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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,138건 중 5,761 - 5,780건 출력
  • 5761
    Book Info
    To my son. Father Mr. Robt. More writing Mr. in Kingstreet Westmr Dear Sr. Duty, love & gratitude, to so good a father, oblige me to this publick acknowledgmt. of ye innumerable obligacons you have laid on Yor. most dutifull son Robert More
  • 5762
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    To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty: the humble address of the Lord-Mayor, and the rest of your Majesty's commissioners of lieutenancy, for the City of London
  • 5763
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    To the Wh--s nineteen queries, a fair and full answer, by an honest Torie; purely for the publick good of his country
  • 5764
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    To the inhabitants of the diocese of Landaff. Brethren, I need not acquaint you with the calamitous state of the cathedral church of Landaff, ...
  • 5765
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    To the ministers and elders met at Edinburgh, April 26, 1710. The just complaint and remonstrance of the National Covenant ...
  • 5766
    Book Info
    Tractatus philosophico-theologicus de persona. Or, a treatise of the word person. She wing, I. How it signifies in respect of Men. II. How it came in use with respect to the Deity. III. How it hath been used since by Divines. IV. How it is to be understood with respect to the Doctrine of the Trinity as held by the Church of England, and established by our Law, and particularly by the Act of 9no an
  • 5767
    Book Info
    True passive obedience restor'd in 1710. In a dialogue between a country-man and a true patriot
  • 5768
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    Truth defended, and boldness in error rebuk'd: or, a vindication of those Christian commentators, who have expounded some prophecies of the Messias not to be meant Only of Him. Being a confutation of part of Mr. Whiston's book, entituled, The accomplishment of Scripture-Prophecies; Wherein he pretends to Disprove all Duplicity of Sense in Prophecy. To which is Subjoin'd, an Examination of his Hypo
  • 5769
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    Truth try'd: or, Mr. Agate's pretended Plain-Truth proved an untruth: in which moderate dissenters are vindicated from the imputation of schism, as charg'd upon them in his late Pamphlets; and the validity of Presbyterian Ordination is prov'd, both from Scripture and Antiquity. By John Withers
  • 5770
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    Tryal of Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburn
  • 5771
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    Tusser redivivus: being part of Mr. Thomas Tusser's Five hundred points of husbandry; ... To which are added notes and observations explaining many obsolete terms in the said Mr. Tusser ... and what is agreeable to the present practice
  • 5772
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    Two delightful novels: or, the unlucky fair one. Being the amours of Milistrate and Prazimene. Illustrated with variety of chance of fortune. Translated from the French, by a person of quality
  • 5773
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    Two odes from the Latin of the celebrated Rapin, imitated in English pindaricks. By a gentleman at Cambridge
  • 5774
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    Two sermons, preached in the Cathedral church of Salisbury: the first, on the fifth of November, Gun-Powder-Treason Day; the second, on the seventh of November, Being the Thanksgiving-Day: in the year 1710. By the Right Reverend Father in God Gilbert Lord Bishop of Salisbury
  • 5775
    Book Info
    Tythes no gospel ordinance, nor ever instituted of God for the maintenance of a gospel ministry; but ended with the Levitical priesthood, and abolished by the offering up of Christ, proved by Scripture. As also, the Levitical and scriptural tythers with the unscriptural tythers compared. And the moderation of the one, and insatiable avarice of the other manifested. By William Morris
  • 5776
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    A table of the statutes publick and private, passed anno septimo Annæ Reginæ
  • 5777
    Book Info
    A thanksgiving sermon for our many deliverances, particularly the victory obtain'd near Mons, By the Troops of Her Majesty, and those of Her Allies, under the Command of the Duke of Marlborough. Preach'd in the chapel at Knightsbridge, Nov. 22. 1709. By Tho. Knaggs, M. A. Lecturer of St. Giles's in the Fields, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable Fulk, Lord Brooke
  • 5778
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    A token for youth, containing several advices and directions to children and youth. Also, the lives and glorious martyrdoms of several young persons, who suffered death ... for the profession of the true religion. ... By J.J.
  • 5779
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    A trip to a spunging--house, or, the spend thrift Caught in the Powdring-Tub of Affliction
  • 5780
    Book Info
    A true account of the present state of Christianity in China: with full satisfaction to the behaviour of the Jesuits. As also the Pope's determination, which has been kept so long a secret