5675
    Book Info
    Twenty-two select colloquies out of Erasmus Roterodamus pleasantly representing several superstitious levities that were crept into the Church of Rome in his days.
  • 5676
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    Two clauses in the act of Parliament, for Settling the trade to the East-Indies, &c. Exclusive of all others
  • 5677
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    Two essays: The first on courage, The other on honour
  • 5678
    Book Info
    Two letters written in the year 1689. By the Right Reverend Father in God, The present Lord Bishop of Rochester, to the Right Honourable the late Earl of Dorset, concerning his sitting in the ecclesiastical commission in the reign of K. James II
  • 5679
    Book Info
    A table of discount to be allow'd on the present lottery for £1500,000 computed for Tuesday, March 13th, 1710. Being 200 days to the 29th of September, 1711
  • 5680
    Book Info
    A tale of a disbanded courtier